Young experiment

[jʌŋ ɪkˈspɛrəmənt][jʌŋ iksˈperimənt]


  • Spectral anomalies in Young ′ s double-slit interference experiment illuminated by completely coherent light and partially coherent light respectively was investigated .

    研究了完全相干光和部分相干光分别照射双缝时, 杨氏双缝干涉 实验中干涉场区的光谱变化现象。

  • Spectral anomalies of Young 's double-slit interference experiment with vortex beam

    涡旋光束经 杨氏双缝干涉后的光谱变化

  • Ten young volunteer college students participated this experiment .

    10名 青年大学生志愿者参加本次 实验

  • Study on the characteristic of the irradiance distribution in Young 's experiment with partially coherent light

    部分相干光的 杨氏 干涉光强分布特点研究

  • 20 healthy young men took part in the experiment .

    20名健康 青年男性被试参加了 实验

  • In many ways this is the perfect time for young people like Sahal to experiment with entrepreneurial ventures .

    从许多方面来说,现在是像 萨哈一样的 年轻人实现创业梦想的绝佳时机。

  • While he worked on the train young Edison continued to experiment setting up a laboratory in the baggage car .

    年轻的爱迪生在火车上工作时继续搞 实验,在行李车上建立了一间实验室。

  • To the young experiment group the distribution of peak impulse was same as the elderly group ; and the peak pressure on the first toe and first metatarsal head were significantly greater than that of other parts of foot .

    青年 实验组太极特征动作的足底冲量分布特征与老年实验组相同,足底压强峰值分布则是第一脚趾和第一跖骨头部位的压强峰值显著大于足底其它部位。

  • Don 't worry about making a mistake & you 're young and you have a lot of time to experiment .

    不要害怕犯错误&你们还 年轻,能用来 尝试的时间很多。

  • Characteristic of Polarization in Young 's Double-slit Interference Experiment Illuminated by Partially Coherent Electromagnetic Beams

    部分相干电磁光束在 杨氏双缝 实验中的偏振特性

  • The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques .

    年轻的电影制作人被允许自由去 实验新的主题和手法。

  • The phenomenon of the existence of isomers . The Spectral Anomalies in Young 's Three-Pinhole Experiment Formed by a Spatial Fully Coherent Polychromatic Wave

    同分异构现象存在同分异构体的现象多色空间相干光经 杨氏 三孔干涉后的光谱奇异现象

  • According to the condition of coherent light after assaying the inconsistency of the dark stripe equation in Tomas Young 's tow-slit experiment and the inconsistency with the actual interference diagram I expounded some opinion for amelioration .

    根据光的相干条件,对 杨氏双缝干涉 实验中暗条纹公式的不统一以及与实际干涉图样不吻合等现象进行了分析,提出修正意见。

  • Measuring the Topological Charge of Vortex Beams with Young 's Double-Slit Interference Experiment

    利用 杨氏双缝干涉 实验检测涡旋光束的拓扑荷数

  • Transplanting of young plants was critical to the whole experiment .

    小苗移栽是 实验的又一关键环节。

  • Spectral Shifts and Spectral Switches in Young ′ s Experiment at the Far Zone

    杨氏 实验远场的光谱位移和光谱开关

  • The Precise Image of Young 's Double Hole Laser Interfere Experiment

    杨氏双孔激光干涉 实验的精确图像

  • In this article the space coherence of XeCl laser is measured with various cavity Q using Young 's experiment . It shows than the amplified spontaneous emission ( ASE ) is the important factor which affects the space coherence of XeCl lasers .

    本文采用 杨氏 实验的方法,在不同的谐振腔Q值条件下测量了XeCl激光的空间相干性,认为放大自发辐射(ASE)是影响XeCl激光空间相干性的重要因素。

  • During normal walking the peak impulse and pressure on the second-third metatarsal head and lateral parts of heel were significantly greater than that of other parts of foot for both elderly and young experiment groups .

    在自然步行时,老年和 青年 实验组第2、3跖骨头和脚跟外侧的冲量和压强峰值显著大于足底其它部位。

  • In Young 's famous original experiment there were two pinholes something like two coherent point sources .

    著名的 杨氏 实验最初是用双孔,就像两个相干点源一样。

  • THe effects of KSYS compound on transcription activities digestive sensitivity of chromatin DNase I and chromatin chemical components in liver nuclei both of young and old rats were studied in this experiment .

    本文 研究抗衰延寿方对 、老年大鼠肝细胞核转录活性、染色质DNaseI消化敏感性及染色质化学组分的影响。

  • The laser spatial coherence from the fiber was analyzed by means of the Young 's double-slit interference experiment and statistical theory .

    运用经典的 杨氏双缝 实验和统计理论知识,分析了光纤出射光的空间相干性,推导出和空间相干性有密切关系的互强度;

  • Based on the observation on young tree growth of Davidia involucrata Baill and planting experiment plantation techniques were summarized .

    根据观察研究结果描述了珙桐 幼树的生长特性,结合 试验结果总结了珙桐的山地造林技术。

  • Analytical Characterization of Spectral Anomalies in Young ′ s Double-Slit Interference Experiment

    杨氏双缝干涉 实验中光谱奇异现象的特性分析

  • Spectral Shifts and Spectral Switches of Femtosecond Optical Pulses in Young 's Interference Experiment

    杨氏 实验中飞秒光脉冲的光谱移动和光谱开关

  • In a modest-looking dwelling shrouded by greenery halfway up one of the highest mountains in eastern China a young couple have been conducting an experiment in self-sufficiency for about five years .

    在中国东部一座高山的半山腰上,绿色植被掩映着一个不起眼的住处。在那里,一对 年轻的夫妇开展自给自足 实验已有大约五年的时间了。

  • RESULTS : According to the intention-to-treat analysis 12 healthy young soldiers selected in the experiment were involved in the analysis of results .

    结果:按意向处理分析, 实验选用健康 青年士兵12名,全部进入结果分析。

  • The Spectral Anomalies in Young 's Three-Pinhole Experiment Formed by a Spatial Fully Coherent Polychromatic Wave

    多色空间相干光经 杨氏 三孔干涉后的光谱奇异现象

  • Starting from the propagation law of partially coherent light spectral changes in Young ′ s two-slit experiment with Schell model beams are studied .

    从部分相干光的传输定律出发,研究了 杨氏双缝 实验远场的光谱变化。

  • To test the effectiveness of TPR combined hard and soft management in teaching young learners I design a teaching experiment which lasts ten months and consists of three stages .

    为了验证全身反应教学法与 软硬管理结合后的教学效果,我设计了教学 实验。该实验持续了十个月,共分为三个阶段。