


  • Among them perhaps will be Lee Kuan Yew .

    在这许多座丰碑之中,或许有一座会属于 李光耀

  • Fecundity and Characteristics of Flowering and Fruiting of Natural Taxus cuspidata Population yew of southeastern China differing from the Old World yew in having white berries .

    天然东北红豆杉种群生殖力与开花结实特性中国东南一种 紫杉木,长有白色浆果,不同于其他东半球的红豆杉树。

  • Conifer hedge such as yew juniper redwood etc.

    针叶树篱,如 紫杉、刺柏、红木等。

  • Three men robbed a bank in Yew York last night .

    昨晚有三个人抢劫了 纽约的一家银行。

  • Alarm bells were rung earlier this year by his father the 88-year-old founder of modern Singapore Lee Kuan Yew who warned that increasing the birth rate was the country 's biggest challenge .

    今年早些时候,现代新加坡的缔造者、现年88岁的李光耀(LeeKuan Yew,李显龙之父)向新加坡人敲响警钟,提醒他们:提高生育率是新加坡面临的最大挑战。

  • Lee Kuan Yew is blunt and honest in his assessments of our leaders .


  • All parts of the yew tree are poisonous including the berries .


  • Rest well and enjoy your retirement Lee Kuan Yew you have earned a much deserve break .

    资政好好休息吧,享受你的退休生活 ,你已经(带领新加坡)取得了巨大突破。

  • Small yew having attractive foliage and partially weeping branches cultivated as an ornamental ; mountains of southern Chile .

    装饰用小型 紫杉,叶子有 光泽,树枝部分下垂;分布在智利南部山区。

  • Lee Kuan Yew the man who founded modern-day Singapore and died last week at age 91 led that economic transformation .

    正是 李光耀成就了如今的新加坡,他于上周逝世,享年91岁,是他领导了新加坡的经济转型。

  • Yew trees grow in parts of the Forbidden Forest .

    在禁林的部分地方种植有 紫杉树。

  • Relationship between Animals and Chinese Yew 's Regeneration

    动物与 南方 红豆杉 天然更新的关系研究

  • Chinese Yew and Mairei Yew can be easily differentiated from Yunnan Yew through the texture of its leaf .

    中国 红豆杉和美丽红豆杉可以通过叶子的质地与云南红豆杉区分开。

  • The occurrence of Mr Lee Kuan Yew is something of an oddity .


  • Large yew native to New Caledonia ; cultivated in eastern Australia and New Zealand and Hawaii .

    原产苏格兰的一种大型 红豆杉;在澳洲东部、新西兰和夏威夷均有种植。

  • Yew trees grow in the churchyard at Little Hangleton ( GF32 ) .

    在小汉格顿的墓地中种植有 紫杉树(F32)。

  • Note : I suggest you Lumberjack the Yew and quiver the results .

    附注:我建议你樵夫 红豆杉、抖动结果。

  • I do not see anything wrong with Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew publishing his memoirs .

    对于 李光耀资政出版的回忆录,我也深感没什么不对。

  • A Study on the Diplomacy of Lee Kuan Yew 's Singapore ( 1965-1990 );


  • For instance : tasso . Which can mean either interest rate badger or yew tree .

    譬如,tasso的意思可以是利率、獾或 紫杉

  • Tomorrow Singapore will hold a state funeral for Mr. Lee Kuan Yew .

    明天,新加坡将为 李光耀先生举行国葬。

  • It boasts vast forests and varieties of vegetation such as gingko yew and Gong Tong .

    原始森林浩瀚,植被十分丰富。有银杏、 红豆杉珙桐等。

  • Like Lee Kwan Yew said I rather these talented and driven people be on our team contributing to our nation than against us from their home country .


  • The honours of the mulberry tree the canal and the yew arbour would all be made over to her .

    桑树、水渠和 紫杉 的树荫带来的荣誉都会移交给她。

  • Hit yew alcohol this medicine do try quick ?


  • Predominant yew in Europe ; extraordinarily long-lived and slow growing ; one of the oldest species in the world .

    欧洲一种主要的 紫杉 ;生长速度慢,但寿命极长;世界上最古老树种之一。

  • There was no more light on Ged 's yew staff or in his face .

    四周没有了光亮,无论是在Ged的杉木法 还是在他的脸上。

  • Conifer shrub style such as juniper yew pine etc.

    针叶灌木类,如刺柏、 紫杉、松树等。

  • Why should cattle not graze near yew trees ?

    为什么牛不在 紫杉附近吃草?

  • Small bushy yew of northern Florida having spreading branches and very narrow leaves .

    佛罗里达北部的一种灌木状小型 紫杉,树枝外展,树叶狭窄。