


  • I am in the identical predicament with yourself .

    我和 处于同样的窘境之中。

  • I just hate to see you doing this to yourself .

    我真不愿意看到你这样对待 自己

  • Have the courage to be honest with yourself and about yourself

    要有勇气对 自己坦诚,同时对别人也要开诚布公。

  • You 're old enough to travel on the train by yourself

    你长大了,能一 个人坐火车了

  • A wealthy man like yourself is bound to make an enemy or two along the way


  • Scratch yourself if you itch .

    如果你感到痒,就 了。

  • I 'll give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself .

    我把所有事实都告诉你,使你得以 自己作出判断。

  • They mean to share the business between them after you yourself are gone Sir

    先生,他们两个打算等您 本人离开后瓜分这个企业。

  • Don 't worry yourself about me I can take care of myself


  • There 's one thing you can do for me . But keep it to yourself .

    有件事你能帮我做。但 要保密。

  • I 've been wondering if you yourselves have any idea why she came .

    我一直在想, 你们 自己是否知道她为什么来。

  • That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out

    要是你 自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。

  • You don 't care about anything but yourself and your precious face .

    你什么都不关心,除了 自己和你那张娇贵的脸。

  • So you 're getting about a bit again ? Not shutting yourself away ?

    这么说你现在又开始四处走动了?不把 自己关在家里了?

  • If you set no value on being a woman yourself how can you expect others to ?

    如果你自己都认为做女人 一文不值,又怎么能期望别人尊重你呢?

  • You don 't do anybody any good by getting yourself arrested .


  • It 's not the first time that you 've found yourself in this situation


  • If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be ?

    如果你能够改变 自己的某个方面,那会是哪个方面呢?

  • I wouldn 't want to cause such important people as yourselves any bother .

    我不想给 你们这样的大人物添任何麻烦。

  • Don 't let yourself be distracted by fashionable theories

    不要让 自己被流行的理论分散了注意力。

  • You will bring the blame of others upon yourself if you fail in this .

    如果你在这件事上失败了,就会招来别人的 非议

  • In working with others you find out more about yourself .

    在与别人一起工作的过程中,你会进一步认识 自己

  • Now sit down and make yourself comfortable . You must be very tired .

    现在坐下来,让 自己舒服些,你一定很累了。

  • If you can 't find any decent apples you can always try growing them yourself

    如果你找不到像样的苹果,你总还可以试着 自己种。

  • You can 't even stir yourself to have a drink with them

    你甚至都 懒得 和他们喝一杯。

  • Tell them you don 't want to do it any more . Don 't beat yourself up about it

    去跟他们说你不想干了。别为了这个难为 自己

  • You 'd be so much happier if you could see yourself the way I see you

    如果你能像我看你那样看待 自己,你会快乐得多。