Han jia you 'd better not underrate me .
韩佳,你 可 别 瞧不起我。
I don 't underrate the decorative side of life .
我并不 低估生活中 起装饰 作用 的 东西的价值。
It has trait which technology of wrap up simplicity cost underrate protection of length effect well quickly unwind . The timing of the crossing within the weaving cycle has a great effect on weaving and the woven fabric .
具有封存工艺简单,成本 低、护时间长、果好, 启封快速的特点。在织造循环中, 综 平时间对织造工艺和织物成形有着重要影响。
Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues gladys . you as a good tory must not underrate them .
丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个 死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些 德行 低估了。
And yet he was the difference-maker in too many big games to underrate .
他在很多的比赛中被 低估,在不同的方展示他的能力。
He underrated the seriousness of William 's head injury .
他 低估 了威廉头部伤势的严重性。
You must not underrate the difficulty of climbing this mountain .
你不 可 低估攀登这座山的困难。
He 's a subtle man . don 't underrate him .
他是一个精明人,不要 看轻他。
It is wrong to overestimate the strategic insight of one 's adversary as it is dangerous to underrate it .
过高估计对手的战略远见是错误的, 估计 过低也是危险的。
We can 't underrate the function of the middle stratum . It can create and lead the value concept and social norm of the modernization society ;
中间阶层在社会中所 起的作用是不可 低估的,它可以创建、引导现代化社会的价值观及社会规范;
The further the modernization the less we can underrate population pressures .
越是现代化,越不能 低估人口压力。
Teaching contents of aerobics basic sports technique excessively . Assessment and evaluation contents are not comprehensive with stress put on basic technique assess . It underrate theory and teaching ability assessment and neglect pace of progress and learning attitude evaluation .
健美操专修课教学内容过于偏重技术课的教学,考核评价内容不够全面,主要以基本技术考核 为主, 轻视理论和学生教学能力的考核,忽视进步幅度、学习态度等的考核。