undue delay

[ʌnˈdu dɪˈle][ʌnˈdu: diˈlei]


  • The Purchaser shall without undue delay notify the Contractor In Writing of any defect which appears .

    一旦有任何瑕疵出现,买方应 立即书面通知承包方。

  • Carefully remember the rule of undue delay ; slow play to ensure the process in order .

    谨记慢打 快走的原则,保持行进顺畅。

  • We will give notice of such defects without undue delay .

    我们将 延迟 通知 供应商此种瑕疵。

  • These minor improvements have caused undue expense and delay .

    这些小小的改进已引起了 必要的开支和 延误

  • In this paper the author presents an analysis of the right to trial without undue delay and suggests improvement of the proceedings .


  • In case of abnormities during patrol inspection the operator shall report immediately to eliminate without undue delay .

    运行人员在巡回检查中,若发现异常情况应及时汇报进行消除,不得 无故 拖延

  • Secondly we should establish the right to be tried without undue delay time .

    第二,确立受审时间不被 无故 拖延的权利。

  • In exercising the inspections prescribed in the two preceding paragraphs undue delay shall be prevented .

    实施前两款规定的查验、查,应当避免 必要 延误

  • This integrated approach provides for the streamlining of the preliminary engineering process and allows the design to progress without undue delay .

    上述综合方法使初步工程流程流线型化,并使设计进展无 不当 延误

  • The management responsible for the area being audited shall ensure that actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes .

    负责受审区域的管理者,应确保 及时采取措施消除已发现的不合格及其产生的原因。

  • Help ensure that homeless people receive offers of permanent housing without undue delay .

    保障 无家可归及时得到永久住所。

  • Such compensation shall correspond to the real value of the property concerned at the time and shall be freely convertible and paid without undue delay .

    征用财产的补偿应相当于该财产当时的实际价值,可自由兑换,不得 无故 迟延支付。

  • Rejected any form of referees and without undue delay can be not tolerated .

    任何形式的拒绝裁判和 无故 拖延都是不能容忍的。

  • Members shall ensure with respect to any procedure to check and ensure the fulfilment of sanitary or phytosanitary measures that : such procedures are undertaken and completed without undue delay and in no less favourable manner for imported products than for like domestic products ;

    对于检查和保证实施卫生与植物卫生措施的任何程序,各成员应保证:此类程序的实施和完成 受到 适当 迟延,且对进口产品实施的方式不严于国内同类产品;

  • The first half of the flow completes after the request is sent allowing it to dispatch further requests without undue delay .

    该流的前半部分在发出请求之后完成,从而使其可以分派进一步的请求而不会 导致 适当 延迟

  • At the request of the applicant the competent authorities of the Member shall provide without undue delay information concerning the status of the application .

    在申请人请求下,该成员的主管机关应提供有关申请情况的信息,不得有 不当 延误

  • However the Buyer shall advise the Seller of such occurrence without undue delay .

    然而,买方应毫无 迟疑 通知卖方此类事件的发生。