undetermined multiplier

[ˌʌndɪˈtɚmɪnd ˈmʌltəˌplaɪɚ][ˈʌndiˈtə:mind ˈmʌltəˌplaɪə]


  • Deriving Variational Principles in Elasto-dynamics by Undetermined Lagrange Multiplier Method

    应用 Lagrange 法推导弹性动力学的变分原理

  • Based on two force equilibrium equations of a sliding mass earth pressure is formulated in terms of calculus of variation and is transcribed as the functional extreme-value of two undetermined function arguments by means of Lagrange 's multiplier .

    以滑动体静力平衡的两个力平衡方程为基础,引入拉氏 ,将土压力问题以变分学观点来描述,转化为 确定含有两个函数自变量的泛函极值问题。

  • Action of undetermined multiplier in holonomic and nonholonomic dynamical system


  • On some flexibility of the method of undetermined Lagrange multiplier

    论拉氏 法的几点灵活性