


  • The two floor openings were totally unfenced and the workers were not provided with any safety belt or fall arresting device .

    两个洞口当时全无 围栏 阻隔 给予工人安全吊带或防堕装置。

  • But the eu 's proposed directive does not leave the field entirely unfenced .

    但欧盟的提案并未将这一领域 门户

  • Reflecting every stage and Custom of necessity Chimney roof fences of Wood and metal in an unfenced Age and enclosing next to Nothing at all : the old man In a sweater and soft black Hat who sweeps the sidewalk

    反映不同时期 对于生活的 不同需求烟囱、房顶,以及在 这个 设防的年代用木头和金属做的栅栏包围圈内近乎无 :那位老人穿着羊毛衫,戴着黑色软帽,打扫着人行道

  • Such events are particularly associated with hill farming areas where sheep range widely on largely unfenced land .

    这类赛事经常 举行 山农区,在那里羊只广为 散布面积的 没有 围栏的草地。

  • The similarity between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in unfenced fields is little high than in fenced fields because of less species .

    围栏 虽然物种 数目较少,但地上植被与土壤种子库的相似性 反而高于围栏区域。

  • Upon migration all external unfenced SPs and UDFs will become fenced .

    在迁移时,所有外部的、 隔离SP和UDF都将变为有隔离(fenced)。

  • Our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous .. Administering and implementing the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO ;

    我们 设防的广阔而未受监管的边界不可避免地会有许多漏洞。·管理和执行WTO的多边与诸边贸易协定;

  • If you have performance-critical unfenced external stored procedures ( SPs ) or user-defined functions ( UDFs ) ensure they are thread-safe .

    如果有性能关键型、 隔离的( unfenced)外部存储过程(SP)或用户定义函数(UDF),那么应确保它们是线程安全的。

  • For data integrity by convention unfenced SPs and UDFs should already be thread-safe but this cannot be enforced .

    按照惯例,为 确保数据完整性, 隔离SP和UDF应该已经是线程安全的,但是,这不是强制性的。

  • Eight predominant plants were collected from unfenced community ( degenerated community ) community fenced for 7 years and community fenced for 20 years . Leaf anatomical structures were compared to reveal the responses of plant leaf structures to grazing prohibition .

    并对 禁牧群落(退化群落)、禁牧7a的群落和禁牧20a群落的8种主要植物叶的解剖结构特征进行比较研究,以探讨植物叶结构对禁牧的响应。

  • All of these mentioned above demonstrates that it is advantageous to improve soil N availability stand production and protect environment when the P. sylvestris var. mongolica stands on sandy soil are intensively managed ( from unfenced to fenced ) .

    可见,与 围栏相比, 围栏对提高樟子松林N养分有效性、林分生产力和 稳定性以及保护环境都是有利的。

  • Therefore as a migration procedure create a script to facilitate the conversion to unfenced .

    因此,在迁移过程中,应创建一个脚本,以便实现对 隔离的转换。