uniformity of product


  • The results show that the competitive adsorption of the components in the phenolics solution affects the interlaminar shear strength ( ILSS ) uniformity of a RTM product .

    结果表明,在RTM工艺中,酚醛树脂和溶剂在纤维表面形成竞争性吸附,从而影响 RTM 成型复合材料界面组成和性能。

  • The fundamental purpose of the quality control of the pharmaceutical production process was to ensure the uniformity and stability of the final product .

    确保终 产品 质量 均一稳定是药品生产过程的质量控制的根本目的。

  • Using the technology of exchanging position and revolving silicon for irradiation the hitting percentage and cross section uniformity and percentage of finished product of NTD silicon single crystal are improved in higher extent .

    通过采用换位法、旋转辐照工艺,较大幅度地提高了NTD硅单晶的命中率、断面 均匀 成品率。

  • The experiments indicate that the cation surfactant CTAB with low concentration can promote the c-axis orientation and the uniformity of the product .

    实验结果表明,当溶液中添加阳离子表面活性剂CTAB且浓度较低时, 产品沿c轴的的取向性和 均匀 均有所提高,阵列中纳米棒的粒径减小。

  • In this article according to theory and technology of neutron transmutation doping the factors ( hitting percentage and cross section uniformity ) which influence the percentage of finished product of FZ NTD silicon are analysed .

    本文根据中子嬗变掺杂的原理、工艺,着重分析了影响NTD硅 成品率的因素:命中率及断面 均匀

  • The method of microwave irradiation had several advantages as follows : heating uniformity rising temperature rapidly shortening reaction time and reducing byproducts . The yield of the product was 84 % in 10 ~ 15 min.

    该方法加热 均匀,升温速率快,反应时间由传统的20h缩短为10~15min,而且合成过程中副产物减少, 产物收率提高到84%。

  • Obviously the manufacturer should know the eutectic point and have the necessary instrumentation to assure the uniformity of product temperatures .

    显然生产商需要知道 产品的共晶点,而且需要使用仪器保证 产品的温度是 均一的。

  • Such measures were taken as pre-shrinking the yarn choosing appropriate slack winding process controlling the rate of temperature rise of dye liquor and liquor flow which improved the tube gauze dyeing uniformity of nylon 66 high force sewing thread and the product quality .

    对纱线进行预缩处理、选择合适的松式络筒工艺、控制好染液升温速率及染液流速,有效地改善了尼龙66高强力缝纫线筒纱的染色 均匀 ,提高了 产品质量。

  • Product BOM in different application domain has the different data view in its life cycle how to ensure the integrity accuracy and the uniformity of data between different BOM views is the key to product life cycle model .

    产品BOM在其生命周期中的不同应用领域有着不同的数据视图,如何确保各BOM视图之间的数据完整、正确及 一致 ,是 产品 生命周期模型实现的关键。

  • Not only the ILSS values but also ILSS uniformity of a RTM product are influenced by the phenolics solution with different solvents .

    采用不同溶剂的酚醛树脂不但影响RTM 制品层间剪切强度(ILSS)的高低,而且也影响ILSS的 均匀

  • The result shows that the suitable dyes and aids and the proper control of process condition including the PH value of the dyeing bath time and speed of temperature increasing etc will improve the dyeing uniformity of nylon 66 fiber and product quality .

    结果表明:选择合适的染料及配套的助剂,控制好染浴pH值、升温速率、保温温度及保温时间等染色工艺条件,可以改善尼龙66纤维的染色 均匀 ,提高 产品质量。

  • In order to guarantee the uniformity of the product burning speed as same time it must be the definite strength the density is selected at 1.70 ~ 1.75g/c m ~ 2 that is said the pressure coefficient is 0.93 ~ 0.96 ;

    为保证 产品燃速的 一致 ,同时具有一定的强度,选择密度(1.70~1.75)g/cm~3,即压紧系数k为0.93~0.96;

  • The experimental results showed that the adhesive system which still could cured at moderate temperature rapidly could be stored steady for more than 1 year below 5 ℃ . In addition Hardness tests showed that the uniformity of the curing product was also improved .

    实验结果表明,在加入超支化聚酯后,该中温快速固化的胶粘剂体系在低温条件下可以稳定保存1年以上;另外硬度测试表明, 后体系固化 整体硬度的 均匀 也明显改善。

  • A pair of mutually meshing conical twin-screw rotor is the core component of conical twin-screw extruder . The correctness of parameters design and the uniformity of meshing clearance directly impact on the efficiency performance and extruded product quality .

    锥形双螺杆挤出机的核心部件为一对相互啮合的锥双螺杆转子,其参数设计的正确与否及螺杆啮合间隙 是否 均匀直接影响挤出机的挤出效率、性能和挤出 产品的质量。

  • At present assembly is generally carried out manually under the microscope which results in lower yield percentage and poor uniformity of product for the workers they have to be trained for better skills .

    目前,装配作业一般是由熟练操作人员在显微镜下手工完成,生产效率和成品率较低, 产品 一致 较差,并且对操作人员有较高的技能要求。

  • When spun-lace process changed to improve the uniformity of the product structure it could improve the sound absorption coefficient . As the thickness increased the acoustic performance gradually improved .

    水刺工艺变化改善 产品的结构 均匀 可提高其吸音系数,随着厚度的增加,吸音性能逐渐提高。

  • Comparing with transnational corporations there exists various problems in China 's tobacco industry such as low concentration of the market uneconomical scale unreasonable resource allocation uniformity of the product structure the incompetence of comprehensive management and innovation .

    与世界跨国烟草公司相比,中国烟草行业存在着市场集中度低、规模不经济、资源配置不合理、 产品结构 单一、综合管理和创新能力差等诸多问题。

  • The utility model aims to solve the problems such as poor uniformity of product uneasy control of alloy thickness and easy blockage of nozzle during spraying process .

    本实用新型的目的是解决 产品 一致 较差、合金厚度不好控制及喷制过程易堵塞喷嘴等方面存在的问题。

  • Oriented to automatization and batch production of precise and complex miniature parts for improving quality and uniformity of product an assembly system based on machine vision for miniature parts has been developed .

    本文面向精密、复杂微小型器件与系统 产品的自动化、批量制造,以及为提高 产品的质量和 一致 ,研制了基于机器视觉的微小型零件装配系统。

  • Effects of processing parameters on shrinkage and its uniformity of product by injection compressing molding

    注射压缩工艺参数对 制品收缩率及其 均匀 的影响