Update the Leaker object to register itself with the registry object ( presumably for notification about some unimplemented event ) .
更新Leaker对象,以向注册表对象注册该对象本身(可能用于有关一些 未 实现事件的通知)。
For several years we 've been talking about carrying out Party policies . Yet many of those policies remain unimplemented and one important reason is factionalism .
讲落实政策,讲了多少年,好多政策不能落实,闹 派性是一个重要的原因。
However due to the imperfect of college students entrepreneurship policy the unimplemented policy and the deficiency of mechanism of supervision and inspection Entrepreneurship among university students in China is far less than developed countries and the success rate is far below the general enterprise .
但是,由于大学生创业政策自身不够完善,政策 未能 落实 到位且缺乏相应的监督检查机制,我国大学生的创业比例低于发达国家,创业成功率也远低于一般企业。
Attribute causes any unimplemented method of any implemented interface to be automatically coded as an empty method .
属性使任何要实现的接口的 未 实现方法自动被编码成空方法。
Investigations show that such problems exist in the team of college instructors in China as unstable staff low staff quality and unimplemented preferential policies etc. influencing the team construction and development .
通过调查、研究可以看出,目前我国高校辅导员队伍普遍存在着队伍不稳定、整体素质不高及 各项优惠政策 有待 落实等问题,影响了辅导员队伍的建设和发展。
The present unoriented genome reversal sorting algorithms are often too complex and unimplemented .
已有的无向基因组翻转排序算法过程复杂, 实现 困难。
Afraid contract balances unimplemented owing flood up country .
由于全国到处 发生水灾,所 余合同 恐 无法 完成。