unimolecular reaction


  • Kinetics of unimolecular reaction of cf_2hcl on W surface

    CF 2HCI在金属钨表面上的 反应动力学

  • The results obtained show that these compounds undergo unimolecular first-order pyrolytic reaction via a six-center cyclic transition state . This kind of the reaction is controlled by migrating of the atom H 17 with positive charge .

    结果表明反应是一个 H17带正电迁移引发的途经六元环过渡态的 分子热消除 反应

  • Coherent Laser Control over the Unimolecular Reaction of CH_3I

    激光相干控制CH3I 分子 反应的实验研究

  • A Computer Program for Tunneling in Unimolecular Thermal Reaction System in Chemical Kinetics-KANDE

    化学动力学中 分子反应隧道效应计算程序KANDE

  • Fluorination of the chlorohydrocarbon is substitution nucleophilic unimolecular . This fluorinated reaction is decided by the stability of intermediate R + .

    氯代烃的氟化是 分子亲核取代反应,其氟化 反应的进程决定于中间体R+稳定性。

  • The mechanisms of the hydrolysis were proposed to be unimolecular nucleophilic substitution and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution ( SN2 ) . On the Problem of Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction Sterochemistry

    水解反应的可能机理是SNl和S N2.双分子亲核取代 反应立体化学问题释疑

  • The unimolecular decomposition and dehydrogenation of ethanol initiate the branched chain reaction and the3 isomers of radical C2H5O determine the direction of the reaction chain branching .

    乙醇氧化经裂解反应、脱氢反应最终形成支链 反应,乙氧基 C2H5O的三种同分异构体在链分支中决定了链分支的进行方向。

  • A mechanism including both unimolecular and chain reaction channel has been proposed for the decomposition of 1 & dichloropropane .

    本研究证实了链式通道的存在,阐明了 1二氯丙烷分解 反应 分子 反应通道和链式 反应通道 共存 反应机理。

  • Study on Tunneling Effect in the Chemical Kinetics I. Study on Tunneling in Thermal Unimolecular Reaction of Formaldehyde

    化学动力学中隧道效应的研究Ⅰ.甲醛 分子反应中隧道效应的研究

  • The unimolecular reaction of CF_2HCl dissociation on platinum black has been studied . At higher pressure this reaction is zero order while at lower pressure it I first order . It implies that the reaction is a typical catalytic reaction .

    本文研究了CF 2HCl在铂黑表面上的 分子 反应,在压力较高时为零级,压力较低时为一级,表明此反应为典型的催化反应。