The unilateral imposition of tariffs would be illegal under Global trade rules .
在全球 贸易规则之下, 单方面征收关税可能是非法的。
In recent years the Chinese capital market has got considerable development because of the lack of essential hedging instrument and the existing of unilateral trade mechanism ; the security market has been restrained .
近年来,中国资本市场有了长足的发展,但由于缺乏必要的避险工具以及存在 单边 交易机制,极大地限制了证券市场发展。
The emergence of unilateral PPM environment related trade measures is because of environmental issues . Their original intention is to protect the environment but in practice they have been used by trade protectionism .
单边PPM环境 贸易措施因环境问题的凸显而出现,其实施的初衷是保护环境,而实践中它却有可能被贸易保护主义利用,形成新的贸易壁垒。
Therefore the legal status of unilateral PPM environment related trade measures has triggered a fierce debate between developed and developing countries .
所以, 单边PPM环境 贸易措施是否在 WTO多边 贸易 体制中拥有合法的法律地位引起了发达国家与发展中国家之间的激烈争论。
RTAs are most effective when they complement a unilateral and multilateral trade strategy and anchor domestic reform programs to improve competitiveness and reduce poverty the report states .
区域贸易协定在配合 单边和多边 贸易战略和巩固国内改革计划以提高竞争力和减少贫困方面最为有效。
If we hope that the multilateral trade system will not exist in the shadow of unilateral trade measures we should take measures to ensure that members of the WTO will not resort to unilateral trade measures that are in detriment to the WTO .
如果不希望多边贸易体制仍然处于 单边 贸易措施的行为的永久威胁之下,就应采取措施确保世界贸易组织成员避免诉诸于有损于世界贸易组织的单边贸易措施。
Governments know that this approach is pure beggar-my-neighbour collectively ruinous ; some may even understand that the welfare-maximising policy is unilateral free trade .
各国政府都知道,这种策略完全是以邻为壑,对各方都具有毁灭性;一些人甚至可能认为,福利最大化的政策是 单边自由 贸易。
This article tries to by analyzing the conflicts and harmonization between WTO law and such regulation examine this creative unilateral trade restriction implemented on the basis of bilateral negotiations .
通过对该法规与WTO规则的冲突与协调进行的分析,可以看出在双边谈判的基础上实施的该法规是富有创造性的 单边 贸易限制措施。
Thus did Richard Cobden 19th century proponent of unilateral free trade warn his fellow countrymen that the rising prosperity of the US would soon sweep British global supremacy away .
19世纪 单边自由 贸易的倡导者理查德科布登(RichardCobden)这样警告本国民众称,美国的日益繁荣将很快颠覆英国在全球的霸主地位。
But there are kinds of copyright barriers blocking the international trade in the name of copyright protection including prohibition of parallel imports adoption of the unilateral trade sanction and the abuse of the rights .
但以版权保护为由,禁止版权产品平行进口,采取 单边 贸易制裁,或者滥用权利、实施不 公平 贸易行为,则形成了阻碍国际贸易正常进行的版权壁垒。
APEC will encourage more unilateral trade and investment liberalization and reform continue to play a role as incubator of the FTAAP and provide leadership and intellectual input to its realization .
亚太经合组织将鼓励更多的 单边 贸易投资自由化和经济改革,继续发挥亚太自贸区孵化器作用,为实现亚太自贸区发挥领导作用和提供智力支持。
Sunset review which is an principal system after the application of anti-dumping measures aims to prevent unrestricted anti-dumping measures from becoming the powerful tool of unilateral trade protection and tries to make the anti-dumping law carry out fairness and justice .
日落复审制度是反倾销措施实施后重要的后续制度,目的是避免无限制的反倾销措施沦为 单方 贸易保护的工具,力求使反倾销法实现公平和公正。
Secondly unilateral environmental barriers should be opposed and free trade advocated for promoting economic development .
第二,在 贸易与环境问题上,倡导自山 贸易,促进 多边原则下生态补偿和制度协调,加快经济发展,反对由发达国家 单边主导的绿色壁垒措施。
Judging from the current situation it is impossible for concerning WTO agreements to absorb the labor standards in a short term but it is moving towards multilateral trade areas from unilateral trade areas .
从目前的情况看,短期内劳工标准不可能纳入到WTO相关协议中,但其正一步步从 单边 贸易领域走向多边贸易领域。
As tariff barriers and other forms of border protection are progressively dismantled as part of the on-going multilateral and unilateral trade liberalization initiatives the non-tariff protectionist barriers especially the SPS measures by developing countries has drawn many attentions .
随着多边和 双边 谈判有效地拆除了传统的关税、数量限制等 贸易壁垒,非关税壁垒形式,特别是发达国家严格的动植物卫生检疫(SPS)措施,日益引起各国的关注。
The underlying rationale of unilateral trade liberalisation had been buried and forgotten long ago .
单边 贸易自由化的基本理念早已被埋葬和遗忘了。
The third part it discussed problem and impediment complication about bilateral or unilateral of Manzhouli economic trade cooperating to Russia .
第三部分,探讨了满洲里对俄 经贸合作的 单边与双边的现存问题与障碍因素。
The establishment of the multilateral trade system within the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) makes prominent in international law the argument of the legitimacy of unilateral trade measures ( UTMs ) which does not meet its demise after building the multilateral system .
世界贸易组织的多边贸易制度凸现了在国际法中尚无法完全解决的 单边 贸易措施的适法性问题,但它的运行并没有终止诉诸于单边贸易措施的时代。
On the Legal Issue of Unilateral PPM Environment Related Trade Measures
单边PPM环境 贸易措施法律问题研究
The developed countries use climate change as excuse to take unilateral trade protection measures .
面对中国等 发展中国家持续 增长 的 贸易盈余而又无须承担 约束性 减排 义务,欧美发达国家以气候变化为借口采取 单边 贸易保护措施。
What is the difference between the unilateral and multilateral approaches to achieving free trade ?
单边 自由 贸易和多边自由 贸易的区别是什么?
Trade policy guided by the static comparative advantage trade theory will lead to unilateral and non-reciprocal free trade which will bring about trade unbalances .
根据静态比较优势理论制定的外贸政策,只能导致 单向的非互惠自由 贸易,最终的结果多为贸易的不平衡。
The United States and France have showed that if the new climate change framework could not be concluded they would adopt unilateral trade measures to protect the international competition of their industries and prevent carbon leakage .
以美国和法国为代表的部分发达国家表示,若无法达成新的气候变化框架,将会采取 单边 的 贸易措施来保护本国产业的国际竞争力并预防碳泄漏。
Just like unilateral trade policy trade policy cooperation also has distribution effect thus displaying a result of domestic political-economic process of each participating country .
与 单边 贸易政策一样,贸易政策合作同样具有分配效应,也表现为各合作方国内政治经济过程的结果。
For the measurement of environmental regulation we introduce EPI and establish ERS Index innovatively which was used in unilateral and bilateral trade model respectively .
在环境规制的衡量方面,本文创新性的引入环境绩效指数(EPI)和建立环境保护强度指数(ERS),分别适用于 单边 贸易和双边 贸易模型中的环境规制衡量。
Inevitable rejection by the WTO could lead to feigned disappointment then unilateral protectionism followed by a trade war .
世贸组织拒绝巴西的建议是必然的,巴西可能会假装表示失望,然后 单方面采取保护主义措施,激起一场 贸易战。
Doubt About the Legitimacy of Unilateral Trade Measures
浅论 单边 贸易措施的适法性
Then Nicolas Sarkozy declared France could pull out of the Schengen zone of border-free travel and threatened to take unilateral protectionist measures on trade that would clearly be viewed as illegal in Brussels .
随后,尼古拉萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)又宣称法国可能退出申根(Schengen)自由跨境旅行区,还威胁采取 单边 的 贸易保护主义措施,而这种措施在布鲁塞尔看来肯定是非法的。
Multilateral organizations or agreements in general adopt uniform international environmental standards and give the affected countries freedom to adopt unilateral trade restrictions on pollution haven which is non-compliant to the obligation .
多边组织或协定一般采取统一的国际环境标准,并给予受影响的国家采用 单边 贸易限制应对污染避难所不遵守有关义务的自由权。
美[ˌjunəˈlætərəl treid]英[ˌju:nəˈlætərəl treid]