


  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical efficacy of single-cage combined with short-segment pedicle instrumentation for lumbar spine unstability .

    目的:评价单枚椎间融合器植骨融合短节段椎弓根螺钉内固定治疗腰椎 症的临床疗效。

  • Temperature unstability is one of the important factors affecting the performance of an uncooled infrared focal plane detector .

    温度 稳定是影响非致冷红外焦平面探测器性能的重要因素之一。

  • The choke point in unstability of data transfer speed of the increasing number of hard disks is overcomed .

    避免了阵列因为硬盘数量太多 造成存储速率 稳定进而丢帧、错帧的瓶颈。

  • Can reflect a sex of inequality and electric unstability that the ventricle replies very much through QT dispersion .

    通过QT离散度可反映心室复极的不均一性和电 稳定性

  • The stability of this method is studied and a modified method is presented to overcome unstability .

    研究这个方法的稳定性,为了克服 稳定性提出了一种修正的办法。

  • Its value is composed of cost value and increment value and is characterized by accumulation and unstability etc.

    品牌资产的价值由成本价值和增值价值两部分构成,具有积累性、 稳定性等特征。

  • Aitken accelerated method has the problem of numerical unstability .

    Aitken加速方法存在数值 稳定问题;

  • This method can be used to solve the unstability appeared in the non collocated structural vibration control .

    该方法能有效地解决结构振动非对位控制中常易出现的控制 问题,并取得较好的振动控制效果。

  • Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platform

    Spar平台垂荡&纵摇耦合运动的 稳定性

  • Today it is a rather arduous assignment for controlling slope unstability so it is very important to study stability and treating technique for slope deeply .

    目前边坡 的防治仍然是一项很艰巨的任务,因此对边坡的稳定性分析及处治技术进行深入研究具有重要的意义。

  • On concrete system designs it has such defects as unspecific irregularity unstability and unharmony etc.

    在具体制度设计上,存在非具体性、非规范性、非 稳定性和非协调性等缺陷。

  • Plastic unstability induced by localized necking in sheet metal forming process and forming limit analysis are reviewed .

    简要地评述了金属薄板成型工艺中局部化颈缩引起的塑性 机制和成型极限分析的成果;

  • In patient with severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine and unstability the amplitude of rotation and the force of manipulation should be decreased .

    对颈椎 存在严重退变 的患者,应减小旋转的幅度和力量。

  • The paper presents the unstability of isolated operation of bulb tubular unit in the local electric network at the city of Hechuan .

    本文总结了灯泡贯流式机组在合川市地方电网中单机孤网运行的 稳定性

  • This device can be used to test the relative spectral sensitivity the absolute spectral sensitivity the quantum efficiency and eliminate the effect of unstability of source on test results .

    运用相对灵敏度解决了不同量纲的影响因素的比较 难题,并根据需要 引入 权数分析了一些设计 参数某些评价量的影响程度,从而为 后续设计和 优化性能提供依据。

  • This paper also discusses the feasibility of using direction drilling to solve the borehole stability problem which has practical values in dealing with borehole unstability problems .

    同时探讨了利用定向井解决井壁稳定问题的可行性,结果表明,可通过避开 层理 面的 不利角度降低坍塌压力、扩大安全钻井液密度 窗口

  • Vibrate as of a swing before it comes to a total rest . Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platform

    像秋千在平衡前的摇摆。 Spar平台垂荡&纵摇耦合运动的不 稳定性

  • According to the studies on problems especially unstability of the young moral educators in the colleges of hubei this paper analyses the reasons which cause these problems through psychological factors and put forwards some measures to solve these problems effectively .

    根据对高校青年德育工作者的有关问题,特别是 稳定问题的研究,从心理学的角度出发对问题产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了一些有效解决这些问题的相应的措施。

  • Seafloor unstability and hazardous geologic factors are the main concern of offshore environmental geological study .

    海底 稳定性和灾害地质因素是目前近海环境地质学研究的主要课题,大抵可分为构造、 斜坡、底型和结构4种 稳定性

  • On Unstability Factor Analysis of Slope Deformation and GIS Evaluation Method

    边坡变形 影响因素分析及GIS评价方法研究

  • Many inverse parameters result in problems such as non-uniqueness and unstability in 3-D resistivity inversion .

    电阻率三维反演参数太多,将导致反演 稳定性和高度非唯一性等诸多方面的问题。

  • Secondly the author analyses the conception differences about the wife and concubine problem between the male and female it is the conception differences that causes the unstability of family .

    接着分析了男女双方对妻妾问题存在的观念差异,认为正是男女双方视“第三者”为替代品还是互补品导致了家庭的 稳定性

  • The unstability integration number near the Gauss point is overcome and the calculating precision and the convergence speed are improved .

    该方法克服了高斯点附近积分值的 稳定问题,提高了计算精度和收敛速度。

  • It is featured by coordination and stratification multiple interlocking dissipation and unstability .

    它具有并列与层次性、多重交错性、耗散性、 稳定性特性

  • Tests and theoretical analysis reveal that the borehole unstability is influenced by many interactive mechanisms with the unstability of high-dip stratification shale dominative .

    研究发现:霍尔果斯井壁 多种 稳机理共存、互相作用,以高陡层理性泥页岩地层的井壁失稳为主。

  • The study of gel breaker in the processing technology unstability of waste drilling fluid

    废弃钻井液 处理技术中破胶剂的研究

  • Due to moral hazard and issue of distribution in teamwork unstability or failure is resulted in team finally .

    由于团队生产中道德风险与 收益分配等问题的 存在,从而导致 现实 种种团队的最终 稳定与失败等现象。

  • However the implementation of this system is hard in China because there exist resistances from leadership level and some risks of unstability .

    然而这一制度在中国的实施却充满艰辛和阻力,其中最大的阻力来自领导层,同时也存在着引发社会 稳定的风险。