


  • Unsystematic training had knocked him up .

    杂乱无章的训练使他失去 良好 竞技 状态

  • There are two kinds of risk systematic and unsystematic risk exist in stock market .

    证券市场上存在两种风险,即系统风险(市场风险)和 系统风险(公司风险)。

  • The unique point of this thesis is to guide Shanxi Nursing English teaching with ESP theory . This makes up the research vacancy of the study changes its unsystematic situation and provides powerful reference .

    本文的独到之处是运用ESP理论指导山西护理英语教学和实践,弥补了对山西护理英语教学研究的空缺,改变了对此研究 系统的局面,为以后的教学提供了有力的参照。

  • The demonstration research of CS models can be done through both the systematic and the unsystematic methods .

    满意度模型实证研究包括系统性方法和 系统 方法。

  • This approach has been criticized as being unrealistic unsystematic and beyond the capabilities of many students .

    人们批评它不切实际、 系统 、超出许多学生的能力所及。

  • Whereas this type of risk affects a broad range of securities unsystematic risk affects a very specific group of securities or an individual security .

    然而这种风险影响大范围的证券, 系统风险影响一个非常特定群体的证券或单个证券。

  • Generally speaking social security fund is facing systematic risks and unsystematic risks .

    社会保障基金与其他基金相同,面临着系统风险和 系统风险。

  • The virtual operation theory has unsystematic theory the theories lack of core representative and core standpoint ;

    虚拟经营理论没有 体系 ,各种解释 很多,缺乏理论的代表人物和核心观点;

  • Unsystematic or firm specific risk .

    系统 风险或公司特有风险。

  • Unsystematic and fragmentary records ; he works in an unsystematic manner .

    系统 断断续续的记录;他习惯无系统的工作。

  • Due to the actuality of unsystematic research in Chinese competition law this paper tries to discuss the constitution of the basic category system of the competition law in terms of semantic analysis and comparative analysis .

    针对我国竞争法基本 范畴研究 深入、 系统的现状,本文采用语义分析和比较分析的方法,对竞争法基本范畴体系的建构及分析作了一些粗浅的尝试。

  • It is impractical to solve the problem of judicial justice only by making some unsystematic evidential rules .

    仅仅通过制定一些 零散的证据规则来解决司法公正的问题的思路是行不通的。

  • But compared with the West Chinese translation criticism lacks theoretical guidelines and is therefore relatively unsystematic .

    但是,我国翻译批评与西方相比,更缺乏理论的指导与批评的 系统

  • However qualitative research on VR in instruction is rather superficial and unsystematic .

    而国内对VR技术在教学中运用的定性研究还比较粗浅, 缺乏 系统 的研究。

  • The optimization of investment portfolio is for reducing unsystematic risk .

    投资者优化投资组合的原因是为了降低 系统风险。

  • Based on Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model risk in real estate investment is divided into systematic risk and unsystematic risk .

    本文借鉴了证券投资组合理论和资本资产定价模型的思想,将房地产投资风险划分为系统风险和 系统风险。

  • Due to the short time of application the research about private placements in China is unsystematic .

    比较 而言,由于应用时间有限,国内学者对定向增发的研究 较为 零散

  • When information was announced unsystematic volatility increased continuously owing to ordinary investors ' reaction .

    信息正式公布后,个 系统波动性继续增加,表明该信息对于普通投资者仍然是一个新信息。

  • The risk because of inherent uncertainties is called as unsystematic risk including operational and management risk financial risk and technology risk ;

    来自内在不确定性的风险被称为 系统风险,包括运营管理、财务和技术风险;

  • English phrasal verbs are widely believed to be particularly difficult to master because the choice of verb-particle combinations seems so unsystematic .

    英语动词短语被广泛地认为难以掌握因为动词和小品词的组合似乎无理 可循

  • Analysis of portfolio theory according to stock mark of China a portfolio investment model which can be used to escape systematic risk of market and unsystematic risk of stock .

    在对现代组合投资理论分析的基础上,结合我国证券市场的实际,提出了可以有效规避市场系统风险和 单项 资产 系统风险的组合投资模型 .实际投资具有 良好 指导作用。

  • Secondly it uses modern investment theory to dispel the unsystematic risks through combination investment .

    其次,利用现代投资理论,通过组合投资来消除 系统 风险;

  • But the understanding of internal control was disorderly and unsystematic . Because of different intention and demand internal control was given diverse meaning and objectives and it results in confused theory and inaccurate practice .

    但是,对内部控制的认识 却是 杂乱无章的,因为目的和需求的不同,人们赋予了内部控制不同的涵义和目标,这些都导致了理论上的混乱和实务上的偏差。

  • However there still exist some flaws for the work among which the lack of attention over-simplification of the education means unsystematic mechanistic construction are the cases .

    但目前高校廉政文化建设还存在一些工作难点,如缺乏重视、教育途径单一、机制建设 缺乏 系统 等。

  • Organizing classification is the most effcetive and commonly used approach to organize the disorderly and unsystematic information .

    分类组织法是对 杂乱无章的信息进行组织整理的最常用和有效的方法。

  • This variety not only give artists a wide space to creat modern ceramic art freely but also make this creating a bit disorder and unsystematic .

    这种审美的多元性在给现代陶艺创造了一个自由发挥空间的同时,也使其创作有些 杂乱无章

  • Either domestically or abroad the researches of science game are still scattered as well as unsystematic .

    无论国内还是国外,有关科普游戏的研究都是零星的、 系统的。

  • The two characteristics of his recognition about the political parties and the relative politics are fragmentary and unsystematic which is contradictory .

    章太炎对政党和政党政治的认识有两个特点:一是 零碎 系统,二是前后矛盾。

  • However in China research in vocabulary learning and teaching is rather weak and unsystematic .

    然而,目前国内对英语词汇教与学的研究还很薄弱、 零散