Sunday 's shooting was the latest in a series of incidents in which Blackwater and other foreign contractors have been accused of shooting to death an unknown number of Iraqi citizens .
周日的射杀事件是黑水公司和其它外国安保公司被控枪杀 数量 不明的伊拉克市民最近一连串事件中的最新一起。
Since then an unknown number of people-both foreigners and Indians-are trapped inside parts of the hotels popular with both business travelers and tourists .
枪手 不加区分地向人开枪,扔手榴弹。袭击发生后,为 数 不详的外国人和印度人被围困在酒店的一些地点。
However it begins to break down in scenarios that involve complex conversation threads and distributed conversation scenarios ( feeds from an unknown number of content publishers ) .
然而,在有些场景则不适用,比如涉及复杂对话线程和分布式对话的场景(来自内容发布者 未知 成员的提要(feed))。
Model and algorithm of cast plan with unknown number of cast for steelmaking-continuous casting scheduling
炼钢&连铸对于浇 次数 未知的最优浇次计划模型与算法
If you want to get the unknown number you should know the known number first .
如果要想求出 未知数,你首先得知道已知数。
Egypt will be hit too : an unknown number of Egyptians but at least several million live and work abroad many of them in the Gulf .
埃及也将受到同样的冲击,至少有7百万的 埃及人在国外居住和工作,而许多人正是在墨西哥湾。
The sign X stands for an unknown number .
符号X表示一个 未知数。
The words less 3 tell us to subtract three from the unknown number .
减去3这几个字,告诉我们将从一个 未知数中减去3。
An unknown number of leafs are dancing in the breeze .
For each unknown give the unknown number list the cations present and give your reasoning for your conclusions .
对于每一个未知样品,给出一 个 编号,列出存在的阳离子,给出您得出结论的原因。
Hainan left the real estate bubble is huge and unknown number of non-performing assets of financial and economic growth continued weak stamina .
房地产泡沫留给海南的是 数目巨大而 不详的金融不良资产和经济增长的持续后劲乏力。
An unknown number of personnels are still trapped under the debris .
据信还有 数目 不详的人员被困在瓦砾下。
Write out the equality that contains unknown number .
列出含有 未知数的等式。
Blind source separation with unknown number of sources based on hierarchical genetic algorithm
基于递阶遗传算法的 未知源信号个 数盲信号分离
Hundreds of thousands of civilians have fled and an unknown number have died .
无数平民逃离,死亡 人数 不详。
So how do you manage to avoid font boredom while still making your page viewable and enjoyable to a vast unknown number of font-maligned systems ?
那么,如何在众多 不兼容字体的系统上使您的页面美观 可人,同时又避免字体带来的烦恼?
Alternatively he could model the unknown number of branches using a loop activity but the loop body is executed serially .
或者,他可以使用循环活动来建模 未知 数量的分支,但循环体是以串行方式执行的。
An unknown number of people died in clashes with the security forces in2008 when artisanal miners were kicked out of the alluvial diamond fields .
2008年,这些钻石矿的矿业技工被驱逐,他们与安全部队发生了冲突,导致 数量 不明的人丧生。
Underwater Multi-source DOA Estimation under Condition of Unknown Number of Signals
未知信源 数目条件下的水下多源方位估计
The GWM model for splice signals is a mixture of weight matrix models ( WMM ) with unknown number of components .
分组权重矩阵是一个子总体 数 未知的混合权重矩阵模型。
Haiti has been struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake killing an unknown number of people .
海地今晨发生7.0级大地震, 目前死亡 人数 尚无统计。
An Infantino spokesman said 10 of the recalled slings had been sold to the UK market although an unknown number could still be in stores .
Infantino的一位发言人说,从英国市场召回的背巾已有一万条,不过可能还有部分背巾作为库存并未售出, 数量 尚 不 明确。
According to published accounts an unknown number of CIA officers along with British intelligence and special forces counterparts are working with the Libyan rebels .
根据 一些报导, 数目 不详的中情局特工,以及英国情报机关和特种部队人员,正与利比亚反政府武装接触。
At present Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission temporarily unknown number of banks and customers to reach an agreement because it belongs to the commercial decisions of banks .
目前,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会暂时银行和客户 数目 不详达成协议,因为它是属于银行的商业决定。
Nine people have been killed and an unknown number of homes have been destroyed .
人在大火中丧生, 许多 未 知名的房屋被烧毁。
Six suicide bombers made it inside and an unknown number of gunmen .
六名自杀式炸弹袭击者和 人数 不详的枪手潜入大楼里。
The unknown number can be calculated from the data .
通过 已知 数可以算出 未知数。
An unknown number of development processes that bridge known but uncontrolled processes are unidentified .
那些在已知的但未经控制的过程之间尚有 未知 数量的开发过程未被确认。
An unknown number of demonstrators were arrested
有 数目 不详的示威者遭到了逮捕。
美[ʌnˈnon ˈnʌmbɚ]英[ʌnˈnəʊn ˈnʌmbə]