


  • An unperturbed electronic system will seek its most stable situation .

    一个 干扰的电子体系总是要寻找它的最稳定的位置。

  • Jedi BOOGER-da ! Crowed Luke and Lon choked again but Obi-Wan remained unperturbed .

    “绝地臭臭-大!”卢克“咕咕”地叫着,朗再次偷笑起来,但奥比万保持着 泰然自若的神情。

  • Unperturbed Diageo points out that even if it begins by simply tackling overseas Chinese distributing in Chinese restaurants in New York or London for example it can quickly grow sales .

    帝亚吉欧 泰然自若 指出,就算是单从海外华人入手比如说在纽约或伦敦的中餐馆销售销量也能迅速扩大。

  • Although the ECB and the Bank of England have sounded sanguine about tightening credit central bankers are not entirely unperturbed .

    虽然欧央行和英格兰银行看来会继续收紧信贷,央行们其实也并不完全是 如此 坚定

  • You can log in anew reconnect to Screen ( and by proxy to its windows ) and carry on unperturbed .

    可以重新登录并连接Screen(并通过Screen代理连接到它的窗口),继续 的工作。

  • At forty I attained to an unperturbed mind .

    我四十 动心

  • But even if trade unionists are still able on occasion to make some noise and grab a few headlines most business leaders will look on unperturbed . The brothers ' ability to disrupt business life is greatly diminished .

    然而,即便工会会员偶尔还能引起一些轰动,占据几个新闻大标题,多数商业领袖看上去 却是 泰然自若工人兄弟们干扰企业运作的能力已经大为降低。

  • Unperturbed some yaks and goats quietly graze while a brutish dog goes berserk tugging dementedly at a rope in an effort to get free and kill me .

    一些牦牛和山羊则继续安静的 吃草,而一只凶恶的狗发狂起来,疯狂的试图挣脱绳索杀死我。

  • Yukio Hatoyama prime minister insists he is unperturbed and that Japan should aim for an economy commensurate with its size .

    日本首相鸠山由纪夫(yukio hatoyama)坚称自己 没有感到 ,并表示日本应该追求与其国家规模“相称”的经济增长。

  • For now investors remain unperturbed by the residual problems at the banks .

    就目前而言,投资者对于银行系统中的剩余问题仍 泰然处之

  • If the field changes slowly we can replace the time integral by a line integral over the unperturbed orbit .

    如果场缓慢改变,我们能够用 扰动轨道的线积分来代替时间积分。

  • She seemed unperturbed by the news .

    她听到这消息似乎 并不 惊慌

  • The other penguins seemed rather unperturbed by the seal cry with only one gazing up to witness the action .

    其他的企鹅似乎对那只象海豹的哭喊 视若无睹,只有一只抬头凝望,见证了这一行为。

  • The news had shattered him but Vivian was unperturbed .

    这个消息给了他当头一棒,但维维安却 泰然自若

  • Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow unperturbed .

    很少的科学小说故事描绘人类像一个消极的人种,允许自然潮水的力量 淹没 镇静

  • It is tricky continued Dai-yu unperturbed because English has been adapted within so many different cultures by now .

    这是个错综复杂的问题, 黛玉 影响 继续说下去,因为英文已经自我调整适应了许许多多不同的文化环境。

  • Basically the far-infrared light observed by SOFIA passes through the shear stream of air unperturbed .

    基本上,被SOFIA观察的远红外线的光经过“剪力层”气流时是 不会 受到 扰动的。

  • Unperturbed she continued surveying the hotel foyer .

    不动声色 继续观察着那饭店的门厅。

  • It is peak mosquito season and while some lucky outdoor venturers seem unperturbed by the tiny insects others appear to be relentlessly assaulted .

    眼下正是蚊子活动的高峰期,有些在室外活动的幸运儿好像 并不 这种小小昆虫的侵扰,而另一些人则似乎不断遭到它们的侵袭。

  • The unperturbed system has two types of homoclinic orbits .

    系统 扰动系统在 平面上存在两类不同的同宿轨道。

  • For many people software plus finance would sound alarm bells but Mr Goss seems unperturbed .

    对许多人而言,“软件”加“金融”会让他们顿生戒心,但戈斯却 表现 泰然自若

  • But he is unperturbed by this .

    不过 对于这一点他 并不 担心

  • We express the correspondence between the perturbed and unperturbed energies by an equation .

    我们可用一个方程式表示微扰和 能之间的对应关系。

  • In this paper true anomaly of the chief satellite was taken as basic parameter in unperturbed situation formation flying relative dynamic equation was modeled .

    稳定性是卫星 编队动力学状态耦合分析的重要 内容之一。

  • Only Tu Hsin-to seemed unperturbed ;

    惟有 杜新箨似乎还能够 改常度;

  • And while her Pier on the Central waterfront may be slated for demolition the statue of Queen Victoria still sits unperturbed in the park that bears her name .

    这句 出来作者是说,虽然位于中环的皇后码头要拆了,但 维多丽亚皇后的塑像却还 耸立在以她的名字命名的公园(即 简称维园的维多丽亚公园)里。

  • The king just hesitated for a slight moment and continued quite unperturbed .

    英王稍许停步, 声色