


  • Love'pain sang round my life like the unplumbed sea ;

    爱的痛苦,像无边的大海,在我生命里 放歌

  • Love 's pain sang round my life like the unplumbed sea and love 's joy sang like birds in its flowering groves .

    爱的痛苦环绕着我的一生, 汹涌的大海 似地唱;而爱的快乐却象鸟儿们在 林里似地唱着。

  • Seventy years after the discovery that beryllium dust causes disease the depth of this epidemic is unplumbed probably involving more than a million exposed workers .

    发现铍粉尘致病七十年后,该流行病的深度 无法 估量,可能包括超过一百万接触过铍的工人。