


  • It plays a important role in information processing for fuzzy uncertainty partial truth and unnumbered and becomes one of the main study stream in A I.

    它已成为模糊的、不完整的、不精确的及 海量的信息处理的重要 工具 人工 智能研究 领域的热点之一。

  • Each year we bury in the desert bones unnumbered Yet we only watch for grape-vines coming into China .

    年年战骨埋荒 ,空见葡萄入汉家。

  • Bullet : Phototypesetting term for a large dot used to organize unnumbered lists or for ornamentation .

    圆点:照相排字术语。用来 排列 没有 数字 次序 项目的大圆点。亦可作装饰 花图用。

  • Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes ;

    赎的人当事奉, 面对 无数 仇敌

  • She moved six spaces and landed on an unnumbered square .

    去6格,停在未 编号的方格

  • Although they once fought with grim efficiency in the name of the Emperor the Night Lords were among the first to turn to the darkness sowing misery and fear like a plague across unnumbered worlds .

    尽管他们也曾在 帝皇的名义下进行了 坚强不屈 圣战不过暗夜领主 依旧是第一 堕落 黑暗的战团之一,并且将痛苦和恐惧如同播种般撒向无数个帝国的世界和星球。

  • It was invested with the woe of unnumbered generations this plaint by which Buck was so strangely stirred .

    巴克奇怪地受到这种悲哀的触动。当他感叹、 抽泣时;

  • Secondly the multiple optimal solutions of ( transportation ) problem is sorted into numbered multiple optimal solutions and unnumbered multiple optimal ( solutions ) furthermore the theorem on judging of them are proposed .

    将运输问题的多重最优解进一步划分为有限多重最优解和 无限多重最优解两种情况,并分别给出了判定定理。

  • Any text in the graphic such as labels or unnumbered callouts should

    对于图片中的任何文本,例如标签和 编号的标注,应满足以下要求

  • Start change to or clear an unnumbered ( bulleted ) list Bullet List

    开始、更改或清除无 编号的(项目)列表项目列表