


  • You can modify the settings for this job run unscheduled backups or restore data from within WebConfig 's Backup page .

    可以在WebConfig的Backup页面中修改这个作业的设置、运行 安排的备份或恢复数据。

  • Improper rework practices can result in unscheduled maintenance or surface damage that causes crack initiation .

    翻修不当可能会造成 计划性维修和表面损伤从而造成裂纹。

  • TWO QATARI fighter jets and a cargo aircraft part of military operations to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya yesterday made an unscheduled refueling stop in Cyprus .

    二卡塔尔战斗机和运输机,军事行动的一部分,执行一个以上利比亚禁飞区,昨天在塞浦路斯 计划 加油。

  • No matter how application is defined in your environment two types of application updates can occur : scheduled version updates and unscheduled hot fixes .

    无论“应用程序”在您的环境中是如何定义的,但通常有两种类型的应用程序更新:计划内版本更新和 计划 热修复程序。

  • An unscheduled meeting ; the plane made an unscheduled stop at Gander for refueling .

    事先 安排的会议;为补给燃料飞机没按时间表停在了 甘达尔

  • Unscheduled briefings cancellation of talks change of venues and timings are common in conferences and could upset your coverage schedule .

    计划 之中的发布会、发言取消、改变地点和时间,这些情况会议上很常见,它们可能扰乱你的报道计划。

  • Start an join an unscheduled conference call .

    开始并加入 计划 电话会议。

  • LCR is an excellent option for customers that need fast recovery from mailbox data failure or corruptions but can permit server outages for scheduled and unscheduled reasons .

    对于需要从邮箱数据失败或损坏中快速恢复但允许服务器由于计划或 计划的原因中断的用户,lcr是一个极好的选项。

  • The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii .

    轮船 临时停靠在夏威夷。

  • In addition an announcement by the BoJ that they would hold an unscheduled monetary policy meeting today just added to the markets nervousness .

    此外,日本央行今天声明他们将会 定期地举行货币政策会议,这也加剧了市场的恐慌情绪。

  • If an unscheduled failover occurred you must investigate the cause of the failover by reviewing the application log .

    如果发生了 计划的故障转移,您必须查看应用程序日志了解故障转移的原因。

  • But they made an unscheduled stop in connecticut .

    但他们在康涅狄格 临时停留了一阵。

  • We are going to be making an unscheduled stop .

    我们 临时要降落在另一 机场

  • Common side effects of Yaz Flex include nausea depression headache breast pain and unscheduled bleeding .

    YazFlex的常见副作用包括恶心、抑郁、头痛、胸痛、以及 定期出血。

  • Studying all the unscheduled option grants to chief executives during 1996-2005 we find a highly abnormal concentration at monthly share price lows .

    我们对1996至2005年期间所有随机 授予企业高管的期权进行了研究,发现授予日期一般都集中在股价的月中低点,其比例高的反常。

  • Doing so allows the teacher to more easily select from all the unscheduled activities .

    这样做将允许教师更轻松地从所有 安排的活动中进行选择。

  • If you decide later that you do not want these programs to run they can be unscheduled from the advertised programs monitor in the control panel .

    如果您后来决定不希望运行这些程序,也可以从“控制面板”中的“广告程序监视器”中 取消对它们的 安排

  • It was later revealed that the three principals held an unscheduled second meeting Tuesday afternoon at a Sharm el-Sheikh hotel .

    随后有消息透露,三方于星期二下午在沙姆沙伊赫一家宾馆举行了 原本 没有计划中的第二次会面。

  • The unscheduled visit fuelled speculation that China would soon change its currency policy .

    这一 计划 的访问引发了外界对中国不久将调整其汇率政策的猜测。

  • We have an unscheduled off-world activation .

    我们受到一个 意外的外星信号。

  • However stealing a few minutes of unscheduled shut-eye does have its drawbacks .

    然而,无规律地抽几分钟时间 闭目养神,确实也有不足之处。

  • The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after developing an electrical fault .

    飞机由于发生电力故障而作了 临时降落。

  • The Aion game servers are currently down for unscheduled maintenance .

    永恒之塔服务器 紧急维护而暂时关闭!

  • Engine problems forced us to make an unscheduled stop in athens .

    发动机故障迫使我们在雅典作了 事先 安排的停留。

  • Equipment Maintenance Colored Petri Net Model for Unscheduled Maintenance Downtime Analysis

    面向 计划维修停机时间分析的装备维修过程有色Petri网模型