


  • The selling concept is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods & goods that buyers normally do not think of buying such as insurance and funeral plots .

    推销观念在 那些毋庸自找的产品上使用 卖力&购买者一般不会考虑购买诸如保险或者墓地这些产品。

  • Unsought goods are items a consumer does not necessarily want or need or may not even know about .

    需求品可以是必需品,也可以是奢侈品,甚至是 为人知的商品,但消费者 通常都不会 问津

  • Those that come unsought are commonly the most valuable .

    它们 不是 苦思冥想的结果, 正是最有价值的。

  • It is unvalued if a person only can write English words but have no capable of speaking . Those that come unsought are commonly the most valuable .

    如果一个人只会写不会说,那是无价值的。它们 不是 苦思冥想的结果,却正是最有价值的。

  • When sinners are saved it is only and solely because God will do it to magnify his free unpurchased unsought grace .

    罪人蒙救,只是因为上帝要彰显祂无价的、非买来的、非寻找可 恩典

  • The only way to get it is to follow steadily the path of duty without thinking of joy and then like sheep it comes most surely unsought .

    得到快乐的唯一路径就是紧紧跟随责任的 途路,丝毫不去考虑快乐与 ,就象 虔诚 信徒一样,然后, 必你去 寻求,快乐 会找上门来。

  • Love sought is good but given unsought is better .

    追求而 的爱情虽好, 追求 爱情更妙。

  • The two other forms first reflective and secondly philosophical cognition must leave that unsought natural harmony behind .

    其他两种形式,首先反思认识的形式,其次,哲学的认识,就 超出了那种 直接 天籁的和谐。

  • Love sought is good but giv'n unsought is better .

    求得的爱情是美好的,但主动给予的 爱情更美好。

  • In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military-industrial complex .

    在政府层面,我们必须警惕军事-产业综合体自觉或 自觉带来的影响。