Previously the norm according to one ministry source was to use the unspent money as a'Christmas bonus ' .
来自某部的消息源称,此前的通常做法是把 未使用的资金作为“圣诞节奖金”发放。
Asian property funds are sitting on more than $ 10bn of unspent capital in expectation of a sharper downturn in the region 's real estate market .
亚洲房地产基金目前留存的 未 支 用资金已超过100亿美元,因这些基金预计该地区房地产市场将 出现更严重的低迷期。
And with so much of its 75 billion rupee fund unspent India 's government is drafting proposals to subsidise the provision of broadband to every village .
印度政府拥有750亿卢比 未予花销,目前正在草拟计划准备向所有村庄提供宽带业务。
Next year though Americans are expected to save more than one percent of unspent earnings .
明年,尽管美国人期望储蓄比收入 赢余 多一个百分点。
Some of the biggest players in this market are still raising funds further adding to this unspent cash pile .
这个市场上规模最大的一些投资者仍在筹集资金,这进一步增大了 上述现金储备的规模。
Or the unspent advertising budget may simply be used to cut prices and cheaper unadvertised junk food may sell in greater volume .
或者, 节省下来的广告预算可能会简单地用于降价价格更低、未做广告的垃圾食品可能会有更大的销量。
Now more than ever their money is sitting in banks unspent .
现在,比以前更多的是把钱存在银行里不 花。
These companies are now sitting on unspent cash ( $ 40bn in the case of ExxonMobil the largest of the group ) and very low debt .
现在这些公司坐拥 大量现金(其中最大的集团埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)拥有400亿美元现金),而且负债极低。
Instead the sound of a ticking clock may be forcing action : in many funds managers must return unspent capital to investors after five years .
相反,时间紧迫可能是许多私人股本公司被迫采取行动的原因:在许多基金,基金经理必须在5年后将 未 使用的资金还给投资者。
However insiders have confirmed that the unspent assets were found this month in Libyan state coffers .
然而内部人士确认,这些 未 花 掉的财富是本月在利比亚国库中发现的。
The worst thing in life is you 're dead with your money unspent .
人生最痛苦的事情是人死了钱还 没 用完。
Simultaneously the utilization ratio of health service is low and the part of the NCMS fund was left unspent . 2 .
农民对卫生服务的利用率很低,账户基金存在一定 结余。