unstable equilibrium

[ʌnˈstebəl ˌikwəˈlɪbriəm][ʌnˈsteɪbəl ˌi:kwəˈlɪbri:əm]


  • Most of the methods determine the stability boundary in case of the given controlling unstable equilibrium point ( CUEP ) .

    主导 稳定 平衡点(CUEP)的计算在电力系统暂态稳定分析直接法中具有重要意义。

  • The chaotic trajectories of the new system with known parameters can be effectively guided to any unstable equilibrium point or period solution by the linear state feedback method .

    由此,对系统参数已知的情形,采用线性状态反馈方法将混沌系统控制到不 稳定 平衡点和内嵌的周期轨道;

  • A transient angle unstable mode of power system closely relates to a controlling unstable equilibrium point ( UEP ) .

    电力系统暂态功角失稳模式同相关 稳定 平衡点密切相关。

  • A new method based on adjoint system and minus system to compute unstable equilibrium points on the stability boundary of power system classical model is proposed .

    采用伴随 同化方法对空间分布底摩擦系数的研究表明,与传统的底摩擦 系数处理方法相比,空间分布的底摩擦系数模拟精度更高。

  • Computation of Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Corresponding to Instability Mode of Transient Voltage

    暂态电压失稳模式的主导 稳定 平衡点计算 失衡 失去 平衡 状态

  • No matter which is chosen it may also lead to an unstable equilibrium .

    无论选择哪种结果,都可能造成一种 稳定 均势

  • Computing the Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Based on the Theory of Adjoint Systems

    基于伴随系统理论的电力系统主导 稳定 平衡点求解方法

  • In this paper the characteristics of physical stability and unstable equilibrium point are analyzed based on the trajectory of dynamic process to further realize the synchronization stability features in multi-machine power system .

    为进一步认识发电机同步稳定性特性,基于动态过程的轨迹,分析了多机电力系统的发电机稳定性物理特性及 稳定 平衡点特性。

  • According to the stability region theory of constrained dynamic system the restricted stability boundary is composed of stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points periodic orbits and semi-saddles on the boundary and portions of the boundary of the feasible region .

    根据带约束动力系统稳定域理论,其受限稳定边界由边界上 稳定 平衡点、周期轨和半鞍点的稳定流形以及部分可行域边界构成。

  • Unstable equilibrium points and transient stability

    稳定 平衡点与暂态稳定性

  • Numerical simulations show that the method can both suppress chaos to unstable equilibrium points and unstable periodic orbits ( limit cycles ) successfully .

    数值模拟进一步验证了这种反馈控制方法可成功将Liu系统混沌运动轨道镇定到 稳定 平衡点或不稳定周期轨道,即极限环上。

  • It controls the chaotic system to its unstable equilibrium points effectively by adaptively adding the first state variable to the right-hand side of the second equation or adding the second variable y to the right-hand side of the first equation .

    它将第一个变量x自适应反馈控制到第二个方程右边,或者将第二个变量y自适应反馈控制到第一个方程的右边,从而有效地将混沌系统控制到 稳定 平衡点。

  • With a fractional reserve system you 're in an unstable equilibrium .

    伴随着部分准备金银行制度,英国的银行业处于一个 平稳 均衡中。

  • The movement equations of power system should be expressed first in matrix formula-tion before the calculation of stable and unstable manifolds on a controlling unstable equilibrium point in application of normal form theory .

    应用正规形理论求电力系统在主导 稳定 平衡点处的局部稳定和不稳定流形,首先要将电力系统的运动方程的泰勒展开用矩阵表示。

  • This paper discusses the jump behavior in the network preserving model and difficulties caused by the application of traditional Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Points ( UEP ) Method to it .

    该文讨论了结构保持模型中的跳变行为以及将传统的 ControllingUEP理论方法应用于该模型的难点;

  • A new method of chaotic control with evolutionary RBF neural network is presented for stabilizing chaotic orbits on an unstable equilibrium embeded within a Lorenz chaotic attractor .

    对镇定一嵌入在Lorenz混沌吸引子内的 稳定 平衡 上的混沌轨道提出了一种利用进化RBF网控制混沌系统的新方法。

  • So you see that 's the difference between stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium .

    你们看,这就是,稳定平衡和, 稳定 平衡的区别。

  • This paper presents the stability limits prediction by sensitivity based BCU method using network structure preserving model . The main feature is that it does not rely on the assumption that the controlling unstable equilibrium point does not change when the operation parameter changes .

    阐述了电力系统结构保持模型下基于灵敏度的BCU方法,其显著特征是当运行参量变化时不依赖于主导 稳定 平衡点不变的假设。

  • Application of Switch Method to Calculate the Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point of Electric Power System

    应用开关算法计算电力系统中的主导 稳定 平衡

  • For a type of complex competition diffusion system with two species the existence of monotone traveling wave solutions is investigated from an unstable equilibrium to a stable one .

    对一类复杂的两种群竞争扩散系统,在系统参数满足一定的条件下,讨论了从一个 稳定 平衡 到另一个稳定 平衡 之间的单调行波解的存在性。

  • A new method based on the theory of adjoint systems to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point is presented .

    提出了一种基于伴随系统理论的电力系统主导 稳定 平衡点的求解方法。

  • Relationship between the Number of Critical Cut-sets and the Type of Unstable Equilibrium Point with Respect to Transient Angle Stability

    暂态功角稳定 稳定 平衡点类型和临界割集数量的对应关系

  • Stabilization of unstable equilibrium points in a new chaotic system

    一个新混沌系统 稳定 平衡点的镇定

  • Recently a new direct method called the adjoint gradient system method has been proposed for computing the controlling unstable equilibrium point ( CUEP ) in transient stability analysis .

    根据该方法,故障后电力系统的主导 稳定 平衡点可以通过求解相关伴随梯度系统的渐近稳定平衡 得到。

  • But this is an unstable equilibrium that will probably not be sustained far into next year .

    但这是一种 稳定 平衡,可能不会在明年延续很久。

  • In this paper a new method is adopted to search for the stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points so that the stable manifolds of equilibrium points are found easily through partial differential equations .

    该文采用一种新的方法寻找 稳定 平衡点的稳定流形,该方法可确定平衡点的稳定流形所满足的偏微分方程。

  • Furthermore local stability boundary of the unstable equilibrium points is approximated by the second order hyper surfaces .

    在此基础上,该文运用偏微分方程的二阶近似解,即二次超曲面,来近似 稳定 平衡点局部的稳定域边界。

  • The single parameter sampled data feedback control directs the system to unstable equilibrium point with only one parameter .

    在采样数据反馈控制中,只要利用一个参数便将系统控制到 稳定 平衡点。

  • And this is an unstable equilibrium .

    这是个 稳定 平衡