


  • What impressed me about this biography is its unsparing honesty .

    这本传记留给我印象的是其 情面的诚实。

  • There have been some pretty unsparing antientertainments just lately .

    就在最近,就有一些 过度的反传统的娱乐。

  • Bright spent unsparing hand foot criticism of grass .

    手下留情花似锦, 足下 留情草如茵。

  • As we get up to leave I note that his book is both sentimental and unsparing about the America of his youth .

    我们起身准备离开, 这时我提到,他的书中对于他年轻 的美国充满了感伤的回忆, 批评起来又 客气

  • In unsparing terms the US president chronicled the increasing inequality and declining social mobility that he says pose a fundamental threat to the American dream our way of life and what we stand for around the world .

    美国总统以 尖锐 言辞 阐述了不平等加剧和社会流动性下降等问题,他认为这些问题对美国梦、美国人的生活方式和美国在世界上代表的意义构成了根本威胁。

  • He is unsparing of his own peace and comfort .

    他不 吝惜自己的安逸舒适。

  • In a scathing and unsparing manner .

    以严厉、 无情的方式。

  • He was unsparing of praise in his offers of help w_817 .


  • Only by reading between the lines can one follow the unsparing analysis beneath the imperturbable surface .

    只有从字里行间 体会言外之意, 读者才能理解在不动声色的表面底下 隐藏着的 毫不留情的分析。

  • Mr Hopkins has been unsparing of his own health .

    霍普金斯先生 曾经 不惜 牺牲他自己的健康。

  • Secret recordings by the federal government beginning in 2008 reveal the mechanisms of fraud as he and other insiders swapped information discussed recruiting other corporate insiders to provide information and plotted ways to avoid detection in unsparing detail .

    美国联邦政府2008年开始的秘密录音,揭露出了这种欺骗的机制。录音记录了 拉贾那纳姆和其他内部人士交换信息,讨论招募其它公司内部人士提供信息并详细策划如何才能不被发现。

  • Nijinsky was unsparing in his demands for perfection . I brought my own shampoo and conditioner . Here you go .

    我自己带了洗发精和 润丝精,在这里。