Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched .
诸如单边裁军之类 不得人心的政策已被废除了。
His arrogant manner made him unpopular .
他的傲慢态度使他 不 受 欢迎。
People who message a lot feel unpopular if they don 't get many back
如果人们发出大量短信但收到的回复却不多,就会觉得自己 不 受 欢迎 。
Such a work style is unpopular anywhere .
这种工作作风到哪儿都 吃 不 开。
In high school I was very unpopular and I did encounter a little prejudice
上中学的时候,我很 不 受 欢迎,确实受到了一些歧视。
The country 's leaders are unwilling to take unpopular measures to stop the rot.
该国领导人不愿采取 不 受 欢迎的措施来阻止形势恶化。
He 's trying to say he was unpopular .
他想说他是个 不 受 欢迎 的 人。
Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles .
奥尔顿把自己搞得在某些圈子里极其 不 受 欢迎。
The elections were seen as a repudiation of an unpopular war in Iraq .
此次选举被视作对 不 受 欢迎的伊拉克战争的一种批判。
The Chancellor is deeply unpopular with voters .
选民们很 不 喜欢这位总理。
But others are unpopular in America and Britain .
但是,其它 建议在美国和英国 却 不 吃香;
Politicians do not like admitting this because it is unpopular .
政客们不愿承认这一点,因为这 不得人心。但这的确是事实。
Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it .
很多人厌倦了因为自己的财富而 不 受 欢迎,从而会鼓励更加均匀地分配财富。
He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions
他作风 强悍,作决定不怕得罪人,这是出了名的。
The committee 's confrontational style of campaigning has made it unpopular
委员会咄咄逼人的宣传方式使其 不得人心 。
But Mr Bush himself remained deeply unpopular in European opinion surveys constraining his influence over his European allies .
但布什本人在欧洲民意调查中仍旧非常 不 受 欢迎这限制了他对欧洲盟友们的影响力。
But he made Mr. Romney unpopular among voters .
但他让罗姆尼在选民中 变得 不 受 欢迎。
Several unpopular decisions diminished the governor 's popularity .
几 项 不得人心的决定使州长的声望下降。
It unsettles Egypt and Jordan which have made their unpopular peaces with Israel .
这也搅乱了埃及和约旦,他们与以色列进行了那 不得人心的和平。
The price increase will obviously be unpopular although it 's unlikely to reduce demand .
提价显然是 不得人心的,但这未必能 收到减少需求的 效果。
I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions .
我会毫不犹豫地作出 并不 受 欢迎的决定。
All these governments can do is enact unpopular structural reforms and risk electoral defeat in the process .
那些政府只会做一件事:制定 不 受 拥戴的结构性改革方案,并在此过程中冒着选举失败的风险。
The military regime in power was unpopular and repressive .
当权的军政府压制人民, 不得人心。
It was a painful and unpopular decision
那是一个痛苦又 不得人心的决定。
Taxes are unpopular — it is understandable that voters are against them
税收 不 受 欢迎——选民们反对是可以理解的。
The new Chancellor has the guts to push through unpopular tax increases
新总理有勇气推动 不 受 欢迎的增税方案获得通过 。
Within a few days of taking office he had become the most unpopular man in the company .
他上任没几天,就成了公司里最 不得人心的人。
I can take unpopular actions when I believe I 'm right .
当我相信我自己正确时,我会采取 别人 不 认同的行动。
The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .
立法机关废除了 不得人心的租借法案。