


  • An unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons ; the impartial eye of a scientist .

    对支持者和反对 不偏不倚的评价;科学家 没有 偏见的眼光。

  • The writer deems that the basic method for totally change this kind of condition and substantially protect its legal right is up to systematic reform so have to set a kind of systematic arrangement which being systematically unprejudiced and without identifier .

    笔者认为,彻底改变这种状况,从而实现实质性的保护 合法权益的根本方法是制度变革,要设立一种没有制度 偏好和身份标识的制度安排。

  • The gist of this teaching method is carrying out unprejudiced classified teaching guiding students and evaluating their learning results according to different teaching environments and requirements for the purpose of their all-round development .

    目标 定向 &分类指导的核心,是根据不同教学环境和要求,对学生进行 歧视性分类教学、指导和评价,以有 利于 各类学生的全面发展。

  • Our perceptive faculties grow quiet unprejudiced and unacquisitive .

    我们的领悟能力变得安静、公平、不 贪心

  • To understand what is requires an enormous capacity a swift and unprejudiced mind .

    了解 相需要巨大的容量,敏锐和 偏见的心意。