


  • This person is not simple know how to look at the matter from a long-term regulation fish unrivaled I watched you this Mermaid dangerous .

    这个人不简单,懂得放长线调大鱼, 无双,你这条美人鱼我看着危险。

  • This one-of-a-kind V10 Bio-fuel powered SUV was inspired by military vehicle designs and features security appointments that are unrivaled in today 's SUV marketplace .

    这之一的一类,V10发动机,6.8升,生物燃料驱动的SUV的设计灵感来自军用车辆设计和功能安全的任命是在今天的SUV市场 匹敌的。

  • I suggest wee-mail all the affected customers and explain that we are committed to providing unrivaled service .

    我认为我们该寄封电子邮件给所有受影响的客户,说明我们一定会提供 独一无二的服务。

  • Kit is a good group of unrivaled international study diligently explore innovate never satisfied companies .


  • We may not accept their answers and it 's very likely that we do not but their questions are often put with a kind of unrivaled clarity and insight .

    我们可能不接受他们的解答,我们可能 接受才怪,但他们的问题常 含一种, 无敌的清晰与独到见解。

  • S.and Israel whose drones are unrivaled in the world today and could worry China 's neighbors many of which have territorial disputes with China in the East and South China Seas .

    另外,中国无人机可能 还会让中国的邻国担忧,很多邻国与中国就东中国海和南中国 海都有领土之争。

  • Your black bamboo combining Chinese classical painting with an intense sense of modern technique is really unique and unrivaled among contemporary works .

    你的竹墨画结合了中国古典绘画风格和浓烈现代技巧意识,在中国现代绘画作品中 独树一帜

  • Hence its unrivaled significance as a means of social direction .

    所以, 语言作为社会指导的手段,其重要性 无与伦比

  • Take advantage of productivity and workflow enhancements unrivaled editing power and breakthrough compositing capabilities .

    利用生产效率和工作流增强, 匹敌的编辑能力,和突破性的复合功能。

  • No political party or politician be it the one with unrivaled clout in the country or even in the world can decide against the popular will of this multi-ethnic nation .

    没有一个政党,没有一个政治家能有这样的影响力来把这两者结合 起来 甚至整个世界都不能够阻挡这个多民族国家的公众意志。

  • From Europe to Asia we are the hub of alliances unrivaled in the history of nations .

    从欧洲到亚洲,我们是各国有史以来 无人 的联盟轴心。

  • Deputy director said : unrivaled I think that Lu Qing but something was amiss look pretty scary .

    赵副局长说: 无双,我看这个陆青可是不对劲, 着邪门。

  • Stock to be cleared is unrivaled in both variety and quality .

    清仓 商品无论种类还是质量都无可挑剔。

  • Over the next two decades the company built a portfolio of unrivaled cable television news and entertainment brands and businesses .

    之后的二十年里,公司 头筹,创立了 包括有线电视新闻和娱乐业务 在内的一 整套节目。

  • On the soccer field Pele 's legacy is virtually unrivaled in the modern history of international sports .

    在足球场上,贝利创造的 奇迹在现代国际体育史上几乎是 无人 匹敌的。

  • But RIM has taken the strategy farther than most big players at a crucial time for a company that practically invented the smartphone and once held unrivaled dominance over the market .

    但身处关键时刻的RIM对这个策略的运用比其他多数公司都走得更远。RIM实际上可以称为是智能手机的发明者,一度在这个市场上占据不 匹敌的霸主地位。

  • Convergence you and you have said on more than one occasion I Murong unrivaled .

    你也收敛点,慕容 无双我和你说过不止一次。

  • Your painting is really unique and unrivaled among contemporary .

    你的画在现代绘画作品中 独树一帜

  • Matchless beauty ; the team 's nonpareil center fielder ; she 's one girl in a-million ; the one and only Muhammad ali ; a peerless scholar ; infamy unmatched in the western world ; wrote with unmatchable clarity ; unrivaled mastery of her art .

    无可比拟的美丽;这个队无敌的中场手;她是万里挑一的女孩;举世无双的穆罕默德埃里;出类拔萃的学者;在西方世界无与伦比的丑闻;写得无比清楚; 无比精通她的艺术。

  • Couple that with an unrivaled downturn in the global economy and the challenge increases several fold .

    再加上全球经济出现 前所未有的下滑,使得 整合 项目 更加困难重重。

  • China 's current investments could place it in an unrivaled position to take advantage of any resources on the continent in 2048 .

    中国目前的投资数额或能使其在2048年获得上 无可比拟的优势位置,在这块大陆上占据对所有种类资源的优先权。

  • That would be a feat unrivaled in the history of the modern oil era .

    那将成为现代石油时代有史 以来 匹敌的一项丰功伟绩。

  • Woman is unrivaled as a wet nurse .

    作为奶妈,女人是 无与伦比的。

  • United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the twin threats of global warming and spreading deserts pose what he calls unrivaled challenges to humanity . Mr.

    联合国秘书长潘基文说,全球暖化和沙漠扩张两项威胁对人类构成了 无与伦比挑战。

  • And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome .

    并成为罗马历史上 无敌帝国的缔造者。

  • The museum possesses an unrivaled collection of Indian art .

    这家博物馆对印度艺术品的收藏是 无与伦比的。

  • Through more than a century of growth the American economy has repeatedly shown its strength its resilience and its unrivaled capacity to adapt and reinvent itself .

    在一个多世纪的增长中,美国经济一再表现出其实力、韧性以及 无与伦比的适应和自我更新能力。

  • Unrivaled as chairman and vice chairman for you .
