


  • Give them unquiet dreams ;

    使它们的梦境 波澜 起伏

  • He bent his head mournfully and sighed in deep sorrow as an unquiet spirit might sigh .

    他身穿铠甲,头低垂着,一 愁容,像一个 不幸的精灵,深深地叹息着。

  • Must you call me you unquiet one ?

    你定要叫我么,你 安静的人?

  • Raymond fall into an unquiet slumber and dream again of his son .

    雷蒙德进入了 安宁的睡眠,又梦见了他的儿子。

  • One can only hope that his unquiet spirit found some peace in the grave .

    人们只能希望他的 焦虑 的灵魂在坟墓里找到一些安宁。

  • Those are signs of an unquiet mind .

    这是 心烦意乱的表现。

  • Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes .

    他俩生的女儿叫哈耳摩尼业,日后成为战火连绵的底 比斯王朝的开国女祖。

  • Because of my words he had an unquiet night .

    因为我说的话他彻夜 未眠

  • Oh happy are we if the hurricanes that ripple life 's unquiet sea have the effect of making Jesus more precious .

    如果顚 我们生活的飓风,能使我们的主更加宝贵的话,我们的 也是 舒适的了。

  • Confidence implies a break & through from reserve the bursting of the bonds which imprison an unquiet heart .

    信任意味着打破限制、 摧毁那种禁锢一个 平静心灵的枷锁。

  • Spent an anxious night waiting for the test results ; cast anxious glances behind her ; those nervous moments before takeoff ; an unquiet mind .

    因等待考试结果而度过了一个焦虑的夜晚;在她身后投去了焦虑的一瞥;起飞前紧张的片刻; 焦虑的情绪。

  • Till morning dawned I was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea .

    我在欢快而 的海洋上颠簸,直到早晨。