She is an unreconstructed supporter of the grammar-led approach to language learning .
她是以语法为导向的语言教学法的 顽固支持者。
Like this theoretical model will reflect rationally the real shape . In the paper two ideal unreconstructed surface models for LiCoO_2 ( 003 ) are considered .
本文计算中,我们考虑了两种理想、 未 重构的LiCoO2(003)表面模型。
This method is technically correct but I can virtually guarantee you that this class was written by an unreconstructed C + + programmer .
这个方法在技术上是正确的,但我确信,这个类是由一名 保守的C++程序员编写的。
Unreconstructed monetarists and those who think the debt crisis was a random shock that has passed will not be persuaded but for the rest of us the monetary policy debate should be guided by three principles .
The dynamic investigation of the scattering of O2 molecule from Si ( 100 ) unreconstructed surface has been made with quasi-classical trajectory method .
采用准经典轨迹计算方法对双原子分子O2与 非 重构Si(100) 理想表面的散射过程进行了动力学研究。
Peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart ; there are probably more unreconstructed Southerners than one would like to admit .
农民在内心里仍是 守旧的小资产者;也许有比我们所乐于承认的数目更多的守旧的南方人。
The LEPs interaction potential model of o_2 / si ( 100 ) unreconstructed surface
O2/Si(100) 非 重构表面LEPS相互作用势模型
Mr Magnus was surely correct to say this points to the need for further monetary easing – but wrong I think to say that unreconstructed monetarists will not be persuaded .
马格纳斯表示,这说明需要进一步放松货币政策,这肯定是正确的,但他表示, 顽固的货币主义者是不会被说服的,我认为,这是错误的。
She describes herself as an unreconstructed feminist .
她把自己描述为一名 固执的女权主义者。
Any thought of EU membership for an unreconstructed Ukraine must be years off .
对 尚未 重建的乌克兰 来讲,任何成为欧盟成员国的想法都应 此去经年。