


  • His fear turned into unreasoning panic .

    他的恐惧变成了 毫无 理智的惊恐。

  • In this paper that conventional pumping speed measurement methods for refrigerator cryopump is unreasoning was indicated .

    本文指出用常规的抽速测试方法来测量制冷机低温泵的 速是 合理的。

  • Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity .

    清醒的理智战胜了 盲目 冲动的急躁情绪。

  • She returned in thought to his unreasoning and seemingly consuming enthusiasm for her .

    她回想到他对她 那种 超越 理性的,仿佛 足以把他自己烧毁的热情。

  • Let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless unreasoning unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance .

    让我来表明我坚定的信念:我们不得不害怕的其实就是害怕本身&一种莫名奇妙的、 丧失 理智的、毫无根据的恐惧。它把人们转退为进所需要的种种努力化为泡影。

  • There exists between these two ethnic groups an unreasoning hatred of one another .

    这两个种族群体之间有一种 理智的仇恨。

  • Benjamin Graham the father of value investing came up with Mr Market a moody individual whose occasional irrational optimism and unreasoning pessimism create trading opportunities .

    价值投资之父本杰明格雷厄姆(BenjaminGraham)提出了市场先生一 &这是一个非常情绪化的个体,它时不时出现的非理性乐观和 悲观创造出了交易机会。

  • Massage on the related points gives very good effect for curing hemicrania blood vein nervous headache cold headache and unreasoning headache or heaviness in the head .

    按摩相关穴位对于治疗偏头痛、头血管神经性头痛,感冒头痛,及 一些 原因 不明的头痛,头重均可达到较好的疗效。

  • The article argues that the unreasoning factors are the initial incentive of a few leaders ' corruption so we should strengthen the guidance of unreasoning factors actively to prevent the corruption .

    文章认为, 理性因素是促使许多领导干部走上犯罪道路的最早诱因,因此,我们要加强对非理性因素的积极引导,力争在源头上防止腐败现象的产生。

  • In the novels the monster contour usually is ugly and funny however some monster innermost feelings good brave the wisdom the unreasoning passion the benevolence speak good faith and so on .

    小说中妖怪的外形通常是丑恶和滑稽的,而有些妖怪内心善良、勇敢、智慧、 痴情、仁爱、诚信等等。

  • Revealed in the book by the author of unreasoning passion and the images of their Qingchi .

    揭示了作者在书中借助人物形象寄托的 痴情和情痴。

  • Aimed at the unreasoning practice of the tightening torque by manual when screwing on oil pump a torque measure system is developed .

    针对抽油泵螺纹 旋紧扭矩由人工 给出 科学性,研制了抽油泵螺纹旋紧扭矩测控系统。

  • This paper combined the way of history and logic synthetic analysis and macro-analysis and discussed the emerging evolving and its theme of the theory of personal knowledge at the comparison between the reasoning factors and its unreasoning factors .

    以历史与逻辑相结合、宏观分析与微观分析相结合的方法,在理性因素和 理性因素的比较中分析和论述个人知识理论的产生、发展、主题。

  • Perhaps this is the genesis of the rumors of monstrous things reported to resemble the barbarians in size and ferocity but that are in reality nothing more than unreasoning inhuman beasts .

    这可能是那些流言中关于被传体型和凶猛类似野蛮人的怪物的根源,但事实上那些只不过是 意识 非人野兽罢了。

  • Secondly it analyses the influences of the unreasoning stockholder equity structure on the financial management including on raising funds and investment re-constitution distribution and policies of encouragement .

    其次分析了 合理的公司股权结构对公司财务管理的影响,包括对公司筹资与投资、分配以及激励政策的影响。

  • The development history of the support industry of Guangxi manifests the development of a support industry should attach importance to enhancement of quality and avoid unreasoning & repeated construction .

    广西支柱产业的发展历程也告诉 我们,支柱产业应重视 内涵质量的提高,避免 盲目建设和重复建设;

  • What politicians and regulators forgot over the ensuing two decades is that fear is also good – at least while it stays the right side of unreasoning panic .

    二十年来,一直为政治家和监管者们所遗忘的是,恐惧也是个好东西&至少是在它与 理性恐慌保持 一致 时。

  • Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness .

    具有愚蠢的或 理智的喜爱的特征的。

  • It comes from the unknown upon us and it behoves us to pass delicately and exquisitely upon the subtle new wind from heaven conveyed like birds in unreasoning migration from death to life .

    它从陌生的地方来,降临在我们身上,使我们乘上了从天国 吹来的清新柔风,就如向死而生的鸟儿一样。

  • He said to himself that she was too light and childish too uncultivated and unreasoning and too provincial .

    他对自己说,她太轻佻 雅,太 缺乏 教养,太没有头脑,也太 粗俗 土气

  • Shadow is the dark side of human psyche acting as a destructive and unreasoning power . Meanwhile as the self-compensation in reality shadow also has the positive aspect .

    阴影是隐藏在人类心灵深处 不为人知的阴暗面,富有破坏性和 盲目 冲动的力量,同时作为现实世界中的自我补偿,也具有积极的一面。

  • The external negative behaviours in public security are mainly showed in the form of the evasion of the law resistance and unreasoning fight against the law .

    公共安全中外在的消极的行为主要表现为 社区 居民法律逃避、法律抵制和 理性法律抗争。

  • To his unreasoning mother forced him to write in the premise to ensure obtaining university agreed to continue to worship him only to complete their studies .

    可他 不通 情理的母亲 在逼迫他写下保证考取大学的前提下,才答应继续供奉他完成学业。

  • At this moment of success I found only an unreasoning sense of futility

    在这一成功的时刻我只感到 一阵 莫名的枉然。

  • As you can see the dark cabalists remain defiant and their escalated aggressive measures speak to their unreasoning intransigence .

    正如你所看到的,黑暗的分子和他们升级的挑衅行为中表达了他们的 正在 丧失 理智

  • Perhaps you do not have any expectation except thousand li but the heart or time of the unreasoning passion of my love sickness is persistent equally .

    也许你在千里之外已经没有任何期待,但我相思的 痴情之心还是时间一样执着。

  • In an unreasoning visceral manner .

    以非 理智 本能的方式。

  • As one kind of anti-social and unreasoning spirit Superstition hinder the development of society all the time .

    迷信作为一种反 科学 理性的社会精神现象,一直以来都是中国社会发展的一种阻碍 力量

  • They kept their dignity by retreating behind an unreasoning authoritarian .

    他们以无理的权威 气派 屏障可以保持自己的威严。

  • Niki 's voice provoked a new bout of unreasoning anger .

    妮基一开口又激起了 无名的怒火。