But as soon as the thorns on the road worry my feet I writhe and begin to feel serious misgivings as to the future .
可是在路上遇到满途荆棘,我 又 苦恼 不安,开始为前途满心担忧起来。
The more the worms writhe the more I yearn to crush out their entrails !
虫子越 受苦,我就越想碾碎它们。
The shark was writhing around wildly trying to get free .
那条鲨鱼疯狂地 扭动 身体,试图挣脱。
RESULTS : Mouse 's wet excrement numbers writhe numbers and restrain rates of rabbit 's small intestine in the bornyl acetate group were obviously less than that in the negative group however empty rates of mouse 's stomach had no obvious different with the negative group .
结果:乙酸龙脑酯组小鼠湿粪数、 扭 体次数明显少于空白对照组,家兔离体小肠运动抑制率明显低于空白对照组,小鼠胃排空率与空白对照组相比无显著性差异。
I 've come here to writhe upon the blade of my sorrow to live the thousand deaths by the ancient right of Kings .
我来此 好在痛苦的锋刃上 自我 惩罚,以古代国王的权力去经历无数死亡。
The subject makes her writhe with embarrassment
这个话题让她 难堪 得 坐立不安。
To writhe or squirm as in pain . propeller twist
扭曲因痛苦 而 扭曲或扭动身体
His dazed eyes stare at the eels which still writhe and entwine
他茫然地盯着仍在 翻滚缠绕的鳗鱼。
Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment .
当然学生会 对这样不公正的对待 感到 不 快。
I generally avoid caffeine after lunchtime but sometimes I wonder if I ought to avoid talking to people in the afternoons too for the things they say linger in the mind where they writhe and ferment until night .
我午后一般不喝含咖啡因的饮料,但有时我怀疑下午是否也应该避免跟人交谈,因为别人说的话会盘踞在我的脑海里,到夜里 仍 翻腾 不休。
Students writhe under such great pressure .
学生 们 因压力 过大 而 苦恼。
Is it not sufficient for your infernal selfishness that while you are at peace I shall writhe in the torments of hell ? '
当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的 折磨里 受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私 心得到满足吗?
Writhe you own English name with the green pen in the bottom right-hand corner of the paper .
用绿笔在 信封的右下角写上你自己的英文名字。
Equity markets are thus likely to remain jittery for some time as debt-laden countries and companies continue to writhe in pain .
因此股市的恐慌可能还会持续一段时间,负债累累的国家和企业将继续在痛苦中 挣扎。
He was writhing in agony
他痛苦地 翻滚着。
Do you tell me that it 's decent for men and women on the stage to writhe about like eels ?
你是不是告诉我,在戏台上的男男女女,像鳗鱼 般 的 扭来 扭去 是 合乎体统的吗?
Ashkelon will see it and be afraid ; gaza also and it will writhe much in anguish ; and ekron for her expectation will have been confounded .
亚实基伦看见必惧怕;迦萨看见必 甚痛苦;以革 伦因失了盼望蒙羞。