Accordingly hard X-ray Modulation Telescope ( HXMT ) is a significant implement that will accelerate human 's knowledge about the thermal radiation process of high-energy celestial bodies .
硬 X 射线调制望远镜HXMT正是推进人类对 天体高能辐射过程的认识重要工具。
A Report of X ray Diagnosing Trachea and Bronchus Foreign Bodies in 97 Children
X线诊断小儿气管支气管 异物97例报告
Research about Foreign Bodies Non-destructive Detection System X-ray Imaging
食品 异物 X 射线无损伤检测系统研究
Objective To evaluate the accuracy of X ray B - scan and CT in the localization of foreign bodies in the wall of eyeball .
目的分析 X线、B超和CT对眼球壁 异物定位的准确性,探讨较可靠的球壁异物定位方案。
The analysis of finding X-chromatin bodies on smears from scrapings of the conjunctiva buccal and labial mucosa
睑结膜、 颊粘膜和唇粘膜刮 片检查 X染色质的分析
In research works on the mechanism of emission for those celestial bodies which emit X-ray and γ - ray in strong magnetic fields or even those emit optical radiation only . These polarization properties should be considered .
在研究气体,尤其是具有强磁场 天体的高能 X 射线和γ射线,甚至光学辐射机制时,这些偏振特性必须给予充分注意。
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Cobb 's angles measured by anteroposterior X ray examination ; rotation angles of top vertebrae and angles between axis lines of bilateral vertebral pedicles and axis lines of vertebral bodies measured by CT scan .
主要观察指标:正位 X线摄片Cobb's角,CT片顶椎旋转角度及双侧椎弓根与 椎体轴心角度。
Results Detection rates of respiratory symptoms abnormal chest X ray and impaired pulmonary ventilation function were significantly higher in the exposed workers than those in the controls ( P < 0 01 ) which suggested certain pathogenic effects of PAN on human bodies .
结果呼吸系统症状检出率、胸部 X线异常改变和肺通气功能损伤程度,接尘组均明显高于对照组( P<001)。
The Oscar winner and the Warm Bodies actor met while both starring in 2011 's X-Men : First Class and dated for two years .
这位奥斯卡影后和《温暖的 尸体》的主演在2011年 拍摄 《 X 战警:第一 战 》时相识并约会了两年。
Methods 21 eyes of 21 patients with ocular siderosis underwent the X ray localization of intraocular foreign bodies ( IOFB ) and IOFBs were removed in 18 of 21 eyes and PC IOL was implanted in 4 eyes .
方法对21例21眼眼铁质沉着症行 X线眼内 异物定位检查,其中18眼手术摘出异物,4例行后房型人工晶状体植入。
? Methods 10 eyes of 10 patients with ocular siderosis underwent the X ray localization of intraocular foreign bodies ( IOFBs ) .
方法对因眼内异物引起的10例(10眼)眼铁质沉着症进行 X线眼内 异物定位检查,2例采用巩膜外磁性试验后牵引至睫状 体平坦部吸出;
The effects of turbulent plasma scattering on the X-ray spectra of celestial bodies
湍动等离子体散射对 天体 X 射线谱的作用
Methods Taking lateral X ray of damaged segments at least including two vertebral bodies .
方法常规拍摄包括损伤节段上下至少两个 椎体 的 X线侧位片。
When Δ X / MN ≤ 1 / 3 (Δ X being the distance between two spheroidal bodies ) a distortion of ρ s curve may appear which affects directly the discrimination and results in incorrect interpretation .
当两个组合球形岩溶地质 体之间的距离Δ X与MN之比ΔX/MN≤1/3时,ρs曲线会发生畸变,直接影响分辨能力,并会导致错误的解释结果。
Effects of the X-rays Produced by Discharges in Air Gaps on Human Bodies
空气间隙放电产生的 X 射线对 人体的影响
The shrinkages of green bodies in X Y Z directions were measured . The results show that under the same pressure there is no difference of shrinkage in X and Y directions and does not change with the height .
结果表明,同一压力下,坯 体X向和Y向收缩率一致,并且不同高度处的 X、Y向收缩率无明显差异。
[医] 普利默氏体,杆状巴尔通氏体