The writing task is no imagination of so terrible like to think ahead a good accurate crime steps .
这个 写作 的 任务其实并没有想象中的那么可怕,就像提前考虑好的一个精确的犯罪步骤一样。
Confronting a writing task students are over-anxious and they lack interest and confidence which is closely related with traditional teaching method .
面对 写作 任务时,学生缺乏积极性与自信心,畏难情绪较重,这与传统教学法有着密切关系。
In the present paper the outer factors affecting students in the whole process of thinking in English writing are classified into three categories : the writing task the writing environment and the writing product which influence students'writing quality .
在整个英语写作思维过程中不断影响学生的外在因素可以分为三类: 写作 任务、写作环境和写作成品。这三方面因素对学生的写作质量均有影响。
In the writing task children were asked to copy samples of Chinese characters . similarly the picture drawing task required children to copy simple objects .
在 抄写方面,这些 小童要抄写一些中文单字;画图方面亦采取相似的方法,要求他们按一些简单的物件图象照样绘画出来。
The problems existing in the writing task design teachers ' feedback students ' interest and motivation and writing strategies are analyzed . Then the task-based approach is put forward to solve these problems .
作者分析了 写作 任务设计、教师反馈、学生写作兴趣与动机以及写作技巧等方面存在的问题,并提出运用任务教学法解决这些问题。
Responsible for writing task instruct document & calibration technique document of relative measure monitor equipment calibration .
负责 编写相关测量、监控设备校准 作业指导文件和计量技术文件。
The survey mainly consists of three sections including writing skill self-efficacy writing task self-efficacy and writing moderators .
问卷的维度包括写作技能自我效能感、 写作 任务自我效能感和写作效能感的调节因素。
Switching from a manual writing task to an automated process for generating technical documentation requires the administrators to write programs and scripts for automating these processes .
从手工 编写 文档转换到自动生成技术文档要求系统管理员编写自动执行这些过程的程序和脚本。
Here are some pointers on how to go about the writing task .
关于这 项 写作 任务,以下有几点建议。
Effects of Semi-structured Writing Task on Adult L2 Vocabulary Learning
半结构式 写作 任务在成人第二语言词汇学习中产生的效果
Fourth peer feedback brought improvements in a new writing task generally .
第四,从整体上来讲,同伴反馈对新的 写作 任务的流畅性和准确性都有帮助。
In the experiment a writing task involving 60 subjects was designed consisting of written output comparison and two revisions with both qualitative and quantitative approaches employed .
实验设计了一个 写作 任务,包括写作,比较和两次修改,涉及60名实验对象,使用了定性和定量相结合的研究方法。
Questionnaire and interviews were done after writing task was finished .
写作 完成之后对学生进行了问卷调查和访谈。
We advocate the subject in the writing task reasonable foreseeability of writing the positive method for resolving .
所以我们提倡 写作主体合理预见 写作 任务,在写作之始积极感知,寻求化解之法。
Both studies contained a writing task and peer feedback activities .
两项研究各自包含 写作 任务及同学反馈活动。
Based on these previous studies this thesis is trying to investigate the writing task knowledge in the perspective of avoidance strategy used in writing test situation .
本文基于元认知知识和 写作策略的研究,试图从回避策略的角度出发,研究中学生在写作测试环境下的 任务元认知知识。
This study investigates seventy Chinese non-English major freshmen ' English language learning motivation vocabulary mastery level and their introspective reflections of how they made dictionary strategic choice and deployed their strategies while they were carrying out a text-based reading task followed by a sentence-making production writing task .
本研究调查了六十二名中国非英语专业大学一年级学生的英语学习动机以及在完成基于 文章的阅读任务和 造句 任务的过程中使用词典时是如何选择并实施词典使用策略的。
This paper conducts an analysis of the current state of college English writing puts forwards some principles for the teaching of writing and then explores some teaching methods such as creation in prewriting mutual revising global grading and design of the writing task etc.
文章对大学英语写作现状进行了分析,提出了大学英语写作教学应遵循的原则,并从写前创思、互动修改和整体评价、 写作 任务设计等方面对英语写作教学进行了探讨。
From the very beginning it is a brief introduction about the meaning of addressing the writing task and academic review in chapter one .
第一章绪论,对 选题的意义、学术史背景以及研讨方式和资料来源作简要说明;
When describing a map ( writing task 1 ) can we use north south east west even if no compass is shown ? Yes I often do .
短 作文中,描述地图时,如果没有出现指南针,是否可以使用东南西北?可以,我经常这样做。
They can accomplish their writing task perfectly in a relaxing writing environment .
很多学生都能在轻松愉快的课堂氛围中完成 写作 任务。
There should also be time to read the Writing Task material carefully and purposefully .
还应抽出时间仔细而有目的地看看 写作 题的材料。
In this dissertation I first reviewed the characteristics of a communicative writing task and test rubrics and then by fully considering the situations of Chinese students I put forward a few example tasks for the future writing sub-test .
文中作者首先评论了交际性 写作 任务和指令的特点,然后结合中国学生的实际,举出了一些可适用于将来大学英语考试写作测试的写作任务实例。
Computer can analyse speed response time correct rate of completing writing task .
书写 训练 的 作业完成速度反应时正确率等可由计算机进行分析。
Capturing a user 's interaction with a command-line application is not just a writing task .
捕获用户与命令行应用程序的交互不只是一个 写数据的 任务。
An integration of writing task with writing process enables students to develop a thorough understanding of English writing .
将 任务与过程有机融合,有助于学生透彻理解英语 写作。
Can we use symbols like $ and % in writing task 1 ?
在 短 作文中,是否可以使用$、、%等符号?
Capturing such images is not just a writing task .
捕获这种图像不只是技术 作家 的 任务。
No you shouldn 't try to explain reasons for the data in writing task 1 .
在 短 作文中,你不应该试图解释数据背后的原因。
Highly stressed people performed almost 50 per cent worse on a problem-solving test than a low-stressed group but their scores caught up after carrying out the writing task .
压力大的人群在解决问题的测验中的表现要比压力小的人差50%,但如果他们先完成 写字 任务,表现则会好很多。
美[ˈraɪtɪŋ tæsk]英[ˈraitiŋ tɑ:sk]