Should come to have to come but time is always written in water .
该来的总要来的,时间又总是 转瞬即 逝。
According to function of system require testing software of hand claw information perceiving system of the underwater robot is written by utilizing Visual C + + 6.0 under the environment of Windows in order to realizing the discern orientating demand of environmental goal under water .
根据系统的功能要求, 在Windows环境下利用Visualc++6.0 编写了水下机器人手爪信息感知系统测试软件,以实现 水下环境目标识别定位要求。
Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the LORD the spring of living water .
耶和华说,离开我的,他们的名字必 写 在土里,因为他们离弃我这活 水的泉源。
His promises are written in water ; he never keeps his word .
他的诺言是 转瞬即 逝的;他说话从来不算话。
The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water flowing in and out with the tide .
法律并不是刻在石头上而事像 写 在 水中,随著潮水流进流出。
This paper was written based on the 1979-1987 fishery resources investigations in inland water areas of Shandong Province .
本文汇集 1979&1987年山东省内陆 水域渔业资源调查 中有关贝类资源的部分写成。
His promises are written in water ;
他的诺言是 转瞬即 逝的;
美[ˈrɪtn ɪn ˈwɔtɚ]英[ˈrɪtn in ˈwɔ:tə]