written custom

[ˈrɪtn ˈkʌstəm][ˈrɪtn ˈkʌstəm]

[法] 成文习惯,成文惯例

  • Delphi written automatically grab the currently active form which involves a custom hotkey tray and so limit the number of program runs .

    Delphi 的自动抓取当前活动窗体,其中涉及到 自定义热键、托盘、限制程序运行个数等。

  • They kept also the feast of tabernacles as it is written and offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the custom as the duty of every day required ;

    又照律法书上所 的守住棚节,按数 照例献每日所当献的燔祭。

  • We have written custom monitoring daemons that run on all of the app server nodes .

    我们已经 编写自定义的监控守护进程,来监控所有运行中的应用服务器节点。

  • After you have written your post scroll down to the area titled Custom Fields .

    了文章后,下拉到标题为 自定义区的区域。

  • The main content of national cultural securities consists of four aspects spoken and written language security custom and habit security concept of value security and ways of life security .

    国家文化安全的主要内容包括语言 文字安全、 风俗习惯安全、价值观念安全和生活方式安全四个方面。

  • The clarity of a written constitution may give America an advantage over many European countries where unwritten custom has more sway .

    成文宪法的明确性或许可以使美国相对于许多欧洲国家具有优势,不成文 惯例在后一类国家中更具影响力。

  • These contracts were written in a variety of forms but law and custom made them similar .

    这些契约合同在 书面形式上不尽相同,但所依据的法律和 惯例大体一致。

  • Poorly written custom data structures .

    编写不佳的 自定义数据结构。

  • Properly written custom tags can allow a Web designer to create query and operate on data without having to write a single line of Java code .

    正确 编写 自定义标记可以让Web设计者创建、查询和操作数据而无需编写一行Java代码。

  • Ultimately we can say that written laws in this age is written laws of criminal because since from 6th century every countries in England had already compiled codes that were mainly about criminal law and were on the basic of custom laws .

    因为从6世纪以后,英格兰各日耳曼国家纷纷以 习惯法为基础制定了以刑法为主要内容的法典,所以可以说此时的 成文法基本上是刑事 文法。

  • The use of a DSL may have a significant impact on the tools that read the content written in the DSL & there is always a requirement to write a custom parser in this type of scenario .

    DSL的使用可能会对读取使用DSL 编写的内容的工具造成明显的影响&在这种场景中,通常都需要编写一个 自定义解析器。

  • Part three discusses the characters of Letter written on bamboo slips or wooden tablets and writing custom of the Qin Han .

    第三部分从出土的秦汉简牍信件和书写 惯例两个方面对秦汉简帛中 书信进行浅显的探讨。

  • Written in the custom A # programming language Axiom is a worthy tool for those inclined to explore algorithmic designs .

    Axiom是 使用 自定义A编程语言来 编写的,对于有意探索算法设计的人来说是值得的工具。