It is my belief that these represent the twelve signs of the zodiac : Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces .
我相信这是代表了 黄道上的12个星座,白羊座,金牛座,双子座,巨蟹座,狮子座,处女座,天秤座,天蝎座,射手座,摩羯座,宝瓶座和双鱼座。
She covered the walls with the signs of the zodiac .
她在墙上贴满了 十二 星座的标志。
We have the planet of passion truth and rebirth focused on the zodiac sign of responsibility integrity and leadership .
我们有于责任、正直和领导的 黄道 带标志集中的激情、真相和重生行星。
Maybe you know that we Chinese people have a kind of zodiac system based on twelve animals .
你也许听说过中国人用十二生肖动物作为 纪年 的 周期系统。
It 's a prediction of your month based on your zodiac sign .
根据你的 星座,对每个月所 发生的事进行预测。
Jennifer : No she 's wearing my Chinese zodiac sign .
珍妮花:没有,她是打扮成我的 生肖。
You and the Fish are probably the two most sensitive signs of the zodiac .
你和鱼儿是 黄道 带 里最敏感的2个 星座。
I bet I can guess your zodiac sign too !
我敢说我也能猜中你的 生肖!
Do you believe that blood types like zodiac signs can determine your personality ?
你相信血型会像 星座一样,决定一个人的性格吗?
Many Chinese believe their fate is tied to the zodiac symbols in the year in which they were born .
很多中国人认为自己的命运和所 属 的 生肖有关。
By twelve zodiac lovely animals combination of a fashion clock flourishes deduce .
由十二个可爱的 生肖动物组合而成的时尚时钟烂漫演绎。
According to the zodiac she is compatible with Aries and Virgo .
根据 星座 来看,她跟白羊座和处女座的人比较合得来。
Jennifer : Well thanks a lot ! I bet I can guess your zodiac sign too !
珍妮花:呃,真是多谢了!我敢说我也能猜中你的 生肖!
One of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided .
黄道 带被分成的个相等区域中的 任意一个。
Celebrate Chinese New Year in Shanghai with festive cupcakes depicting the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac .
和我们一起用我们精心制作的十二 生肖纸杯蛋糕来庆祝中国年 吧!
They make no mention of the fact that nobody 's all Scorpio or all any one zodiac sign .
他们忽略了一个事实:没有人是“绝对的天蝎座”或是其他任何一个 星座;
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac representing of thought .
双子座是 十二 宫的第三 个 星座,代表 头脑矫捷。
Images on China 's zodiac stamps and papercuttings are often bearded goats .
中国 生肖邮票和剪纸上羊的形象往往都是带胡须的山羊。
You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac .
你或许是黄道 带中最具品味的 星座。
A diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place .
展现特定的时间地点的行星和 黄道 十二 宫位置的图表。
If you map out the Zodiac then you will have good fortune in your future .
如果您地图出 十二 生肖那么您将有良好的财富在您的未来。
Uranus is in Neptune 's zodiac sign and Neptune is in Uranus'zodiac sign .
天王星是海王星的 星座在天王星和海王星;
Taurus zodiac sign born are advised to avoid confrontation with partner at romantic front .
建议 金牛座的人在浪漫面前应避免和朋友的冲突。
I got angry at first but then I realized he was talking about my Chinese Zodiac symbol .
一开始我很生气,后来才知道,他说的是我的 属相。
We drew to your attention also that there are in fact 13 signs of the Zodiac .
我们也吸引你们的注意力,就在这里, 黄道 星座的真实13 宫。
Capricornus or Capricorn one of the constellations and signs of the zodiac is represented by a goat .
摩羯座或摩羯宫,星座之一和 十二 宫 图的符号,由一只山羊再现。
Several paragraphs ago I explained that my predecessors named their twelve zodiac signs after the twelve constellations .
前几段我解释我们的祖先用十二星群命名十二 黄道 星座。
Countless colorful zodiac stories and auspicious implies for our life added more good wishes and hope .
无数丰富多彩的 生肖故事和吉祥寓意为我们生活增添了更多的美好祝福与期盼。