utility factor

[juˈtɪləti ˈfæktɚ][juˈtiliti ˈfæktə]


  • The utility of the response factor model is not restricted to these processes or by the specific forms of analysis performed .

    响应 系数模型的 效用并不局限于这些过程,也不受进行分析的特定形式的限制。

  • In view of the leather material texture except the embossed leather the sensory evaluation of the male and the female to the emotion evaluation factor is highest to the sensory evaluation factor is next to utility evaluation factor is lowest .

    针对皮质沙发面料,除了荔枝纹皮,男女对情感评价因子感性评价最高,对感官评价因子感性评价其次,对 效用评价 因子感性评价最低。

  • Modeling analysis indicates the algorithm can gain significantly link utility factor more than single-session based approach .

    通过模型分析,该文算法所构建的组播树可以比单组会话计算方法获得较大优势的链路 利用

  • This article proposes the protection and the construction countermeasures from the programming plan the resources utility the ecological environment essential factor the suburb product and the urban environment sustain pressure as well as ecological environment depth development .

    本文从发展规划、资源 利用、生态环境 要素、城郊生产、承接城市环境压力以及生态环境深度开发等方面对城乡经济交错区的发展和保护提出了建议和对策。

  • Moreover the equation still includes three parameters : output elasticity of labor subjective utility discount factor and relative risk aversion .

    另外,该方程还包含了三个待估计参数:各产业劳动产出弹性以及消费者的主观 效用贴现 因子和风险规避系数。

  • As the spiritual product the software value includes three parts : the newly created value the inherited value and the transferred value . The utility becomes the primary decisive factor of software value .

    作为精神产品,软件价值包括新创造的价值、继承价值和转移价值等三部分构成, 效用成为决定软件价值量的最主要 因素

  • Experimental results demonstrate that the discharging device based on high-frequence PWM VSC can both discharge battery at a constant current and can transfer the energy of battery into the public utility with unity power factor .

    实验结果表明,基于高频PWM电压源变换器的蓄电池放电装置既能够实现对蓄电池的恒流放电,又能够将蓄电池的能量回馈至 电网,而且电流波形较好、功率 因数高。

  • Since the utility model adopts the normalized full-bridge commutation the power factor flowing to the electrical source system is1 and the current can be reduced greatly .

    实用 新型由于使用了归一化的全桥整流,故此流向电源系统的功率 因数为1,电流将会大大下降。

  • RIEMS + can decrease the transmission failure probability and increase the channel utility factor because it overcomes the drawback that nodes may have different cognitions on channel status which arises from the differences in propagation ranges of frames with varying transmission rates .

    该协议解决了在不同发送速率条件下,因MAC层帧头的传输范围不同而引起邻节点对信道状态认知产生差异的问题,从而降低了分组发送失败概率和提高了信道 利用

  • This method further considers the interaction of scheduling with allocation in the process of scheduling and presents a new form of energy function involving three factors : time cost and Utility Ratio . The result of allocation is treated as a factor of energy function .

    为了在调度过程中进一步考虑调度和分配的相互作用,提出了同时考虑时间、造价和功能单元 利用率的能量函数,将分配结果作为 计算调度方案能量函数的要素之一。

  • The utility of this model has been conformed and the factor of inertial caused by emergency motion of robot can be reduced by PD-PID control .

    证明了该模型的合理性和PDPID控制器对降低移动机器人紧急动作的本体惯性 因素影响的 有效性。

  • The main element that affect sensory evaluation factor is transparency while the other element that affect utility factor is special artistic effect additive .

    其中,材料质感意象感官评价因子的主要影响因素为透明度, 效用 因子的主要影响因素为特殊效果添加剂。

  • Capacity enlargement of existing hydropower stations is an economic and effective way to increase peaking capability of electric network and to improve utility factor of waterpower and operating efficiency of hydropower stations .

    对有条件的已建水电站进行扩机增容是增强电网调峰能力和提高水能 利用 及水电运行效率的经济、有效措施。

  • As a result the secondary can establish consider customer utility sales newsboy model . Thirdly set change size for impact factor using of Stress testing method to discuss your order inventory .

    由此,可以建立考虑顾客 效用的二次销售报童模型。第三,设定需求规模变化为冲击 因子,运用压力测试法,讨论订购量、库存受到的影响。

  • Cost is the efficiency of resource allocation in essence according to the author 's opinion the foundational elements of cost comprise the utility of resource and the factor of time .

    本文认为成本本质上表现为资源配置的效率,资源 耗用和时间 因素构成成本的基本要素。

  • The utility model is a traffic tool which can instead of walk and has a high safety factor and comfortable running feeling .

    是一种安全 系数高, 骑行舒适的交通代步工具。

  • Sample experiments have been done and the results show the wave of grid-connected current is better . It has the same frequency and phase as the utility grid voltage . The power factor of grid-connected is unity .

    实验结果表明,并网电流波形良好,并且与 电网电压同频同相,并网的功率 因数为1。

  • The best way to solve the problem of harmonic pollution of the utility grid and improving the quality of the utility grid is reduces the harmonic pollution and improves the power factor of the circuit by power factor correction technology .

    解决公用电网的谐波污染问题和提高 公用电网品质最好的方法就是使用功率因数校正技术,减少电路的谐波污染并提高功率 因数

  • Utility maximization is a general criterion on the allocation of production factor .

    效用最大化是 要素配置的一般准则。

  • Based on the prediction model of probability integration method the paper studied the utility method of mining subsidence dynamic prediction gave a formula for computing subsidence velocity factor .

    在概率积分法预计模型的基础上,提出了开采沉陷动态预计的 实用算法,给出了下沉速度 系数C的计算公式。

  • The utility model can eliminate the influencing factor of manual operation proficiency and can improve the accuracy of hardenability curve .

    实用 新型可排除人工操作熟练程度的影响 因素,提高淬透性曲线的准确性。

  • The value of information disseminators features and community tools utility which together affect the level of participation and disseminator features is the maximum factor .

    信息价值、信息传播者特征以及社区工具 效用三者共同影响社区成员的参与层次,信息传播者特征的影响则 最大

  • This article explains in detail the research results on alternative establishing about filling water system selection and operation about equipment specially for large variation range of operating lift the worst operating conditions the short time use and lower utility factor etc.

    针对充水系统运行扬程变幅大、运行条件恶劣,但使用时间短、系统 利用 较低的特点,从充水方案的确定、充水设备的选择及运行等方面作了分析研究。

  • The utility model can overcome the problems of low operating factor of the target material and low aggradation speed existed in the prior art .

    实用 新型可以有效克服现有技术存在的靶材利用 低和沉积速率低的问题。

  • Using the methods the relations between the power circuit and the distortion ratio of utility voltage the rating load the power factor and the VAR compensation conditions are then analyzed and the analytical expressions are derived .

    利用该方法推导出了功率电路设计所要求的各个部分与 电网电压畸变率、额定负载、负载功率 因数及系统是否进行无功补偿的关系,得到了明确的解析表达式。

  • The tourism employment estimating work has a certain value to the tourism macroscopic statistical work . Simultaneously it has certain utility and practicality to the tourism employment influence factor and the regional disparity research .

    旅游就业估算工作对旅游业宏观统计工作有一定的参考价值,同时,对旅游就业影响 因素和地区差异的研究也具有一定 应用性和实际性。

  • And makes an analysis of the influence of shortage and irrational disposition of auxiliary vessels upon the time utility factor of dredgers quantity of works labour cost cost of repairs and profits .

    分析了由于辅助船舶配套不足和配套不合理对挖泥时间 利用 、工程量、人工费、修理费、利润等因素的影响;

  • The utility model has the advantages of small size light weight and high electrical energy utilization factor and the process technology is higher than the separate type of a crankshaft .

    这样 不但 体积小、重量轻、电能利用 系数也高,其加工工艺只比机轴分离式高些。

  • The conclusions of research shows as follow : 1 . The experiment 's conclusions show that product material texture image perception space is made up of two dimensions sensory evaluation factor and utility factor .

    通过针对塑料材质实物的感性意象语意的勾选与分群实验,得出产品意象的材料质感意象认知空间是一个由感官评价因子和 效用 因子构成的两维空间。

  • The previous VoD system allocated static channel for every request and can admit less concurrent on-de-mand user due to the low utility factor of system resource .

    传统的视频点播系统为每个点播用户分配单独的静态通信通道,其系统资源 利用 低的缺点使得总体时间段上能并发的点播用户数少。