


  • Utopia is a clue of human history .

    乌托邦 观念是贯穿人类历史的一条线索。

  • In terms of eliminating the dual-split of Subject and Object Zhuangzi and Lukacs both construct their aesthetic Utopia .

    在对主客体二元分裂的克服方面,庄子与卢卡契都建构了自己的审美 乌托邦

  • Marx Upright Way Concrete Utopia ;

    马克思,直路,具体的 乌托邦

  • Utopia moreover we must admit quits its radiant sphere when it makes war .

    此外 乌托邦,我们得承认,一打仗就离开了自己光芒四射的领域。

  • The Boundary and Significance of the Moral Utopia in Socialist Modernization

    道德 乌托邦在社会主义现代化中的边界和意义

  • It was a state of mind an attitude that comprised the utopia .

    这是一种思想状态,一种态度,包含了 乌托邦

  • Your solar system went from a utopia to a place of great struggle to survive .

    你的太阳系脱离 乌托邦成为一个为了生存要付出巨大努力的地方。

  • I mean people are more content living in an imaginary utopia instead of facing reality .

    我是说,人们更满足于生活在想象的 乌托邦 世界里,而不是面对现实。

  • In a word literature is my Utopia .

    一言以蔽之,文学是我的 乌托邦

  • This is no longer some sort of fantasy Utopia .

    这并不是幻想中的 乌托邦

  • Huxley 's classic prophetic novel describes the socialized horrors of a futuristic utopia devoid of individual freedom .

    赫胥黎经典的预言小说描绘了未来主义 乌托邦中社会化的恐怖和对个人自由的剥夺。

  • Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny are back at it again and have found bunny Utopia in Cappadocia Turkey .

    彼得兔子和本杰明兔子又回来了,而且他们在土耳其卡帕多西亚发现了兔子 乌托邦

  • We weren 't out to design a contemporary utopia .

    我们并不是要设计一个现代 乌托邦

  • It sounds like you got yourself a little Utopia here .

    听起来你把这里当成了自己的 乌托邦

  • The term derives from Sir Thomas More 's Utopia ( 1516 ) which depicts an ideal state .

    一词源自托马斯先生更多的 乌托邦(1516),其中描绘了一个理想的状态。

  • Utopia : Fantasia . Fantasia . This is Utopia . How do you read me ?

    理想 :幻想曲。幻想曲。这里是理想国。我的信号你收得到吗?

  • Schiller 's theories of artistic beauty and aesthetic education are both based upon the construction of the utopia .

    席勒的艺术美与美育理论都是围绕这一 乌托邦的构建而 展开

  • Maldek was a utopia that was devoid of all struggle .

    马尔戴克是一个 乌托邦,那里没有所有的奋斗。

  • But Plato 's book is a utopia .

    但柏拉图的书 的确 乌托邦

  • Teacher say this country was founded as a utopia .

    老师说这国家刚成立时是一个 乌托邦

  • Or : this Utopia is beautiful but unfortunately today no one believes in Utopias etc.

    或者是说:这个 乌托邦 设想很美丽,但不行的事,今天没人相信乌托邦了。

  • Utopia will finally realize its perfect combination of philosophy with politics .


  • How would you regard more 's Utopia from this standpoint ?

    从这个观点来说,你如何看待摩尔的 乌托邦

  • For us this means that evolution is over ; the biological Utopia has arrived .

    对我们来说,这意味着进化已经终结;生物学上的 乌托邦已经降临。

  • My best time has gone and I have almost lost in the utopia .

    我最好的时光已经 逝去了,我几乎失去了?

  • The function and the levels of UTOPIA interface in the ATM-PON system was introduced .

    介绍乌托邦接口( UTOPIA 无源 接入 ATM&PON系统中的作用和乌托邦接口 分类 同时

  • Concrete utopia of Bloch represents the ontological concrete of Western Marxism .

    布洛赫的具体的 乌托邦则代表着当代西方马克思主义对具体性进行的本体论探索。

  • However due to the limitations of the times the perfect system of utopia is not impeccable .

    然而,由于时代的局限性, 乌托邦制度的完美性也不是无懈可击的。

  • In his Utopia More sharply criticized the dark reality of the English society .

    莫尔在 乌托邦》一 中对英国社会的黑暗现实进行了尖锐的批判。