



  • These reports are total and utter rubbish .

    这些报告 废话连篇

  • This of course is utter nonsense .

    这当然是 一派胡言

  • A child usually has utter trust in his mother .

    小孩通常 完全相信妈妈。

  • The Department was in utter chaos until he took charge .

    在他接管之前,那个部门简直 一团糟

  • Wutong trees third watch rain care not for the utter bitterness of separation 's sorrow .

    梧桐树,三更雨,不 离情正苦。(温庭筠《更漏子》)

  • The ship 's interior was an utter shambles

    船里面一片 狼藉

  • I hold those fools in utter contempt .

    根本 瞧不起那些蠢货。

  • Why don 't you utter a word ?

    你怎么不 开腔

  • Utter lack of faith in me !

    对我 彻底的不信任!

  • To my utter delight he lent me the money I needed .

    使我 高兴的是,他借给了我需要的钱。

  • This is utter nonsense ! or barefaced lies !


  • He uttered a snorting laugh


  • She had a lot to say but at the time she was unable to utter a word .

    她有许多话要说, 一时却什么也说不 出来

  • He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar .

    他是一个 彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。

  • He was in utter despair .

    他完全 绝望了。

  • A deserted old travelling palace | flowers in utter loneliness blush .


  • He was an utter stranger to us .

    我们 根本 认识他。

  • They departed without uttering a word .

    他们 一言不发 离开了。

  • A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face .

    他英俊的脸上掠过 一丝 大惑不解的神情。

  • While he despises incompetence and petty bickering he demands complete and utter loyalty .

    他鄙视无能和琐碎的争吵,要求完全和 绝对的忠诚。

  • She didn 't utter a word all night .

    她整夜 一言不发

  • When she heard the exciting news she choked up and couldn 't utter a word .

    当听说那个激动的消息时,她感到喉咙里 哽住了,一句话也 出来

  • He smacked his lips but did not utter a word .


  • In utter despair he committed suicide .

    一切 ,他 终于走上自杀之路。

  • In former times the Qin emperor ruled with utter disregard for principles plundering and enslaving the empire .

    往者秦为 无道,残贼天下。(《史记》)

  • What complete and utter balls !

    全是 屁话

  • D ɪ ck stood at the desk ɪ n a state of utter stupefact ɪ on star ɪ ng w ɪ th all h ɪ s m ɪ ght at the beauteous sally .

    狄克迷迷糊糊地立在桌子旁边,拚死命地盯着 天仙似的萨丽。

  • After the power failure the shop was in utter chaos .

    一停电,商店里 乱作一团

  • He kept moving his lips but could no longer utter a word .

    他的嘴唇 翕动着,可已经 话来。