abbr.Ultimate Tensile Strength 极限抗拉强度

  • It is feasible to forecast the casting UTS by measuring DAS but the effect of hole ratio on UTS should not be neglected .

    通过测定 间距来预测铸件的 抗拉 性能是可行的,但是孔洞率对抗拉强度的影响不可忽视。

  • The Unmanned Turret System ( UTS ) is the developing direction for future fire system . The UTS is relatively secure to the crew members when the tank and armored vehicle turret is hit with a high probability .

    无人 炮塔系统是未来火力系统发展的方向,在坦克和装甲车辆炮塔部分被命中概率高的 现实 情况下,无人炮塔对乘员来说相对安全。

  • Conclusion Defining the concept of ulnar tunnel and the knowledge of the complexity and rarity of UTS can effectively guide diagnosis and treatment .

    结论明确腕尺管的概念、 腕尺管综合征的少见及复杂性,可以有效指导临床诊断和治疗。

  • Compared with the steel without adding trace elements non breach impact toughness UTS and elongation were increased by 192 % 16 % and 65 % respectively but hardness was not obviously changed .

    与未加微量元素的试验钢相比,在硬度 基本 相同 情况 ,无缺口冲击韧性和 强度分别提高192%和16%,伸长率提高65%。

  • and YS ( yield strength ) and the value of YS / UTS increase through the followed artificial ageing with obvious loss of elongation .

    而其后的人工时效处理能明显提高 合金的屈服强度和 强比,但也明显降低了延伸率。

  • Compared with peak aging alloys the ultimate tensile strength ( UTS ) of two-step aging alloys reduced by about 13 % but UTS of regression-reaging treated alloys excelled that of peak aging alloys .

    同时发现,双级时效合金的 抗拉强度比峰时效合金的强度下降了13%左右,而回归再时效合金的强度优于峰时效合金的强度。

  • The results show that the addition of Y and Zn improves YTS values but decreases the UTS and elongation values of as-cast alloys .

    结果表明:Y、Zn元素提高了合金的屈服强度但降低了 抗拉 强度和延伸率。

  • The structure homogenization as well as UTS and elongation is related to tempering temperature time interlayer agent etc.

    其组织的均匀程度与 抗拉 强度、延伸率一样与回火温度、时间及中间层 合金 成份有关。

  • After heat treatment UTS and YTS of RS bars did not change obviously the E % improved 5.6 times .

    热处理后,快速凝固挤压棒材的 抗拉 强度和屈服强度均没有明显变化,伸长率却提高了5.6倍。

  • The output parameters of the model are three mechanical properties namely ultimate tensile strength ( UTS ) yield strength ( YS ) and elongation ( ELO ) .

    模型的输出为三个力学性能指标,即 抗拉强度、屈服强度和延伸率。

  • Influence of fibre length on UTS and reliability of mullite / zl109 Composites

    纤维长度对 M/ZL109复合材料 强度及可靠性的影响

  • Inspiration of Teaching Methods on Course of Initiatory Architectural from UTS

    悉尼 科技 大学建筑初步课教学方法启示

  • CW_PA ceramometal alloy joined by laser welding machine was tested by the UTS SEM and metallographic_examination . The good results show that it can be applied to the clinic .

    激光焊接 CWPA烤瓷合金,测试其力学性能,作金相,SEM分析,结果表明完全达到临床要求。

  • It is suggested that the pressure for solidification mostly affected the early and last dimension of the air holes and the last dimension of the air hole played an important role for the UTS of the mullite short fibre reinforced Al matrix composites .

    结果表明,气孔 残余孔洞初始尺寸和最终尺寸与 压压强有关,并显著影响莫 来石短纤维增强铝基复合材料的 拉伸 强度

  • Objective To discuss the concept of ulnar tunnel at the wrist the types causes traits of compression diagnosis and clinical significance of ulnar tunnel syndrome ( UTS ) .

    目的探讨腕尺管的概念, 腕尺管综合征的分型、病因、卡压特点、诊断及其临床意义。

  • At the same time the Ultimate Tensile Strength ( UTS ) has increased remarkably the transcrystalline fracture of tungsten particles is the major fracture form in the SEM fracture photos .

    合金强度也显著增加, 断口照片上显示钨晶粒的穿晶断裂为主要的断裂方式。

  • The improvement of YTS is attributed to the grain refinement strengthening of Y and Zn and to the solid solution strengthening of Zn . The reduction of UTS and elongation are caused by the precipitation of a compound phase along the grain boundary .

    Y、Zn元素的细晶强化及Zn元素的固溶强化是屈服强度提高的主要原因; 抗拉 强度和延伸率的降低是由于化合物相沿晶界析出。

  • In addition the mechanical properties ( including the UTS value and microhardness ) of the welded joints decreased compared to the welded joint without flux .

    涂覆 活性剂后,焊接接头的力学性能(包括 极限 抗拉 强度和硬度)降低。