utilization of heat

[ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən ʌv hit][ˌju:tɪlaɪˈzeɪʃɵn ɔv hi:t]


  • The positions of boreholes are projected for development and utilization of heat energy of the hot springs .

    从而确定了开发地下热水的钻孔位置,为当地政府 开发 利用 地热能提供了必要的资料。

  • Oxygen-enriched air blow for copper matte converter possesses obvious advantages of thermodynamics and kinetics which has a great potential in energy saving due to fume decreased . Energy saving model of Oxygen enriched blow process and the utilization of heat are studied on base of dynamic heat balance .

    冰铜富氧吹炼具有明显的热力学和动力学优势.由于烟气量的减少,节能潜力很大.本文在动态热平衡的基础上重点研究了富氧吹炼过程节能模型和富余 热量 利用

  • Analysis of Thermal Influence on Utilization of Heat Pipe Technology to Reinforce Frozen Earth Railway Roadbed

    采用 管技术加固冻土铁路路基的热影响分析

  • This paper introduces the methods of the recovery and utilization of waste heat and energy saving in the production of sulphuric acid .

    介绍了硫酸生产过程中 合理回收 利用 余热的方法及节能降耗的措施。

  • The new distillation process mainly included the side withdrawal technology heat pump recovery process reflow process and comprehensive utilization of heat as well as a re-design of the butanol separator .

    新工艺主要包括侧采工艺、热泵回收工艺、塔顶回流工艺、 热量综合 利用工艺及丁醇分离器的重新设计等。以醪塔为研究对象,对所建立的新工艺进行了实验研究。

  • Recovery and utilization of waste heat may reduce production cost and enhance competitive power of products .

    余热回收 利用的好,可降低生产成本,提高产品市场竞争力。

  • Step utilization of waste heat from tire production workshop on refrigeration and heating

    轮胎生产车间 余热在制冷采暖中的梯级 利用

  • The unique structure of the gas stove of the utility model leads the gas and air to be completely mixed to realize complete combustion and thorough utilization of heat energy .

    本实用新型燃气灶头独特的结构,使得燃气与空气能充分混合,达到充分燃烧,充分 利用 热能

  • Improving the utilization of heat energy of FCC flue gas

    提高催化裂化装置烟气 热能 利用

  • Some calculations are made for the utilization of waste heat in the tail gas from preneutralization pipe reaction and secondary ammoniation sections .

    介绍预中和反应的尾气与管 反应及二次氨化反应尾气混合洗涤后的尾气 余热 利用的有关计算。

  • Engineering Practice on Comprehensive Utilization of Surplus Heat Resource from 100 kt / a Zinc Smelting Project

    10万t锌冶炼工程 余热资源的综合 利用工程实践

  • Study of energy saving and utilization of waste heat in OIE manufacture technology

    油脂生产工艺中的 余热 利用 节能研究

  • The paper presents an introduction to the combined utilization of heat by a fertilizer plant 's self contained cogeneration power plant and its fertilizer producing installation .

    介绍了某化肥厂自备热电站 热能动力系统与化肥工艺装置间的 联合 利用

  • This study developes a new way for utilization of residual heat of particle material at middle-low temperature .

    该项研究成果为中、低温颗粒物料的 余热 利用开拓了新的途径。

  • Effective Utilization of Heat Energy for Fly-ash Cement Particleboard Made with Steam Curing

    粉煤灰水泥刨花板蒸养过程的 热能 利用

  • Feasibility Analysis on the Utilization of Residual Heat from the Gas in the Incineration System of Rural Small Medical Waste

    农村小型医疗废弃物焚烧系统烟气 余热 利用的可行性分析 加热炉废气的 热电偶

  • Improvement of calcination exhaust treatment process and utilization of waste heat in titanium dioxide production

    钛白粉煅烧尾气处理工艺改进及 余热 利用 研究

  • The Utilization of Ground-source Heat Pump System in East China Zoning and Prevention of the Geological Hazards in Wuhua County Guangdong Province

    地源 热泵系统在华东地区的 应用 研究广东省五华县地质灾害区划及其防治

  • In this paper utilization of heat released in the process of metallic corrosion is discussed .

    讨论了有关金属腐蚀研究中尚未涉及的一个课题:金属腐蚀过程中释 利用

  • Utilization of heat released in the process of metallic corrosion

    金属腐蚀过程中释 利用

  • Comprehensive Utilization of Heat Energy in Producing Artificial Board

    我厂在人造板生产中 热能的综合 利用

  • Utilization of Heat Energy in Flue Gas to Save Energy and Reduce Production Cost

    利用锅炉排烟 热量进一步节约能源减少成本

  • A method by theoretical computation and numerical simulation is discussed in the article to analyze the thermal influence on the utilization of heat pipe technology for solving the problem of the sinking frozen earth railway roadbed .

    文章采用理论计算和数值模拟的方法对 应用 管技术解决冻土铁路路基下沉问题的热影响进行了分析。

  • A mature foreign technology of recovery and utilization of heat from non-ferrous metallurgical slags is introduced .

    本文分析介绍了国外一种有色冶金炉渣显 回收 利用的成熟工艺。

  • If a freezing chamber and a drying chamber is separated from the drying chamber without insulation there are not a lot of heat loss so the utilization of heat energy economy .

    如果冷冻室和干燥室分开时,干燥室不需绝热,不会有很多的热损失,故 热能 利用很经济。

  • Utilization of Heat Pipe Exchangers for Energy Saving Under the Condition of Near Room-temperature

    管技术在近室温工况条件下节能 应用

  • Utilization of Heat of Reaction in Formaldehyde Production

    甲醛生产中的反应 利用

  • Effective recovery and utilization of waste heat ;

    热能回收与 利用

  • The energy-level balance and reasonable utilization of heat energy in dye-print works

    印染企业的能级平衡与 热能的合理 利用