utility power

[juˈtɪləti ˈpaʊɚ][juˈtiliti ˈpauə]


  • Babcock design supply and construct advanced boiler technology including super critical for the utility power industry .

    斗山巴布源设,供货建设括超临界技先 锅炉技。

  • Since most of the communication stations are directly used to power when a massive utility power utility and long time the way of station maintenance power needs to take scientific and reasonable scheduling method .

    由于大部分通信基站都直接采用市电 电力,当出现大面积和长时间 断电时,基站维护发电需要采取科学合理的调度方法。

  • Principle and Trouble Shooting of a Switching Power Supply Unit Without Using Utility Power Transformer


  • On Thursday Yukio Edano industry minister told local utility Kansai Electric Power to plan for possible rolling blackouts .

    上周四,经济产业大臣枝野幸男(yukioedano)要求地方 电力企业关西 电力kansaielectric power)为可能的轮流断电做好准备。

  • We need to analysis the connotation basic features main types and effect in our national economy about public utility . It provides a basic information platform to study legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power .

    我们不仅要分析公用企业的内涵、基本特征、主要类型及其在我国国民经济中的作用,为研究 公用 企业垄断 滥用行为法律规制提供一个基本的认识平台。

  • Beijing is not blind to the utility of soft power .

    中国并不缺乏 使用实力的眼光。

  • The utility company supplies power to central Japan including Aichi Prefecture the home of Toyota .

    这家 公用 事业公司向包括丰田汽车所在地爱知地区在内的日本中部 供电

  • According to the definition of corporate politics the article explains corporate micro-politics and discusses the source and efficient utility of power and then points out that power and power competition is the essence of corporate politics .

    文章根据企业政治的定义对企业微观政治进行界定,探讨了 权力的来源和 权力的有效 运用,并指出权力和权力斗争是企业政治的本质;

  • To improve the utility of the power companies of county-level with these methods and finally having found a more suitable performance appraisal system for the the power company in A district .

    在几种绩效考评方法的基础上,适当改进提高对县级 电网企业的 实用性,最终提出更加适合A区供电公司的绩效考评体系。

  • We should mainly study the regulation object the regulation scope and the regulation subject to establish the legal regulation of public utility abuse monopoly power by anti-monopoly law . It can make up the defect in present legislation .

    对于如何构建我国的 公用 企业垄断 滥用反垄断法规制体系,我国应主要从规制目标、规制范围和规制主体上进行研究,以弥补现行立法的缺陷。

  • The utility model power supply input wire and signal output wire wiring firm improve the reliability .

    实用 新型 电源输入线和信号输出线接线牢固,提高了可靠性。

  • As an important process machine heat exchangers are widely used in chemical petroleum utility power power machines and other process industries .

    换热器广泛应用于化工、石油、 电力动力能源、动力机械等众多工业领域。

  • Maximizing the Expected Utility with Power Utility Function from Terminal Wealth with Partial Information

    部分信息下的以 函数为 效用函数的终值最大问题

  • Via adopting housing policies such as housing Accumulation Fund policy housing subsidy policy etc. Residents family housing utility and purchasing power are remarkably improved .

    通过引入住房政策后,如住房公积金政策、住房补贴政策等,居民家庭住房 效用和购买 得到了显著提高。

  • Similarly in Kentucky this year the public service commission voted down a contract for a local utility Kentucky Power to buy electricity from NextEra Energy Resources in Illinois .

    无独有偶,今年肯塔基州公共服务委员会也否决了一家当地 公共 事业公司&肯塔基 电力公司的一笔交易,此交易将从伊利诺斯州的新时代能源基地购进电能。

  • Decommissioning of a public utility electricity power plant .

    解除公用 事业设施& 发电厂的运作。

  • The study was undertaken by Canada 's more prestigious energy companies including the utility and power generator Hydro-Quebec .

    这项研究由加拿大几家知名的能源企业承揽,其中包括 Hydro-Quebec

  • The drop of voltage amplitude in an extremely short-time can result in poor quality productions even scrap ones which not only brings huge economic loss to high-tech enterprises but induces contradictions between power utility and power customers .

    电压在极短时间内的突然降低,就可能导致企业生产的产品质量不合格、严重时产品报废,这不仅给高新企业带来巨大经济损失,同时在 供电 公司 企业之间常引发矛盾纠纷。

  • But given its utility and power the for loop deserves more attention so it 's the sole focus of this article .

    但就其 使用 功能来说,for循环更值得关注,所以本文单独讲述该循环。

  • Single-chip switch power supply ( AC / DC power IC ) has many virtues such as high integration level most cost effective lowest component count switcher solution and high performance . Its being used can form high efficiency insulated switch power supply without using utility power transformer .

    单片开关电源(即AC/DC芯片)集成电路具有高集成度、高性价比、简单外围电路、优越性能指标等优点,能构成高效率无 工频变压器的隔离式开关电源。

  • As an important power electronics device Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) systemis widely used for supplying critical loads which can not afford utility power failure .

    不间断电源(UPS)系统作为向重要 场合的关键负载提供不间断 电源的电力电子设备,得到越来越广泛的应用。

  • Problems of electricity quality caused by utility power supply facilities shall be solved without delay .

    公用 供电设施引起的供电质量问题,应当及时处理。

  • As a result voltage sag has been a power quality problem concerned greatly by both power utility and power customers .

    因此电压暂降已成为供电 公司 电力用户所关心的电能质量问题。

  • With the development of science and technology and the improved requirement of the client Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) system as an important power electronics device is widely used for supplying critical loads which can not afford utility power failure .

    随着科学技术的进步和用户要求的不断提高,UPS作为向重要场合关键设备提供不 间断 电源的装置,得到了越来越广泛的应用。

  • This paper presents a new method of analysing and designing the utility programs for power system dispatching by way of realtime system design approach .

    本文运用实时系统设计方法对 电力系统调度 应用程序提出一种新的分析和设计方法。

  • The moral views of school 's managerial personnel are contradictory between utility and power efficiency and equity government of and government by .

    学校管理者的道德观表现出了 功利 权利的冲突,效率与公平的冲突,人治与法治的冲突。

  • The developed piezoelectric pump can be driven directly by the utility electric power supply system and its flow rate can be adjusted by a resistor voltage divider .

    所设计的压电泵可直接利用 日常 照明 驱动,可通过电阻分压的方法实现压电泵的流量调节。

  • When cleaning the dumbwaiter lift the utility power of the lift must be cut off first .

    杂物电梯在清洁时,必须在切断电梯 动力 电源后进行。

  • The 111 utility power plants in question are those that currently emit more than 2.5 pounds of SO2 per million Btus .

    涉及到的111个 通用 发电厂,当前每百万英国热量单位释放的二氧化硫都超过2.5磅。