


  • Light is a transverse wave and an appreciation of its vectorial nature is of great importance .

    光是横波,对它的 矢量本性的了解是非常重要的。

  • By using the angular spectrum representation method and Rayleigh diffraction integrals the propagation of nonparaxial vectorial Gaussian beams was analyzed and compared .

    对非傍轴光束的研究方法作了总结,使用角谱表示法和瑞利衍射积分公式对非傍轴 矢量高斯光束的传输作了分析和比较。

  • The conclusion is that the vectorial effect influences more on the small-scale self-focusing than the non-paraxial effect .

    结果表明非傍轴和矢量效应都改变了自聚焦的强度和模式,而 矢量效应的影响更强。

  • The vectorial properties of paraxial beams propagating along the optical axis of uniaxial left-handed materials are studied .

    研究了沿光轴入射的傍轴光束在单轴左手介质中传输的 矢量性质。

  • Using vectorial laser equation the polarization feature of a relaxation oscillation laser is numerically analyzed .

    利用 矢量 激光方程分析了激光器弛豫振荡过程中光场脉冲的偏振特性。

  • Step-controlled Primal-dual Interior Point Method Implementation for Vectorial Dynamic Optimal Power Flow Calculation


  • A fully vectorial effective index method is proposed and used to study the dispersion properties of photonic crystal fibers in combination with the concept of normalized dispersion .

    提出了光子晶体光纤色散的 矢量有效折射率计算方法,并结合归一化色散的概念研究了光子晶体光纤的色散特性。

  • However I want you to appreciate the fact that the force from the surface onto this object is of course the vectorial sum between these two and that is what 's called normally the contact force .

    但是,我希望你们,明白,物体承受来自,表面的力,是这两个, 向量的合,这个我们通常,叫做触点压力。

  • The Algebraic Immunity and Nonlinearity of Vectorial Boolean Functions


  • Antialiasing Technique Based on Vectorial Graphics and Its Applications

    基于 矢量图形的反走样技术及其应用

  • The Study of Refraction and Vectorial Properties of Waves in Uniaxial Left-handed Material ; Transfer Matrix and Mode Eigenvalue Equation of Three-layer-material Plane Waveguide Formed by LHM

    光在单轴左手介质中的折射和 矢量性质研究含左手介质的三层介质平板波导的转移矩阵和本征方程的分析

  • A Method of Vectorial Angle to Judge the Coincidence Between Two Gamma-Ray Spectra

    一种用于判断高分辨γ能谱同一性的新方法& 向量夹角法

  • Of course this will only work for scalable ( vectorial ) font formats .

    当然,这只适用于可伸缩( 矢量)字体格式。

  • Its dispersion and nonlinearity coefficient are investigated simultaneously by using full vectorial finite element method .

    采用全 矢量有限元法,对其色散和非线性系数进行了数值模拟。

  • Generation and Focusing Property with High-Numerical Aperture Lens of Vectorial Polarized Beam


  • But of course the vectorial sum is really the force with which the surface pushes onto that object .

    但是, 向量和,也的确是斜面,施加在物体上的力。

  • Propagation properties of partially polarized partially coherent vectorial cosh-Gaussian beams through bifocal lens

    部分相干部分偏振 矢量双曲余弦-高斯光束通过双焦透镜的传输特性

  • Weak Efficient Solutions for Some Kinds of Vectorial Optimization Problems in Banach Spaces

    Banach空间中几类 向量最优化问题的弱有效解

  • Based on the above analyses An integral solution of the vectorial non-paraxial propagation equations is obtained .

    基于上述分析,得到了支配超短脉冲光束传输的 矢量非傍轴方程的一个完整积分解。

  • Therefore there is a total angular momentum which is the vectorial sum of the two .

    因此,总的角动量,有两个 向量

  • The dispersive and nonlinear properties of the microstructure fiber with hexagonally distributed air-holes in the cladding are numerically simulated by using the vectorial beam propagation method .

    采用 矢量光束传输法对空气孔包层呈正六边形分布的微结构光纤的色散和非线性特性进行了数值模拟。

  • We numerically study the surface plasmon interference formed by tightly focused higher polarization order axially symmetric polarized beams ( ASPBs ) based on the vectorial diffraction theory .

    基于 矢量衍射理论数值研究了利用高数值孔径聚焦的高偏振级次轴对称偏振光束实现表面等离子体干涉。

  • A vectorial effective index method is used to design photonic crystal fibers with flattened dispersion around 800 nm .

    采用 矢量有效折射率方法设计了在800nm附近具有平坦色散的光子晶体光纤。

  • Second a set of vectorial rotational variables were defined to describe accurately the element deformation .

    在该梁元中定义了一组 矢量 转动变量,以精确描述梁单元的几何变形,这种变量为 单元 节点 方向 矢量 分量 较小值。

  • Method : Compare the similarity of the fingerprints chromatography by coefficient of correlation and cosine value of vectorial angle .

    方法在 多维 空间中比较相关系数和 夹角余旋值来计算图谱相似度。

  • Research on Geometric Means Combination Forecasting Method Based on Vectorial Angle Cosine

    基于 向量夹角余弦的几何平均组合预测研究

  • The dynamics of vectorial coupled-mode solitons in one-dimensional shallow grating photonic crystals with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities is discussed .

    研究同时具有二阶和三阶非线性效应的一维 浅栅光子晶体中的 矢量耦合模孤子动力学。

  • Henig Vectorial Proper Efficiency in Real Linear Space and Its Scalarizations

    实线性空间中 Heing 向量真有效性和它的标量化

  • The Similarity Analysis by vectorial angel method showed the effect of interference matrices .

    通过 向量夹角法进行相似度分析 可以 帮助判断干扰物的影响。

  • The net momentum is the vectorial sum of these two which is this .

    总动量为,两者的 矢量和,也就是这个东西。