vegetable acid

[ˈvɛdʒtəbəl ˈæsɪd][ˈvedʒitəbl ˈæsid]

[医] 植物酸

  • Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Vegetable Oils in Equal-level of Linoleic Acid on Ruminal Fermentation and Fatty Acid Profiles in Blood of Sheep

    等亚 油酸水平添加不同 植物油对绵羊瘤胃发酵和血液脂肪酸组成的影响

  • Kimchi is a tradition of lactic acid fermented vegetable products lactic acid bacteria and live in gets of people love .

    泡菜是一种传统的乳酸发酵 蔬菜制品,富含 乳酸菌活菌和乳酸,深受人们的喜爱。

  • Discussion on Flavor Developing Effects of Vegetable Juice Fermented by Lactic acid Bacteria

    乳酸菌发酵 蔬菜汁的呈味作用

  • Palmitic oleic stearic and linoleic acids were found in the vegetable tallow ; besides these linolenic acid as well as two unusual acids 2 - decadienoic acid and 8 - hydroxy-5 6-octadienoic acid were found in the stillingia oil .

    梓油除了含常见的亚麻 、亚油酸、油酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸之外,还含有不常见的2癸二烯酸和8-羟基 -5辛二烯酸;

  • Discuss on Technology of Removing FFA from Vegetable Oil with High Acid Value

    酸值 植物油脱酸工艺探讨

  • Study on change of nitrite content during vegetable fermentation by lactic acid bacteria

    蔬菜 乳酸菌腌渍发酵过程亚硝酸盐变化研究

  • The role of biotechnology in the production of beverages is emphasized in the paper with the application of them to the production of beverage ingredients milk-containing beverages fruit and vegetable juice drinks lactic acid fermented drinks and health-beneficial beverages taken as the example .

    重点阐述了生物技术在饮料生产中的作用及在饮料原辅料生产、含乳饮料加工、 果蔬汁饮料生产、蛋白饮料脱腥、发酵 乳酸饮料及保健饮料生产中的应用。

  • The differences between diesel oil and the vegetable fatty acid methyl ester that was prepared from the residue of rape oil were studied .

    以菜子油油脚为原料制取 植物脂肪 甲酯,考察了该脂肪酸甲酯作为柴油替代燃料在性能方面与柴油的差别;

  • It is revealed that various vegetable oils all enhance the accumulation of Gibberellin Acid in the ferment by using Gibberella fujikuroi M143 .

    采用藤仓赤霉菌 M143进行赤霉 发酵时,不同种类的 植物油对发酵产素均有促进作用。

  • The physical and chemical characteristics of the waste vegetable oil and the components of fatty acid were studied . The results showed that the components of waste vegetable oil and the substitute fuel were very similar .

    研究了废弃 食用油的物理化学指标以及脂肪 的组成,发现废弃食用油的化学组分与燃料替代品的极其相似。

  • Effect of vegetable oil and fatty acid on the submerged fermentation of Grifola frondosa

    植物油和脂肪 对灰树花深层发酵的作用

  • The application of phosphate increases more higher yield of vegetable pea in the acid soil .

    酸性土壤上增施一定量的磷、钼,能显著提高 豌豆的 品质和产量。

  • Study on the Production of Vegetable Drink Fermented by Immobilized Lactic Acid Bacteria

    利用 乳酸菌固定化细胞生产 果蔬发酵饮料的研究

  • Synthetic chicken oil flavor by using vegetable oil amino acid and glucose according to Maillard reaction theory .

    植物油、 氨基酸 半胱氨酸盐酸盐、牛胺素盐酸盐、葡萄糖为主要原料,在水相中进行美拉德反应,利用油相吸收香气的方法合成鸡肉油质香精。

  • Changes of Vegetable Oils Acid Value in Microwave

    微波辐射下 植物油脂 酸值的变化

  • Study on Clean Diesel Oil of Vegetable Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

    植物脂肪 甲酯清洁柴油的研究

  • The processing technology and key points of vegetable paper which was processed from acid mustard were studied .

    芥菜为原料研究 纸型 蔬菜的加工工艺、操作要点以及各项理化指标的检测。

  • The dark green vegetable spinach contains folic acid that prevents problems in developing fetuses .

    菠菜是一种深绿色的 蔬菜,它含有的 叶酸可以防止胚胎在成长中可能出现的问题。

  • The effects of free unsaturated fatty acid ( FFAM ) and vegetable oils on pH total volatile fatty acid ( TVFA ) and pure cellulose degradation by mixed ruminal microbes were studied in a 4 × 4 factorial experiment with in vitro static incubation method .

    用体外静态培养法研究添加游离不饱和脂肪酸混合物(FFAM)和 植物油对瘤胃微生物培养液pH值、总挥发性脂肪 (TVFA)和微晶纤维素降解的影响。

  • Determination on Nitrate of Foliar Vegetable with Phenol-two-sulfonic Acid Method

    酚二 磺酸比色法测定 叶菜类硝酸盐的探讨

  • The effect of phosphatic and molybdic fertilizers on the Vegetable Pea in the acid soil

    酸性土壤上磷、钼对 豌豆效应的研究

  • Pickle is a traditional vegetable production with lactic acid fermentation which has two thousands of history .

    泡菜是一种独特且传统的 乳酸发酵 蔬菜制品,在我国有着两千多年的悠久历史。

  • Rice protein is a kind of high nutritious vegetable protein . Its essential amino acid compositions are balanced .

    大米蛋白是一种营养 价值很高的蛋白质,其必需 氨基酸构成完整,且具有低过敏性,适合做婴儿配方食品。

  • This product is nutritious and healthy with a special flavour of vegetable and fruit and lactic acid .

    产品既保留 果蔬汁的风味,又有 乳酸发酵形成的特殊风味,营养价值较高,有一定的保健 作用

  • Application of vegetable tannic acid in epoxy antirust paint

    植物丹宁 在环氧带锈防锈漆中的应用

  • Animal and vegetable fats and oils & Determination of acid value and of acidity Study on the influence of plant fatty acid desaturation on cold tolerance

    GB/T5530-1998植物油脂 酸价和酸度的测定植物脂肪酸不饱和性对植物抗寒性影响的研究

  • To provide a main reactant for the formation of meat flavor in the Millard reaction soybean was used as the raw material to prepare hydrolyzed vegetable protein ( HVP ) by acid hydrolysis .

    以大豆为原料,通过 解法制备 植物水解蛋白(HVP),以HVP为原料通过美拉德反应制取肉味香精。

  • It is well known that Rapeseed oil is one of the most healthful edible vegetable oil because of its high oleic acid content and low saturated fatty acid content .

    油菜油由于不饱和脂肪 (主要是 油酸)含量高,饱和脂肪酸含量低,是世界公认的最健康的食用 植物油之一。

  • The polluted vegetable status from acid precipitation pollution in Chongqing city were fully monitor studied by Remote sensing .

    运用遥感技术,对重庆市 沉降污染造成的 植被 受害状况进行了全面监测研究。

  • Study on the Test Method of the Edible Vegetable Oil Acid Number

    食用 植物 油酸价测定方法的探讨