user number

[ˈjuzɚ ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈju:zə ˈnʌmbə]


  • You will have to read these computer manuals sometime this week and he will assign you a user number and password to log on with .

    你必须在这个星期内找时间阅读这些电脑手册,他会批定给你一个 使用者 号码及口令以便开机操作。

  • As the increase of the user number as well as the accumulation of the user data the data stored and administrated in the storage system will grow certainly data organization and administration appear very important .

    随着 用户 数量的增加以及用户数据的累积,存储系统中需要存储和管理的数据也将不断增长,系统中数据的组织和管理显得尤为重要。

  • This scheme occupies only one wavelength so that the user number can be expanded using WDM .

    这种方案仅利用了单波长通道,可以结合WDM技术进一步扩展 用户

  • Simulation results show that although the distance measurement error is large the presented technology can achieve excellent result after very few iterations and the error will not be increased with increasing user number .

    模拟表明即使在距离估计误差较大的情况下,利用恒模算法的室内 用户定位技术仍能在很少的迭代次数后取得很好的定位效果,且定位误差不会随 户数目的增加而变大;

  • The user number to be serviced in the unit time by the unit storage of the proxy video server was considered in the efficiency model .

    通过对 常用 播协议的比较,利用效率模型对代理服务器的性能进行了详细讨论。

  • I want to keep doing this while I am not thankful for the user 's number .

    我想要一直这样做,当我对 用户的, 数字不满意。

  • In order to ensure system security user account number and password are needed before uploading .

    为了保障系统安全,上传前 用户需提供 账号和密码。

  • With the increasing of user number and the enhancing of their demands to the quality of mobile communication it is the stringent requirement of mobile communications service providers to set up No. 7 signaling monitoring system in order to guarantee mobile communication networks maintenance and optimization .

    随着 用户 增加和用户对移动通信网服务质量要求的提高,为保证移动通信网的运行维护及优化的需要,建立七号信令监测系统是移动通信网络经营商的迫切的要求。

  • With the increase of user number and data volume in network computing environment a single WAS cannot always satisfy the need for performance and reliability . It is necessary to improve the availability scalability and processing capability of WAS with clustering technology .

    随着在网络计算环境下 用户 规模和数据量的增长,单个Web应用服务器往往不能满足性能、可靠性等方面的需求,需要借助集群技术以提高分布式系统的可用性、可扩展性和处理性能。

  • This paper focus on how to attract lots of net user ( potential customer ) to visit enterprise Websites which make B2C user number achieve some volume . The study is actually meaningful for development e-business .

    本论文研究的重点在于网站建设前期,如何快速吸引大量上网用户(潜在消费者)访问企业网站,使B2C网站迅速达到一定规模的 用户 人数,对我国企业开展电子商务有理论与实际指导意义。

  • When the user number increased to some point the server could not serve users well even a single point failure will appear .

    用户 数量达到一定程度后,服务器就不能很好的为用户服务了,甚至出现单点失效的状况。

  • Next the joint optimization of the detection sampling number and the cognitive user number is studied to achieve the trade-off optimization between the overhead and the sensing performance .

    接着,为全面实现感知开销参量和系统性能的折中,研究了本地采样数与合作 用户 的联合优化。

  • However the difference between base station transmitting power levels leads to large differences in the service user number of various types of cells causing serious inter-cell load imbalance problem .

    然而,基站发射功率的差异造成各类型小区服务 用户 数目的巨大差别,导致严重的小区间负载不均衡问题。

  • Although the individuals whose search histories were detailed were not identified by name they each had a unique user number .

    尽管看不出那些其搜索历史被详细披露的人的姓名,但他们每人都有一个唯一的 用户

  • Huge user cardinal number and steady user growth are Tecent other business brings larger dominant position .

    海量的 用户 基数及稳定的用户增长为腾讯其他业务带来较大的优势。

  • In recent years the popularization of the Internet and the increasing of internet user number brought great convenience to our life and work .

    近年来,互联网得到迅速普及, 用户 骤增,给我们的生活和工作带来了极大方便和改变。

  • The complexity analysis reveals that the total complexity per binary ( TCB ) increases linearly with the increase of either the user number or the stage number .

    算法复杂度分析表明:OEH-PIC检测器的每二进位时间复杂度(TCB)与系统中的 用户 和检测器的级数都成线性关系,具有可实现性。

  • For example consider a voice application that begins by asking for a user ID number and a PIN ( like most banking or financial applications do today ) .

    例如,考虑一个语音应用程序,从询问 用户ID 和PIN开始(与当今的大多数银行或金融应用程序类似)。

  • This scheme effectively decreases the overhead of downlink feedback signaling as the user number increases .

    本方法减少了由于 用户 的增加来带来的下行控制信令的开销增加问题。

  • In dual-direction network it shows : the value of network relates to the square of user number .

    在双向网络中,该特性表现为网络价值与网络 用户 数量的平方成正比。

  • The telecommunication market has been saturated little by little with the development of China telecommunication industry from high speed to steady steps for many years . In order to further expand the market and user number each operator improves business innovation and quality of service .

    随着中国电信业的由高速到平稳的数十年发展,电信市场已经逐渐趋于饱和,各大运营商为了扩大市场份额和 客户占有率, 纷纷进行业务创新和服务质量的提升。

  • It analyses the influence of user number and embedding depth on the quality of watermarked images and extracted watermarks .

    分析了 用户 数量和嵌入深度对含印图像质量和提取水印质量的影响。

  • The sum data rate multi-user diversity optimal user number and fairness among users are evaluated by simulation . Thirdly the cancelling of inter-cell interference based on multi-user MIMO is considered .

    并通过仿真验证了不同方案的总速率、多用户分集、最优 户数 用户公平性问题。再次,基于多用户MIMO技术研究了小区间的干扰抑制问题。

  • For the small user number scenario we commit research on services capacity of current mobile network and for the large user number scenario we do research on the optimization of random access procedure .

    针对小 用户 的场景,进行了移动网络的业务容量研究;针对大用户数场景,进行了随机接入控制优化方案的研究。

  • In modern technology life with the rapid development of wireless communication systems the user number has a sharp increase . Interpersonal communication and communication systems play a significant role .

    在现代的科技生活中,随着无线通信系统的蓬勃发展, 用户 数量急剧增加,无线通信在人与人之间的沟通上扮演着相当重要的角色。

  • Although China C2C e-commerce transaction is of considerable size with large user number platforms are still exploring an appropriate profit model .

    中国电子商务C2C拥有巨大的交易规模和 用户 数量,但盈利模式仍在探索中。

  • When the user number becomes larger a channel norm threshold-based partial user feedback scheme is proposed . With reduced uplink feedback overhead it is still capable of achieving the same throughput scaling law as compared to full user feedback .

    进一步提出在 用户 较大的情况下,基于信道阈值判决的部分用户反馈策略,在降低上行信道反馈开销的同时,仍获得了和全部用户反馈相比拟的多用户分集和空分复用。

  • The capacity pole is presented in the form of throughput and max user number under some scenarios .

    这种理论极限容量以最大 用户 和系统极限吞吐量的形式给出。

  • And the impact of relay location and user number is also evaluated .

    文中还给出了中继节点位置和 用户 数目对系统性能的影响。