use in common

[juz ɪn ˈkɑmən][ju:z in ˈkɔmən]

[法] 共同使用权

  • We summarize the characteristic of emergency clinical thinking and some experience of the use of systemic thinking in diagnose and cure of common diseases in emergency medicine .

    介绍急诊临床思维的特点,以及系统思维 急诊 常见病诊治 应用的一些经验体会。

  • Also the performance impact of exceptions is not an issue for most common scenarios ; you should provide methods that are easy to use in most common scenarios .

    此外,对于大多数常见方案来说,异常对性能的影响不会构成问题;因此应 大多数 常见方案中提供易于 使用的方法。

  • Use the information in the pictures and in Common Accidents to write sentences using so and because .

    运用图片 常见事故的信息,用so和because造句。

  • The use of Internet references in academic literature is common and Internet references are frequently inaccessible .

    互联网参考 科研文献中的 使用 普遍的,并且互联网参考经常是不可访问的。

  • Mode Analysis on Use of Kernel of F1 Embryo Stage in Common Corn Single Hybrids × High Oil Corns

    普通玉米单交种与高油玉米杂交配套 利用模式分析

  • A conclusion is drawn in this paper based on an analysis of the characteristics of collective land use that the right of collective land use in China is not a common real right .

    从集体土地使用权特性进行分析,我 农村集体土地 使用权不是 一般意义上的用益物权。

  • The use of additives in polymer matrices is a common practice .

    使用添加剂 聚合物矩阵是一种 常见的做法。

  • Cure to use super a fog turn the machine in common use in breath a paroxysm treatment belong to the medical treatment apparatus of the universal type .

    医用超声雾化器 常用于呼吸道疾病的治疗 之中,属于普及型的医疗器械。

  • Making use of registered table manages computer system in common machinery ? room

    利用注册表 公用机房计算机系统的管理

  • The various methods of purification through the use of selective adsorption have several features in common .

    使用选择吸附的各种净化方法都有几个 共同特征。

  • The writing by analyzing the case study of the intellectual property rights piracy of archeological academic works and common scientific readings puts forward the protection range of intellectual property rights law and the definition of the rational use of academic works in common scientific readings .

    本文通过对一 悬棺葬考古学学术专著与考古科普读物的版权侵权纠纷的个案分析,提出了学术作品的版权法保护范围及科普作品对学术专著的合理 使用的界定。

  • The use of this technology in payment transactions is becoming increasingly common in Hong kong .

    利用智能卡技术付款,在香港已越来越 普遍

  • Public information graphical symbols for use in the map & Common symbols

    GB/T17695-1999地图 公共信息图形符号 通用符号

  • Optimum Currency Areas and Cost-Benefit Analysis are the main theories available for use as frameworks in feasibility studies of forming regional Common Currency Areas .

    最优货币区和货币区的收益与成本分析是建立区域货币联盟可行性分析的两 理论。

  • How can we use projects effectively in our classrooms avoiding many of the common problems ?

    如何 我们的教室中有效的 使用「方案教学」且可以避免掉 共同的问题?

  • Air bubble due to its unusual character it can 't use in strong intension construction ceramics it just use in common daily ceramics .

    气泡釉由于其特殊的性质,不适用于强度要求高的建陶,一般 用于 普通的日用瓷或艺术瓷。

  • How to use card in a safe manner should be common sense to all cardholders .

    答:“安全 卡”是每个持卡人应知应会的 常识

  • Lists all the step-by-step topics that use Windows Forms in common scenarios .

    列出如何 常见情况下 使用windows窗体的所有分步指导的主题。

  • The paper combines some cases to discuss how to use the present computer system resource in common enterprises to develop middle - small - size library computer management system software by using the Client / Severs technology .

    本文结合实例,对如何 利用 普通企事业单位的现有计算机系统资源,运用客户/服务器技术来开发面向中小型图书馆的计算机管理系统管理软件这一问题作了讨论。

  • Use of IGS Products in GPS Common View

    IGS产品 GPS时间比对中的 应用

  • In addition in US 's users half person sleeps when the side is putting the handset or other electronic installation and husbands and wives usually do not use in common the handset .

    此外,美国的用户中,一半的人睡觉时身边放着手机或其它电子设备,并且,夫妇们通常并不 共用手机。

  • In oil-gas well control operation both stand pipe pressure and casing pressure are important pressure data . We often use standpipe pressure to conduct well control in common well-killing operations .

    立管压力和套管压力是油气井井控作业中两个重要的压力数据, 常规压井作业 立管压力进行控制。

  • The use of objects in relation to the body is a common thread found throughout the works of these artists .

    与身体相关的物体以及对它们的 使用,是这些作品的 共同主题。

  • Moreover our island has managed to survive amid the Malay Archipelagos partly thanks to the use of English as the language in common use among its multiracial population .

    此外,我国的多元种族的社会背景,小岛国 英语为 通用语言,屹立 马来群岛的海洋之中。

  • The method has a high processing speed with high filtering efficiency common currency for different kinds of signals in real-time processing . Optimum Currency Areas and Cost-Benefit Analysis are the main theories available for use as frameworks in feasibility studies of forming regional Common Currency Areas .

    此方法具有处理速度快,滤波效果好, 通用性高的特点,可 应用 多种信号的实时处理.最优货币区和货币区的收益与成本分析是建立区域货币联盟可行性分析的两种理论。

  • These steps will show you which types of passes to use in some common situations .

    以下内容教你 一些 常见情形下如何 进行传球。

  • The EU is considering revising its data protection directive to make it easier for companies to collect and use data in ways more similar to those common in the US .

    欧盟(EU)正在考虑修改其数据保护指令,令企业能效仿美国的 常见做法,更容易地收集和 使用数据。