


  • During the infection the neurons gradually showed vacuolation and death .

    在感染过程中,被感染的神经元逐渐出现 空泡 变性进而 溶解、死亡。

  • The pathological changes of kidney were vacuolation in the the adrenal gland cell around head kidney vein dilation and gore of parenchyma vein antrum .

    头肾血管周围的肾上腺细胞发生 空泡 变性,细胞 出现 大小不等的空泡,实质血窦扩张淤血, 淋巴样 细胞 减少

  • Whereas in CP + CPABM groups the tumor cells shrunken with obvious pyknosis the surface microvillus disappeared free ribosome reduced notably in cells and mitochondrion in cytoplasm presented vacuolation .

    姬松茸复合多糖各剂量+环磷酰胺组可见肿瘤细胞体积变小,细胞核固缩明显,细胞表面微绒毛消失,细胞内游离核蛋白体明显减少,胞质内线粒体 空泡 变性

  • The situation of abnormal development of male cells is as follows : microspore mother cell can 't enter into meiosis because of intense vacuolation shrink and disintegration of its cytoplasm ;

    雄性细胞异常发育有几种情况:小孢子母细胞强烈 液泡 ,细胞质收缩解体,不能进入减数分裂;

  • It was noticed that omeprazole caused vacuolation in 11.2 % of all parietal cells .

    用洛赛克治疗后,11.2%壁细胞内 可见 空泡 形成

  • In middle-density group placenta spongiosa trophoblast cells enlarged and the normal cells decreased and cell vacuolation increased . The labyrinth was full of blood .

    中浓度组海绵带滋养叶细胞增大,正常细胞减少, 空泡 细胞增多,迷路带血窦扩张淤血。

  • By this stage the host cell shows characteristic vacuolation and other cytopathic effects .

    到此阶段,宿主细胞显示典型的 空泡 和其它细胞病理效应。

  • The increasing of microtubules decreasing of myofilament disruption of fixed apparatus of mitochondria dislocation vacuolation of mitochondria and the enlargement of T tube were observed .

    结果:升主动脉缩窄心衰鼠心肌细胞骨架中微管增加、肌原纤维减少、线粒体固定装置破坏、线粒体发生移位、 空泡 改变、T管 开口明显增大。

  • The early developmental process of mucilage cells is the same as that of oil cells but at the latter stage of vacuolation mucilage substance was produced in the cytoplasm near the big central vacuole and diffused into the central vacuole .

    粘液细胞的早期发育过程与油细胞的相同,而在 细胞 液泡 的后期,靠近大液泡的细胞质中产生粘液物质,并扩散到大液泡中。

  • It was found the effect of potash deficiency at first appeared in the parenchyma that was vacuolation such as the mesophyll of leaf the cortex of stem et al .

    发现在 水培 35 天至 54 期限内,缺钾对棉株结构的影响,首先反映在 液泡化程度较高的薄壁组织部位,如叶片中的叶肉薄壁细胞、茎的皮层部位等。

  • Symptoms such as hepatocyte tumefaction grain denaturalization vacuolation focal necrosis hepatocyte splinter cell plasm escape karyon pyknosis and cataclasm were observed on the pathological histological section .

    病理组织切片检查发现肝脏细胞肿大,颗粒变性和 空泡 变性、坏死,形成大小不一的坏死灶,肝细胞破裂,胞浆外逸,细胞核浓缩与碎裂。

  • At the different microspore developmental stages mitochondria with non-cristae or undeveloped cristae or vacuolation could not fulfill the normal metabolism function and the production of ATP was restrained so that the energy supply for the anther development was insufficient to cause the anther abortion .

    在不育系小孢子发育不同时期观察到无嵴或 不发达乃至 空泡 的线粒体,这些线粒体不能行使正常代谢功能,以致ATP产生受到限制,能量供应不足,最终导致花粉败育。

  • The mitochondrial vacuolation was occasionally observed in 2 cases of Rett syndrome .

    2例Rett综合征患儿融合细胞线粒体 可见空泡 改变

  • The degree of the vacuolation increased .

    细胞 内囊 化程度增加;

  • The neurocyte of cerebral cortex shows vacuolation degeneration .

    大脑皮层神经细胞有 细胞 空泡变性。

  • The change of Pathological parameters pointed that excess fat made the grass carp liver cell vacuolation increased the lipid droplets dispersed part of the hepatocyte nuclear enrichment side-shift or even necrosis disintegration following inflammatory cell infiltration .

    造模期间草鱼肝细胞 空泡 变性加剧,脂滴弥散分布,部分肝细胞核浓缩、边移,甚至出现肝细胞坏死、崩解,并伴有炎性细胞浸润。

  • Some mitochondria of the epithelial cells of renal tubules demonstrated vacuolation .

    肾小管上皮细胞线粒体 肿胀 空泡

  • The increase in volume during elongation is accompanied by a vacuolation of the cell .

    伸长时体积的扩大伴随着细胞的 液泡

  • Microscopically the tumor composed of epithelioid cells such as round oval or polymorphic cells with oval or round nuclei with eosinophilic cytoplasm and a usually slight degree of cytoplasmic vacuolation some by clear cytoplasm with abundant glycogen .

    镜下显示肿瘤细胞呈类似上皮细胞样的圆形、卵圆形或多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,胞质嗜伊红染色或部分 空泡 改变 ,也可表现为富含糖原的透明细胞。

  • RESULTS ① Neuroganglion fibrous layer showed vacuolation degeneration when ocular hypertension was maintained to 2 h.

    结果1高眼压缺血2h后神经节纤维层开始发生 空泡变性。

  • F loose change in hippocampal structure dyeing lighter cell sparse edema vacuolation .

    F组海马组织结构变疏松,染色变浅,细胞稀疏,有水肿 空泡 形成

  • But the more vacuolation of epidermis and cortex appeared in root-hair region .

    但表皮和皮层 细胞直到根毛区才高度 液泡

  • In the training groups muscular vacuolation of different degree granular degeneration and hyaloid degeneration were observed which were more obvious in the 3-week training group .

    训练组可见程度不一的肌肉 空泡 变性、颗粒变性和透明样变性等,以3周组明显。

  • Membrane of mitochondria swell and deformation transparency of internal matrix and vacuolation ;

    线粒体肿胀、变形、内部电子透明 空泡

  • The accumulation of starch vacuolation of multinucleate microspores and degeneration of anther wall affected microsporic embryogenesis .

    淀粉粒的积累,多核小孢子的 液泡 以及花药壁的衰退都可影响雄核发育。

  • The combined effects of quercetin and octreotide on cell ultrastructure of human breast carcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 : ( 1 ) Swelling mitochondria and vacuolation in cytoplasm and nucleolar margination were frequently seen in MCF-7 cells .

    槲皮素与奥曲肽联用对MCF-7和MDA-MB-231细胞超微结构的影响:(1)两药联用于MCF-7,胞质内出现较多的局部空化现象,多数线粒体 间隙肿胀,核仁边集。

  • TEM revealed expansion of paranucleus space and karyopyknosis of the bipolar cells the swelling of nerve fibers and disappearance of the synapses in the inner plexiform layer the vacuolation and disappearance of microvilli of the pigment epithelium cells .

    电镜显示双极细胞核周池扩张、核固缩,内丛状层神经突起肿胀、突触消失,色素上皮细胞 空泡 改变、微绒毛消失。

  • The results showed that chronic hypoxia caused body weight loss and decrease of adrenal weight atrophy and lipid loss of the zona glomerulosa swelling and vacuolation of mitochondria and increase of lysosomes .

    结果显示低氧动物体重下降,肾上腺重量减少,肾上腺皮质球状带萎缩,脂质丢失,球状带细胞线粒体肿胀和 空泡 变性,溶酶体增多。