vacuum drying


  • Effects of Microwave Vacuum Drying Technology on Sensory Quality of Apple Slices

    微波 真空 干燥条件对苹果脆片感官质量的影响

  • Investigation and analysis of the factors on evaporation rate under vacuum drying process

    真空 干燥过程中水蒸发速率的影响因素分析与研究

  • The paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum drying in transformer tank analyses machine set 's disadvantages during its used and puts forward the solving measures .

    介绍了对变压器油箱内实施 真空 干燥时的优缺点,分析了 真空机组改进前在使用过程中存在的问题,对此提出了解决措施。

  • Research and Application for Large Grain Vacuum Drying Equipment

    大型粮食 真空 干燥设备的研究开发及应用

  • Microwave vacuum drying technology and application in fishery product processing

    微波 真空 干燥技术及其在水产品加工中的应用

  • Use : the system uses in the ultracapacitor 's vacuum drying procedure .

    此系统用于中高端超级电容器或锂离子电池的 真空 干燥工序。

  • Characteristics of Heat and Mass Transfer in Wood during Radio-Frequency Vacuum Drying

    高频 真空 干燥过程中木材的热质传递特性

  • Study on Optimization of Combined Hot-air and Microwave Vacuum Drying Technology for Tremella fuciformis

    银耳热风-微波 真空联合 干燥工艺优化的研究

  • Dynamic Changes of Quality Characteristics of High-moisture Maize in Hot-air and Vacuum Drying Process

    高水分玉米热风和 真空 干燥过程中品质特性的动态变化规律

  • Vacuum drying is considered less practical since a pressure of0.15 mbar is required to obtain a similar final water concentration in the system .

    真空 干燥被认为不太实际,因为为获得一个在该系统中相同的最终水浓度,要求一个0.15巴的压力。

  • Mechanism of Thiosulfinates Changing in Garlic Slices during Microwave / Vacuum Drying

    蒜片微波 真空 干燥过程中硫代亚磺酸酯变化机理

  • This paper presents the types models technological specifications and the scope of application of freeze vacuum drying equipment especially how to select proper dryer by using these introductions .

    介绍了冷冻 真空 干燥设备的种类、规格、用途和选型方法,供使用冻干机的用户采购设备时参考。

  • Optimization Test of Litchi Vacuum Drying under Different Infrared Radiation Sources

    荔枝在不同红外辐射源下 真空 干燥优化试验

  • The Influence and Improving Measures of Water Jet Condensation Vacuum Pump on Vacuum Drying System

    水喷射真空冷凝泵对 真空 干燥系统的影响及提高措施

  • Its technical indexes accord with Chinese papermaking physical inspection equipment specifications Can also be used to other similar style of vacuum drying .

    它的技术指标符合我国造纸物理检验设备的规定标准;也可用于其它类似式样的 真空 干燥

  • There is great gap between theory research and current development about press plate wood vacuum dryer especially wood vacuum drying schedule which can not meet the requirement of production .

    目前,国内对于压板式木材真空干燥机的理论研究与实际还有很大的差距,尤其是木材 真空 干燥 工艺基准不能适应实际生产要求。

  • Effect of Different Varieties and Mature Degree of Banana on Vacuum Drying Quality of Banana-slice

    不同品种与成熟度原料对香蕉片 真空 品质的影响

  • Vacuum drying : Drying process in vacuum is fast and reliable especially for those evaporation prone liquid .

    真空 干燥:真空干燥过程快速,安全,对易挥发液体的 干燥尤为有效;

  • The rubber treatment of this product adopts advanced technology such as vacuum suction steam disinfecting and vacuum drying .

    本产品的胶塞处理采用先进的真空吸料、蒸汽灭菌、 真空 干燥 工艺

  • Electric vacuum drying oven

    电热恒温 真空 干燥

  • Study on the Equipment and the Characteristics of Eucalyptus Path in Vacuum Drying

    小径桉木 真空 干燥设备及 干燥特性的研究

  • Thinking of a new high production shirt unit with special vacuum drying ?

    思想的一个新的高生产衬衫单位特别 真空 干燥

  • Minimum heating time is over 50 % less than that of traditional vacuum drying oven .

    最短加热时间,与传统 真空 干燥箱相比加热时间减少50%以上。

  • Research for Measurement and Control System of Vacuum Drying Based on BP Neural Networks

    基于BP神经网络的 真空 干燥测控系统的设计

  • Effect of Vacuum Drying Conditions on Brown Rice Taste Quality

    真空 干燥条件对稻米食味品质的影响

  • Drying methods varied such as dried boil dry drying spray drying and vacuum drying but common drying methods are usually at0 DEG C or higher temperature .

    干燥的方法多种多样,如晒干、煮干、烘干、喷雾干燥和 真空 干燥等,但普通干燥方法通常都在0℃以上或更高的温度下进行。

  • Study on wave vacuum drying process of soya phospholipids

    大豆粉末磷脂微波 真空 干燥工艺研究

  • The result showed that loss of vitamin C of Pullulanase polysaccharide was much less than that of PVP K30 during vacuum drying and storage .

    结果表明:采用后者作粘合剂的维生素C泡腾片在 真空 干燥 过程中及其成品贮存 过程中维生素C损失量都小于前者。