vacuum breaker

[ˈvækjuəm ˈbrekɚ][ˈvækjuəm ˈbreikə]


  • On the theory of vacuum measurement with the structure of a vacuum interrupter and the specific characteristic of using a vacuum breaker vacuum degree on-line measurement in a vacuum interrupter applying the theory of Penning discharge is advanced in this article .

    本文从真空测量的基础理论出发,结合真空灭弧室结构和 真空 开关使用的特殊性,提出了应用潘宁放电原理在线测量真空灭弧室真空度。

  • Liquid-filled pressure vacuum breaker

    充液式压力 真空安全 装置

  • Experience and Effects of Automation of Vacuum Breaker

    真空 断路 自动化改造的经验与成效

  • In view of the actual circuits used in Pucheng Power Plant the overvoltage in switching motors using vacuum breaker has been measured so as to determine the overvoltage level in switching motors by using vacuum breaker of this type and the rationality of protection ways .

    本次试验针对蒲城发电厂实际回路进行 真空 断路 投切电动机过电压测量,以确定该型号真空断路器投切电动机的过电压水平及保护方式的合理性。

  • Now the vacuum breaker is used in power system as the major installation .

    现在,电力系统中普遍采用 真空 断路

  • The aim is to reduce the reignition rate and over-voltage damage from the perspective of the mechanical characteristics of the vacuum breaker switching shunt capacitor banks .

    最终的目标是从 真空 断路 机械特性方面入手,降低操作并联电容器组时的重燃率、并减小操作过电压危害。

  • The reason of vacuum breaker quenching pot vacuity reduction and the necessity of vacuity online monitoring are discussed .

    论述了 真空 断路 灭弧室真空度下降的原因、在线监测的必要性。

  • Characteristics of the SF_6 breaker and vacuum breaker

    六氟化硫断路器与 真空 断路 的特性分析

  • Calculation and analyses of permanent magnetic actuator of vacuum breaker

    真空 断路 永磁机构计算与分析

  • Application of Vacuum Breaker in Distribution System of Oil Field

    断路 真空改造在油田配电系统中的应用

  • So the vacuum degree in a vacuum interrupter is an important technology index that ensures the vacuum breaker functions of insulation and arc suppressing .

    因此,真空灭弧室的真空度是保证 真空 开关绝缘性能和灭弧性能的重要技术指标。

  • The Application of Alternating Current Synchronization Sampling in Vacuum Breaker Control Equipment

    交流同步采样在 断路 测控装置中的应用

  • At the same time the way of developing 750 kV EHV vacuum breaker is discussed .

    同时对 真空 断路 向750kV超高压等级发展的途径进行论述。

  • The vacuum breaker has many advantages namely simple structure convenient maintenance safe operation and being suitable for frequent switching etc. These products have been widely used in power system .

    真空 断路 具有结构简单、维护方便、运行安全和适于频繁操作等优点,已在电力系统得到广泛应用。

  • Vacuum breaker is widely applied in the reactive power compensation as the switch of shunt capacitor banks which will cause reignition and over-voltage after the switching performance gets deteriorated .

    进行无功补偿时广泛使用 真空 断路 作为并联电容器组的开关控制元件,其操作性能劣化后,突出的表现就是极易发生重燃和操作过电压危害。

  • Discussion on Necessity of Developing 750 kV EHV Vacuum Breaker

    论开发750kV超高压 真空 断路 的必要性

  • A Sort of Permanent Magnetic Operating Mechanism for Vacuum Breaker Powered by Super Capacitors

    一种采用超级电容器供能的 真空 断路 永磁操动机构

  • Voltage Vacuum Breaker Mechanical Characteristic Measurement

    真空 断路 机械特性参数测量及验证

  • Analysis of Causes for Anti-jump Relay Working in Vacuum Breaker

    真空 断路器中防跳继电器跳跃原因分析

  • This paper analyzes selection principle of mechanical parameters of a vacuum breaker and empirical data in theory combined practical experience .

    本文结合实践经验从理论上分析了 真空 断路 机械参数的选择原则及经验数据。

  • Generate Principle and Suppression Method of Transient Overvoltage Based the Vacuum Breaker

    真空 断路 产生暂态过电压的机理和抑制措施

  • Protection of Switching Surge Voltage of Vacuum Breaker in Water and Thermal Power Station

    水电及火电系统 真空 断路 操作过电压的保护

  • Some problems existing in intelligently choosing phase design for vacuum breaker

    智能选相型 真空 断路 的几个设计问题

  • From the design of operation mechanism and reacting force system of vacuum breaker during intelligently selecting phase ect . the design ideas and principles are introduced .

    从智能选相型 真空 断路 的操作机构、反力系统的设计等方面对其设计思路及原理作了介绍。

  • This paper summarizes the general situation of vacuum breaker development and comparison of vacuum breaker with SF6 breaker is analyzed .

    简述了 真空 断路 的发展概况,对真空断路器与SF6断路器进行了对比分析。

  • The Analysis on and the Treatment of the Common Faults of 10 kV Vacuum Breaker

    10kV 真空 断路 常见故障分析及处理

  • The Operating Over-voltage during Opening and Closing High-voltage Motor with Vacuum Breaker and the Control Method

    真空 断路器开断高压电动机的操作过电压及限制措施

  • The probability of on-line monitoring vacuum of vacuum breaker with the two acoustic emissions is researched . The analytical and experimental results show that the second method is feasible .

    探讨了利用这两种声发射波进行 真空 断路 真空度在线检测的可能性,分析及实验结果显示利用电极对屏蔽罩放电声发射原理在线检测真空度是一个可行的方法。

  • The recloser controller has logical structure applicable function high reliability and can protect and control effectively aerial line outdoors of 10 KV electric power with outdoors vacuum breaker .

    该控制器结构合理、功能适用、可靠性高,与户外 真空 断路 配套使用,能对电力10KV户外架空线路进行有效的保护和控制。