vacuum space

[ˈvækjuəm spes][ˈvækjuəm speis]


  • Now the technology of atmospheric and vacuum distillation process is mature with little transformation space and the main problem is high energy consumption .

    目前常 减压蒸馏流程工艺成熟、改造优化 空间小,生产中存在的主要问题是原油加工能耗高。

  • With excellent sealing strength wetting property with sealed materials and unique characteristic of thermal tolerance sealing glass are widely used in the sealing applications of vacuum engineering electronics space navigation and motor vehicle .

    封接玻璃具有良好的封接强度和对材料良好的浸润性,同时具有优良的抗热震性,被广泛应用于 真空和微电子技术、 宇航和汽车等众多领域。

  • Measuring slightly over one tenth of a millimeter the ball moves toward a smooth plate in response to energy fluctuations in the vacuum of empty space .

    这颗直径稍比百分之一公分大的球,会在 真空能量起伏的感应下,移向表面平坦的平滑 区域

  • The contents about vacuum metrology vacuum standard vacuum measurement and calibration and space vacuum measurement etc.

    介绍了真空计量、真空计量标准、 真空测量与校准技术、 空间真空测量等方面的内容。

  • A vacuum thermos cup is a design surpassing time and space .

    真空保暖杯,超越 时空的设计。

  • It is not possible to do absolute reviews on the design in a vacuum environment if their time and space coordinates are ignored .

    关于设计的评论问题,假如抽去其所处的时间和 空间坐标,在一个 真空的环境中进行绝对的评论是没有可能的。

  • We developed the ground VUV simulation facility for the research of vacuum ultraviolet irradiation and the compound effect of vacuum ultraviolet radiation with other space environments .

    为开展真空紫外辐射及 真空紫外线与其它 空间环境复合效应的地面模拟实验,研制了真空辐照模拟设备。

  • However in the long time the absence of individual morality has arrested our attention but the absence of collective morality is the actual reason result in the vacuum of space of moral liberty .

    当现存组织势力过于强大,道德 空间又未能建立,组织仍就代替个体思考时,集体性道德失 就会出现。

  • Light takes seven microseconds to cross a sample only eight thousandths of an inch long ; in the vacuum of space light would go more than a mile in the same time .

    光穿过只有八千分之一英寸长的试样需要七微秒,而在 空间 真空中,光在同样长的时间内可能会行驶一英里多。

  • The vacuum tubes took many space of the fuselage and the radar size is so big that the torpedo bay is hard to placed .

    真空管占据了机身很大的 空间,雷达尺寸太大导致鱼雷舱很难布置。

  • Space simulator is a large-scale ground test facility used to simulate the satellite environment of vacuum cold-black and solar radiation in the space in order to carry out the thermal balance and thermal vacuum tests for the development of the satellite .

    空间模拟器是用来模拟 空间 真空、冷黑及太阳辐照环境,完成卫星的热平衡、热真空试验,满足卫星研制需要的关键地面大型试验设备。

  • When we try to observe the world however we see nothing but vacuum of space with only stars floating in the sky .

    然而,从现实世界来观测,也只是看到那 真空 空间中所挂著一颗一颗星星而已。

  • Vacuum Environment of Terrestrial Interplanetary Space in Solar System

    太阳系类地行 星际 真空环境特性研究

  • Vaporizing ices from the comet included cyanogen and diatomic carbon both gases that glow green in sunlight out in the vacuum of space .

    这颗彗星蒸发的冰中含有氰和二价碳,在 太空 真空 环境下被阳光照射时,两种气体均发出绿光。

  • The heat transfer in the gas vacuum hot water boiler is large space boiling . The coefficient of heat transfer in boiling is calculated through the analysis of principle of heat transfer in boiling .

    燃气 真空锅炉中水的沸腾属于可润湿壁的水在大 空间的沸腾换热,通过对沸腾换热基本机理的分析,给出大 空间沸腾换热系数的计算式。

  • Methods : With the help of vacuum pressure transparent and prototyping space maintainer was made which was applied to maintain the space of the premature-loss deciduous tooth .

    方法:利用 空气压模技术制作透明的、可快速成形的缺 保持器,应用于儿童乳牙早失后缺隙的保持。

  • Vacuum phenomenon of articular space ;

    关节 间隙真空现象;

  • A vacuum is a space with nothing in it .

    真空是指不包含任何东西的 空间

  • Application of oil-free vacuum leak detection system in space environment simulation test

    无油 真空检漏系统在 空间环境模拟试验中的应用

  • Cooling is also a problem despite the extreme cold of the vacuum of space because there are no convection currents to move heat away from the router .

    原因在于太空是一个 真空 环境,没有空气对流现象,因此路由器上的热量无法被带走。

  • Perilla aldehyde was prepared by Isomerization of myrtenal Cu / ZnO as Catalyst . Effect of reaction temperature vacuum of the system space velocity of myrtenal on the reaction have mainly been studied .

    用桃金娘烯醛在Cu/ZnO催化下异构制备紫苏醛,重点考查了反应温度、 真空 空速的影响。

  • The solar collector can be devided into two kinds based on whether have vacuum space which are flat-plate solar collector r and the evacuated solar collector .

    按集热器是否有 真空 空间来分,一般可分为平板集热器和真空管集热器。

  • The blasting method with charging structure of vacuum space at the blasting - hole bottom is applied to the bracer digging engineering .

    在保护层开挖中,孔底 空腔装药爆破的方法被证明对保护建基面是行之有效的。

  • Spacers located in the vacuum space of a field emission display ( FED ) device will affect the electric field and the electron movement causing Secondary Electron Emission ( SEE ) and Charging Effects ( CE ) .

    在场致发射显示器(FED)中加入支撑会影响 真空 室内部电场分布和电子运动,从而导致二次电子发射和电荷积累效应。

  • The vessel consists of three parts : the outer part is a vacuum container the interlayer is a space for containing the precooling medium ; the inner part is the vessel for the cryogenic medium .

    容器分为三层:外容器是 真空容器,夹套容器是预冷介质 容器,内容器是低温介质容器。

  • An experiment taking the time series of composition unit of stirred tank reactor and vacuum distiller to simulate the space series of the continuous process was carried out .

    并通过搅拌釜式反应器与 减压蒸馏器组合单元的时间序列模拟连续化工艺过程的 空间序列进行了实验研究。

  • The vacuum measurement automation of the large space simulator

    大型 空间模拟器 真空测量的自动化

  • Either die in the vacuum of space .

    死在 真空 宇宙里。

  • But while a spaceship must simply be sealed against the vacuum of space a submersible must be able to bear extreme pressure if it is not to break up in deep water .

    宇宙飞船仅需要对 天空 真空密封,潜水器如果要在深水中不至于破裂,则必须能够承受巨大压力。