vacuum tube transmitter

[ˈvækjuəm tub trænsˈmɪtɚ][ˈvækjuəm tju:b trænzˈmitə]


  • The transmitter test results indicate that solid state switches could replace traditional vacuum switching tube and work reliably in high PRF high power radar transmitter .

    试验结果表明,采用固态开关串联完全可取代传统的 真空 开关,在高重频的大功率雷达 发射机中稳定可靠工作。

  • The maintainance of high power vacuum tube and the prolongation of its service life play an important role in the steady safety and reliable operation of TV transmitter and in saving of money .

    维护大功率 电子 和延长其使用寿命,对保障电视 发射机稳定、安全、可靠地工作和节约资金都起着重要作用。