



  • Your budget is not our uppermost concern right now .

    你的预算并不是目前我们 关心的。

  • Quality first Client uppermost Satisfaction of clients'need is our purpose .

    信誉第一、客户 至上、满足客户的要求&是我们的宗旨。

  • Oliver Twist being uppermost in his mind he made him his theme .

    最先 想到 奥立弗·退斯特,便 拿来作为话题。

  • The uppermost part of a shape .

    一个形状的 最高部分。

  • He saw what thoughts were uppermost in the simple woman 's heart .

    他知道,这个单纯的女人 念念不忘的是什么。

  • The children 's education is the teacher 's uppermost concern .

    孩子的教育是教师所 关注的。

  • In the car she reverted to the subject uppermost in her mind .

    在车里,她又提起了她 关心的话题。

  • Confronting with complex real-time working environment designing a high-performance reliable information fusion system is uppermost important .

    面对复杂实时的工作环境,设计一个高性能的、可靠的信息融合系统 尤为重要。

  • The evil side of life was uppermost .

    生活的邪恶方面 突出

  • Protection of sites habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority .

    保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是 中之重。

  • The children 's future is always uppermost in my mind .

    孩子们的前途一向是我心中 重要

  • The uppermost mission is increasing Russian people 's standard of living .


  • None of this is uppermost in your mind when you first meet her .

    你第一次见她,这都不是你内心 关心的。

  • The really good side of him was uppermost .

    他真正善良的一面是 重要的。

  • The child 's welfare is always uppermost in our minds .

    孩子的幸福一向是我们心目中 重要

  • But uppermost in our minds is the final destination .

    可是,我们想的 最多的还是目的地。

  • The uppermost watertight deck . I 'll have watertight windows fixed .


  • The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves .

    雨溅落在最 上面的树叶

  • The economy appears to be uppermost in people 's minds

    大家 心里最关心的似乎是经济。

  • As soon as Jem and his mother were left by themselves he began on the subject uppermost in his mind .

    等到剩下他和母亲两人,吉姆便提起他 心头 要紧的那件事。

  • Without that my greed would be uppermost .

    没有这一点,我的贪婪将成为 第一 的。

  • He gently examined the uppermost leaves .

    他轻轻地检查了最 上面 片叶子。

  • Small mammals being warm blooded suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulent environment of the uppermost trees .

    小型哺乳动物为了生存,要在树 顶端的暴露和混乱的环境中承受艰难。

  • John was on the uppermost floor of the three-storey gatehouse

    约翰在三层 门房的最高层。

  • You walked into the very room I was sitting in while you were uppermost in my mind .


  • But the lessons of the economic crisis will be uppermost in his thoughts he says .

    但他表示,经济危机的教训将是他考虑的 首要问题。

  • Social role rather than social status was uppermost .

    与其说社会地位还不如说社会作用 重要

  • Say whatever comes uppermost .

    最先 想到的说出来。

  • Development issues were also uppermost for the parliamentarians who met the Bank 's president .

    在议员们与世行行长的会见中,发展问题也是 首要问题。

  • That 's the question uppermost on Indian tennis aficionados'minds .

    说的问题 对印度网球爱好者的心灵。